Chapter 17

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The last day of true freedom. The last day of summer. The day when kids generally went all out. But seeing as I have work, two dogs, and a baby on the way I couldn't do what the others could. I sat on the back porch couch watching as Tory and Dylan played with Sitka and Koda. I still held onto the bear that Brian gave me. It still hurt me to see how much Brian was hurt. Lily ruined that too. To a boy who didn't deserve it.

"You feeling any better?" Dylan asked as he walked up grabbing his glass of lemonade.

"No." I played with the ears on the bear."I just keep thinking of this whole situation. It's not fair to him he's just a kid."

"I know." He sat down and wrapped his arm around my shoulder."But, It's our last day of freedom. Last day before we have to return to that dreadful place called school."

"Not helping," I said.

"I get this is hard...It's hard to deal with. But you're not alone. You'll never be alone. You've got your sister. Gina. Me. We love you. Never forget that." I nodded and he got up walking back to play with Tory and the dogs. I watched as the two of them played. Dylan grew a connection with Tory faster than expected. He took her under his wing.

The need for tea grew so I stood and walked inside seeing Dylan's mom on the phone.

"Yes. Thank you so much." She hung up and turned to me a smile on her face."I have news."

"What?" I asked as I grabbed the green tea bag and mug.

"It's official! I'm Tory's legal guardian." I couldn't help scream that escaped me. Together we sped walked outside. Tory and Dylan noticed so they walked up to us a little worried."It's official. Your adopted."


"Yes. I'm legally your mother." Tory jumped giving Annie a hug. She hugged back. After a minute they let each other go.

"This is amazing," Tory said running her hands through her hair.

"Yes. We are all going out tonight. We're going to celebrate. Where shall we go?"Annie looked between the children in front of her. 

"How about Kent's restaurant. He's got some of the best pasta in town."

"That sounds good I've been wanting some pasta," I said then rubbed my small belly.

"Perfect I'll make reservations." Annie walked away. Tory gave me a hug then ran inside. Gina walked out clearly a little distressed. Dylan came to my side and the dogs followed.

"Where've you been?" Dylan asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." She crossed her arms."We've got a visitor." I looked behind her and watched as Brian ran to me. He jumped into my arms and I held him close.

"She so mean to me. She call me dumb." he cried into my shoulder.

"Honey you're not dumb" I rubbed his back calming him down. He pulled back to look at me."I don't like her. Wyatt won't listen to me."

"You don't have to see any ever again if you don't want too," Gina said. She knew she couldn't keep that promise but she wanted him to feel better.."You call Wyatt," She said to Dylan who suddenly looked mad. I continued to rub Brians back as he leaned back into me. "Yell at him, if you don't I will. We're going to go shopping."

"Okay just be back by six mom is taking us to dinner," Dylan said as he pulled out his phone.

"Perfect." Gina grabbed my hand and the three of us walked out.

We went shopping as promised and even bought Brian a new toy. A stuffed fox and he held onto it as tight as he used to hold the bear. We bought me some clothes for school that would hide my belly, especially pants. It would amaze you how many people who work in the maternity clothes stores would just go right on and touch your belly. Like hello, personal space is a thing. The bubble is there. Don't pop it because there is a child growing in my uterus.

Other people in the store though just gave me a side glance. Yes, people I know I'm a pregnant teen I even found that out the same way most women do. Pee on a stick, one of the low moments for pride, but still. The only difference is they are married and their husbands are with them supporting them through all of it while I...I don't have the baby's father around, he doesn't even know...I have something they don't though..two best friends two siblings who are all here for me. Everyday in and out.

Besides I already disapprove of myself anyway. I don't need lecturing eyes making me feel worse.

"You okay?" Gina asked me as we walked out of checkout, bags at hand filled with clothes. Brian walking next to us looking happy as ever.

"Yeah. Just the looks. I'm fine."

"And I'm a unicorn." I looked at her eyebrow raised."Look forget about them. You have a wonderful life. They all might be married and have husbands but you have us. A new sister who loves you so much. A brother, who might be over seas, but he still loves you no matter what. Of course, two best friends who will never leave you for anything."

"I know." We stepped out the door into the parking lot.

Once home we got ready in nice clothes. I wore a white dress, a jean jacket, and my converse. Gina black dress, hair curled, and black heals that made her four-inch heels. Tory wore a mint colour dress that was strapless but had a soft mesh that covered her shoulders and chest and white flats that she borrowed from me. Annie was  Dylan of course just put on jeans and a nice baby blue button up t-shirt with shoes other than the converse. He wouldn't ditch them even for his wedding day. We took two cars, Gina, Tory, and Brian in mine while Dylan drove with his Mom and Dad, who returned from his business trip. Imagine his surprise after a three week trip he returns to his house to find a house full of teens and animals.

One word from his wife then he couldn't refuse or say anything. It was final on Annie's say.

All of us sitting at the table made up look like a family. An odd family but nun the less a family. Annie and her husband sat together. Both held glasses of champagne along with Gina and Dylan. Tory and I held glasses of water. "We are so happy to add you to our ever-growing and weird family Tory," James said. Tory put her hand in mine I didn't let go. I knew what this moment is for her. For her whole life she was never part of a family. Now she is. She knows she's being accepted. She's wanted. "And Annie and I both agree that we are happy to call you three girls our kids and that little one on the way our grandchild." He said. I felt as tears formed in my eyes."To family."With all clinked our glasses and took a sip our out drinks.

Our food came out and I'm not going to lie, it was amazing. The pasta made me and the baby very happy. We got pieces of chocolate cake for dessert. Best thing to do on the last day of pure freedom. Go out with your family and eat amazing food. It's that or be at home with the dogs thinking about how tomorrow could go and end up having a panic attack. I chose the best option and that included food.

I can only hope that tomorrow, or until I get into home schooling, goes okay. If it doesn't...I don't know what will happen.

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