Chapter 4

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It's like drowning. In a room with the air being sucked out. Seeing Wyatt with Lily.

 Around three. I was still having trouble keeping it together. I still had to go to the pool to work in an hour for the kids swimming lessons. Wyatt would be there. I know him and he wouldn't stop until he talked to me and I can't talk. I don't want to.

"How about I call in for you?" Gina asked as she moved my hair back. It was hard to breathe much less get up and go to work. I couldn't answer. Me not answering was her taking it as a yes. She stood away from me and pulled out her phone. Dylan took her spot in front of me as I just laid on the couch. I felt like I was numb. I couldn't speak or move.

"I'm going to kill him," he said. Gina spent two hours trying to calm him down as I laid on the couch not talking just sobbing. My body was tired. I wanted to scream and cry but I didn't have the energy anymore. All of my tears gone and I couldn't produce more no matter how much I wanted to cry them"I am. I've got plenty of places to hide to the body." It was an attempt at getting me to talk laugh or move. An attempt at something. But I stared at the same place on the wall.

There was a knock at the door that made me sit up as I watched Dylan walk over to answer. I saw it when he opened the door. The anger he tried to walk away but I saw him. Wyatt, he tried to follow.

"Listen to me please," he begged.

"You son of a bitch!"Dylan yelled as he turned and punched Wyatt right in the cheek. I saw as Dylan shakes out the pain in his hand that I knew would need ice. Like I said a big brother, our protector. I jumped off the couch and Gina ran in. I watched as Wyatt stood back up straight and Dylan took a step closer to him punching him once more. Gina got to me.

"Go up to Dylan's room now." I nodded my head then left to the kitchen I made it halfway up to stairs before I stopped. I wanted to hear it. I need to.

"Dylan Stop!" Gina held. I could still hear the struggling."Stop it right now. It won't change anything!"

"I don't care!" I heard another hit. Dylan had a good arm no doubt that Wyatt was in some serious pain. If he was he wasn't showing it."You hurt her! My best friend. My sister. And you hurt her. I warned you went I met you to not hurt her. And you hurt her!"

"I didn't mean too! I don't remember anything from last."

"That's you're fault for getting drunk. You should have come with us."Gina said

"CJ told me to stay since I promised the guys. I only had two drinks."

"I would get out of here right now Wyatt. Don't even think about getting near CJ again because if you do I will do more then just punch you."That was Gina. Her brothers would do anything for her. I'm sure murder and hiding the body wasn't too far out of the question.

"Dylan you know I love her. I love everything about her. I couldn't do that to her. Especially not on purpose. Not even drunk."

"Well, apparently you were wrong. Now get out! Before I call the cops!" Dylan yelled. Dylan is good but angry he's scary. A few seconds later I heard the door slam. I held my knees to my chest. I heard Gina sigh."What?" Dylan asked. I could picture it now. The disappointed glare she was sending him. I've revived that look plenty of times. When I returned she spent a while calming him down from driving to his place and beating him to a pulp as she cared for me. Showing up at his doorstep was nothing short of an early Christmas present. Wyatt basically wrapped himself in wrapping paper and put a bow on top of his head.

The bow is the target.

"Why did you do that?" she asked.

"He hurt CJ!" he yelled at her.

"Dylan calm down before I beat you myself," Gina said calmly and collected.

Dylan shut up. Gina's the toughest girl in school. She knocked out the senior quarterback in our freshman year because he tried to force her to have sex with her. Of course, he and every male in the school learned not to touch her without consent after that. Even when I met her she was like that. Knocking a kid off a swing at five for hurting me was impressive. After that, how could I not be friends with her?

I spent that night and the next there at Dylan's. When I wasn't with them at his house they were at my house. He and Gina practically switched shifts on being my bodyguard. While comforting it felt restricting. I cried, they helped me. One month and a half into the summer. But three weeks till school started again. All of it, it was hard to do anything.

In less then a minute my world had crumbled into shards of sharp glass that if I step on I would break. I built my walls further up allowing no one in. In my mind I was sitting knees to my chest in a dark room with no light surrounded by broken glass. Glass that if I looked at it I would see all the good memories I shared with Wyatt and just sit there to wonder to any question I couldn't ask and didn't want to know.

"CJ?" I looked out from under my covers to see Gina. She held a white plastic bag."Are you hungry? It's almost one in the afternoon." She walked in closing the door behind her. My head and stomach hurt and I just noticed. I'd been asleep all day. Tiredness and having the will to do nothing I guess is a side effect of heart brake.

"I'm fine." I sat up pulling my hair all falling to one side. All I felt was weak and tired. Gina sat down and opened the bag revealing a to-go box from Antonios a small restaurant in town and my favorite in the hole world, their grilled cheese, and tomato soup; but also my favorite omelet with bell peppers onions with a side of maple sausage. I opened it and was met with my omelet. The smell of bell peppers and onions hit me hard. But something else hit me like a bag full of bricks. I knew that feeling and I made a beeline for the bathroom.

What's worse is I didn't have much but yesterday's dinner and water. All of what was, now gone in a matter of seconds. I gripped the sides of the toilet so hard I thought it would break. When my body decided it was done I sat on my feet head resting in the crook of my arm and trying to breathe."Casey?" Gina asked as she walked in. She hardly ever called me Casey. She only called me by Casey when she was worried or in a panic. The last month alone she's called me Casey at least ten times more then she has in the past two years. I flushed and closed the lit. I sat on the lit and looked up at her. She handed me my black hoodie. I put it on over my white tank top. It was a little big so it went past my work out shorts.

I watched as Gina sat on the edge of my tub looking at me. Whatever she was thinking I could tell it wasn't anything good. Her eyebrows pinched, eyes wondering only told me one thing was she was thinking whatever it was more of a crazy idea than a reality. "What?" I asked. She did nothing but stand and walk over to under my sink. I watched as she shuffled through my things till she found what she was looking for. She turned to me in her crouched position holding up my tampons."Do you need one?" I asked.

"No. But when was the last time you used these?" she asked

"I used them-" I tried to think back. When was the last time? I couldn't remember at all."I don't know." my blood ran cold. I knew it. Gina knew it. We were thinking the same thing.

Stress. Anything but what was going on in my head would be better. I would even take cancer over it."I think you're pregnant." Then it hit me again. I turned pulling the lid back up and emptying my stomach fully.

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