Chapter 7

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   I spent the night at Dylan's. While Gina and Dylan spent a nice morning in the back yard with a big breakfast, I spent my morning in the bathroom hunched over at toilet. I hated that. But from what I've read it goes away soon. I flushed and washed my hands then headed down stairs. I went to the back yard and sat on the padded lawn chair next to Dylan. I put my knees to my chest and put my head on Dylans shoulder.

"So we should talk about plans. What are we going to do?" Gina said as she held her cup of coffee to her lips. Coffee. I miss coffee. I loved coffee. Now I have to just dream of coffee.

"Can't we hold off on that?" Dylan asked. I could see it now. Them arguing over a lot of things. Like my parents. That what they were at this point. "It's been a day since she decided to keep it."

"Yeah but weather we like it or not we're going to have to eventually. The doctor said she's almost eleven weeks. I think we should start making plans now."

"She's right." I looked up at Dylan as he looked at me."The sooner the better."Dylan gave me a small nod the wrapped his arm around me letting me rest against him just perfectly.

"I made a list."Gina pulled out a notebook.

"Woman! It is nine in the morning." Dylan said getting a small chickle outnof me.

"I did it yesterday." She flipped to the right page and started reading off the list.

School? I'd start homeschool when I start to show. Work? I'd get a job as soon as I can. Baby things? Yard sales and thrift stores, but knowing Dylans mother also handy down."What about Wyatt? Are we going to tell him?" I bit my lip. I hadn't told them. But they would find out sooner or later.

"No. He's going to be to busy with Lily." I said.

"What do you mean?"Dylan asked. Looks like Gina didn't tell him out seeing Wyatt and Lily together while we were at the store. It be the first time actually admiting it. I didn't tell Gina that day when I came running to the car crying. I couldn't. I don't think I could now even If I tried.

"Wyatt is with Lily now. We saw them at the store."Gina answered.

"And.." Both looked at me. It took a lot to say the words. But I did it."She's pregnant." I saw Dylan's hand form into a fist. Gina's mouth dropped."He told me when we saw him at the store. Said he was only with her because he had to be. So no I'm not going to tell him. I'm just going to keep as far away from him as I can."

"Okay."Gina composed herself and I rubbed Dylan's arm hoping it would calm him down."Living?"

"She can stay with me. It's not like we don't have five extra rooms or anything." Dylan took a bite of his fruit loops."And my mom would be more than happy to have a baby around the house."

"Yeah, there is no way I'll be staying at my house. I've been told many times if I get knocked up to pack my bags and leave."

"I hate your Guardians," Gina said.

"Me too." I said.

"We'll do it today and tomorrow. Pack your things move them here." Dylan said as he pulled me a little closer.

   So after we got dressed we got boxes and borrowed, Dylan's father, Barry's truck. We also got some boxes. I was happy that my parents were at work and would be till late. The three of us together got alot of things done. We were packing the truck when the devil herself drove up. Dylan and Gina stood near to protect me. Dylan alone would scare her because of his big structure but Gina made it worse. She's always feared Gina. Every girl has.

"Hi CJ." Lily said with more perk then she should have."I have your things for you. You know from Wyatt's house." I looked to Dylan and Gina with questionable looks as Lily walked over with a box taped closed. "We're moving him into my place so he can help me know the baby." There it was the pain in my heart. "So, because Wyatt doesn't care about you anymore I thought it would be a good thing to do by giving your stuff back." Dylan took the box then dropped in to the ground."Any-" Her mouth dropped as she noticed the truck and the boxes around it and the few in it."Are you moving? Oh, thats kind of sad moving because of a guy."

"Girl you better shut you mouth right now before I-"

"What? Hit a pregnant girl? Please, even you aren't that mean."Lily said. After giving me a look like she had won she waved."See you around." She got in her car and left. I was so mad at her I could have beat her pregnant or not.

"Let's get going." Dylan said. We packed the rest of the boxes in the back and held them down with cables. I left a note of the fridge explaining I moved out. I didn't tell them where I was staying or why. Just that I needed to be on my own. 

Returning to Dylan's we started unpacking. I came across my photo album it started with pictures of me as a baby. It moved through my toddler years and into when I was a kid. So many pictures involved Gina, Dylan and me. Then it finally reached Wyatt. The time we went to the water park. The day we just wanted to stay in watch movies and I deiced to pull out the camera. And the day he tried to teach me to ride a skateboard. I always thought it was cool he could ride one. Me being the accident-prone I was okay with not because I'd be hurt more than I would ride. So he just made us both ride I put my arms out while he pushed the board. It was a fun day considering we fell and I got hurt as usual.

"Hey lunch is ready." Gina said as she popped her head in. I dropped the photo album on  my bed and walked with her.

We watched an episode of Supernatural while we ate the mac and cheese Gina made. It's her specialty. She's a good cook. Great actually. Everyone loves her food. She could open a restaurant and become a Five-star place with in a few weeks.

Dylan on the other hand while tried learning to cook with Gina failed. On a hole new level of failing. If he doesn't marry or get a girlfriend who can cook he'll be depending on fast food and delivery for the rest of his life. He'll be over weight in no time. Have a heart attack when he's thirty. 

"So I have an appointment set for next Wednesday at three is that okay with you?" Gina asked.

"Yeah. But I'll be looking for a job. But I will clear it for that."

"Good. We also have to get some prenatal vitamins. Also, get you some vitamin D because-"

"Hey." I said stopping her."Are you just going to take over this whole pregnancy?"I asked.

"Yes. If I'm going to be an aunt I'm going to make sure this is the safest, happiest, and healthiest baby ever."

"You're crazy."Dylan told her. She punched him making him hold his arm in pain. There's that mean punch. They bickered back and forth for a minute Dylan saying how I was a responsible girl and could take care of the pregnacy myself while Gina argued that everyone needs a little help. I was fine enough sitting there watching them and taking a little bite of heaven. The first time I could actually eat food and not feel sick right away.

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