Chapter 2

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1 year later

   Three weeks into summer and I was wiped out. I took on teaching a swimming class for kids at the pool and with Wyatt still working as a lifeguard throughout the year it made work fun. So I laid on my bed dressed from the work day hair finally dry and legs under my blankets thanks to the running AC. My eyes were heavy but stayed open tanks to Bones my favorite TV show was playing on my laptop. When my door opened and Wyatt walked in I couldn't help but smile. He promised he would come over and he never broke his word."Hey." he slipped off his shoes at my door then walked over. He got into bed next to me but didn't put his legs under the covers making me pout a little. He rolled his eyes and shoved them under the cover making the smile reappear. "How you doing?" he asked. I grabbed his hand and made him hold it up. I played with his fingers.

 He didn't care that I did these little things. Playing with his hair as we lay down watching a movie. Holding hands. Him carrying me. Even just laying together while I read and he sleeps. It's always been about the little things. 

"Good. Just really miss Lewis." I said. I curled up closer to him. I wrapped my body around him taking in his warmth. Lewis left for the army the day after he graduated. Worse it was on my birthday. I'm not used to living day to day without him. He's only at boot camp and it would last ten weeks then he would come home for a week but still, he's not here. He's not home. The only good thing was that he sold his truck and bought me a dark blue jeep for my birthday before he left. It wasn't white but it would do. Best brother ever I know. But our father is gone. We have a stepfather who flat out awful and a mom who doesn't care about anything except if there's wine when she gets home. Lewis didn't even bother telling them. But now I'm trying to figure out how  I can survive in the house without him.

What's worse is even for being my boyfriend Wyatt and my brother became pretty good friends but if Lewis died Wyatt would not live through losing someone to the army again. His father died while in Iraq when he was thirteen. He knows the pain and I know he doesn't want me knowing that pain. He and I both know that it might break me. Wyatt stroked my cheek with his fingers.

"I know. He'll be home soon." he gave my forehead a quick kiss."Besides Gina and Dylan have something fun for us to do tomorrow." I sat up all my hair going to on side. While thick it was still really soft. It was long too, so the only thing I wanted to do was chop it off. Something I have planned for later in the week. A surprise for Wyatt. But a relief for me.

you never realize how much hair ways wet until you start having a sore neck because of it.

"Really what?" I asked. Wyatt propped himself up onto his elbows.

"They didn't tell me." I grabbed my small show pillow and hit him. He laughed as he held onto the pillow but I pulled it away and hit him again.

"Not cool You know I hate not knowing things." He laughed as he grabbed the pillow and threw it off my bed away from me. He wrapped his hands around my sides and pulled me to him. I couldn't help but laugh as I held my weight looking down at him. I was now straddled over him."I'm serious."

"I'm serious too." He said. I rolled my eyes as he raised himself back onto his elbows and kissed me. After a second he pulled away.

"Wyatt." I said.

"Casey." he ran his hands up my arms so softy it made them tingle. He knew I hated it when he did that because it felt so nice and I would give in eventually.

"Like do you have a guess of what-Hey!" He started tickling at my sides. I of course freaked out flopping onto the other side of him pushing at his hands I laughed."No! Please stop!" I said in between laughing. I could hear him laugh."Please! Wyatt!" I said laughter still coating my voice.

"Okay." He stopped and put his weight on his hands near my head the same I did to him less then a minute ago."They will tell us tomorrow." he said.

"Fine." I said giving into what ever they had planned for us."I won't ask questions." I lied I totally would ask Gina. I had a feeling Wyatt knew by the eyebrow that was raised."Okay fine. I promise." His eyebrow fell and he leaned down giving me a kiss. After a few second it grew into more. Nothing that hadn't happened before but I was grateful for my mom and stepfather were away on a 'personal' trip for the next three days.

   Gina and Dylan had taken us to the water park. It was an amazing day. We even went to the movies and saw two movies. Wyatt went home with me and we just watched Bones."Hey, the boys on the team are throwing a party Friday night. Wanna come with me?" I sat up on the couch and looked at him with a smile.

"Of course. But I want Gina and Dylan to come. They need love lives. Maybe I can get...what's his name..Oh! Mikey! Maybe they'll like each other. For Dylan maybe Cathy from The cheer she's a little rude. I got it, Faith, she's sweet."

"And what then we'll become some magic six best friends?" I nodded my head.

"Also, they just need love lives. Single life is boring." I put one leg on top of his and wrapped my arms around his neck."I remember those days, and I don't miss them. Wyatt is the best. He's everything and more that I'd always wanted.

"Do you remember what being single is like because I don't. I don't like to look at memories that don't involve you." I couldn't help but smile.

"Funny and adorable, but still."

"Okay okay. I know Curtis has been pretty interested in Gina. He asked about her a few times. Mikey got with Valorie last month."

"Perfect. They shall meet. And if that fails I'll find her someone else. I kind of owe her you know. She pointed you out to me."

"I remember." I leaned over and kissed the part of his neck just under his ear lobe. His week spot."Yeah...I remember." I let out a laugh as I jumped off him and started running to the stairs.

"Oh no, you don't!" He chased after me and I let out a yelp as he caught me the top of the stairs. He pressed me against the wall a hand went around my waist and one on my neck."I love you." he said. I put my hands on his waist.

"I love you." I told him.

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