Chapter 9

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"Okay one..two..three."I tossed the ball and Oscar caught it."Yes!" I said pumping my fist in the air. Oscar walked over to me. I scratched his head as he tried to climb onto me."You are such a good boy." He barked and I stood. Oscar followed as I walked into the dog room. We held at least 15 dogs at one time. He went into the room and grabbed his favorite toy. A football that squeaked. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey CJ." I looked behind me to see Aiden his sleeves rolled up."Mind helping me give Caden a bath?"

"Sure." I walked out closing the door behind me. I walked into the back where I saw Caden the 3rd golden retriever here. He saw me and came up to me sniffing. Aiden got him in the bath and I started wetting him down. We got shampoo on him and he started playing with the water.

"What are we going to do about Koda and Sitka?" I asked. Koda was the huskey. Beautiful and one of the sweetest dogs here. He was only a year old. Sitka was the boxer and was playful. Their owner dropped them off and never returned a week ago. We've been trying to find them a home but since they won't leave one another at all it's making it really challenging.

"I don't know. I can't keep them here another night."

"Well I could ask my friends mom see if it's okay we keep them at my house till we get them homes, I'll give her a call." I dried my hands and walked out of the room. I called Dylan and he answered on the third ring. He sounded out of breath.

"I'm out on a run what's up?" He asked. Dylan never goes out on runs. He hated running unless it was for sports. Somethings up but I'm not really in the mood to question it or deal with it at this moment.

"Hey, can I ask a huge favor?" I asked.

When Dylan said yes I was jumping with joy. After work, I was getting Koda and Sitka ready to go to my house. Aiden gave me food toys leashes."Thanks, Aiden." I said.

"No problem." He closed the door to my trunk then turned to me."Hey CJ?"


"Would you like to go get coffee or lunch sometime?" I was frozen. Eyes wide and heart rate increased. Is this seriously happening?

"You do remember I'm pregnant with another guys baby right? And seventeen" I asked. Aiden let out a small laugh. wasn't going to lie. I got along great with him. I caught myself staring when I shouldn't. But he was a looker and I have hormones running through my body it wasn't used to.

"I do."He crossed his arms."But I don't mind. Besides, I have a soft spot for babies. I see one I turned to blubber." I couldn't help but smile. I pulled my keys from my pockets.

"Aiden. You're my boss. Your Twenty Two I'm pregnant with another guys baby, and I come with a whole bunch of baggage." I could see the disappointment on his face but he hid it well."Plus...I just don't think I'm ready to..put myself in that situation again." I saw as a smile appeared on his face."What?"

"Nothing. But I would like to ask a favor." I raised an eyebrow."Help me find a date then." I couldn't help be let out a laugh."My family family. Because I'm not overseas anymore they don't see why I'm not in a relationship. That was the real reason I was asking you. I was mostly messing with you."

"Okay.." He leaned down allowing me to give him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll help you get a date soldier boy."

"I'll see you in on Monday." He walked back into the daycare and I got in my car. I was met by a lick on my face and saw Kota.

"Down boy." He backed off back into the seat. I drove by Gina's house and picked her up. Then drove to Dylans. Dropping down onto the couch was the only thing I felt like doing. And I did it.

Dylans mom loved the dogs and so was his dad surprisingly. They were trained really well and stole everyones hearts. It was going to be good having dogs in the house. Gina was on the floor playing with Koda a game of tug of war and when she fell back on her back she was attacked by a bunch of wet kisses. I could see this happening with the baby in the middle laughing in her lap and the dogs playing. 

I might not have wanted all of this to happen the way it has but it is. I couldn't be more excited. Actually being excited about all of this made me feel good. It feels like it's been a life time since I've been actually happy. That morning seeing Brian run to me and hug him that time was the last time I was happy. My life was simple. And weather I knew it or not I was prengnat when it happened. But no matter what I do I can't get the courage to tell Wyatt. I don't think I ever will. He hurt me. He can hurt my child. It's worse to be hurt by your father than have them just not there. My child will have everything and more.

Nighttime came and the dogs came to my room. Sidka took the doggy bed by Koda a little more attached took his spot next to me. Almost protecting me. He looked at me with his big blue eyes."You're a  really good boy." he nudged closer to me."You're going to love this baby I can tell Mr, Protector." I turned onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. My hand on the small bump on my belly. "We're going to be okay baby. I promise. I'll do everything I posibly cant to make sure you know you're loved. You'll have it better than I did. You have so many people here for you and your not even here yet."

We'll be okay.

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