Chapter 3

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"Come on Gina," I said as I started to go down the stairs. She met me at the bottom a minute later. I was driving Gina. Dylan was driving himself and I would meet Wyatt at the party. I wore my blue fitted dress that stopped mid-thigh with my converse. Gina wore a blue dress that showed her sides and back with a pair of flats. Her hair was curled mine was just straightened. The party was about a twenty-minute drive out. When we got near the house we started feeling the beat of the music. After parking, I texted Dylan and Wyatt. As we walked up to the porch I saw Wyatt in his black t-shirt and jeans, he's anything if not simple. I ran up to him and gave him a kiss.

"Hey guys where's Dylan?" he asked.

"I don't know. He should be here by now." Gina looked at her phone."If he backed down-"

"He didn't. He was really excited to come." I said.

"How about we go in have some fun. Dylan will text when he's here and we'll meet him out here.

"Sounds good." Gina ran in meeting friends from school when I got in I was pulled away by them as well. I had a chance to dance with Wyatt a few times till I was pulled away again. We'd been there an hour before we finally got a word on Dylan.

"Hey look at your phone," Gina told me. I pulled my phone from in the zipped pocket of my dress.

Hey. I have food poisoning from something I ate at my family thing. Can't come. But don't leave for me have fun-Dyl. 

I rolled my eyes. He knew we would leave for him."I'm going to tell Wyatt we have to go okay meet me in the car." I gave Gina my keys and found my way to the back where I saw Wyatt with his team mates. I walked up to him. 

"Hey! Anyword on Dylan?" he asked.

"He has food poisioning. Gina and I are going to go help him." I said.

"I'll come."

"No say here with the boys. You said you would come and hang out with them. So stay we've got it." I said. He gave me a smile.

"Okay." He gave me a quick kiss."Love you, drive safe." he told me.

"Love you too. Don't get too messed up, I can only handle one sick boy at a time" I said as I walked away. I got a glance at Lily who was giving me the eat-shit-and-die look. She's always hated me and for no reason. When I showed up with Wyatt around my arm, the new hot kid who joined the football team and was suddenly popular was dating the girl who preferred to read, listen to music, and take pictures that didn't exactly make that hate lessen. She's the cheerleader who's supposed to be dating the hot football player. She's dating Brandon the quarterback but she wants Wyatt. Every time I see her I just want to flip her my middle finger. 

So I did, with a smile.

When we got to Dylan's house Dylan's mom let us in right away. We'd practically grown up here we didn't need to be shown around. Both of us preferred his home over our own. We got to his room to see him sprawled out on the bed, clothes everywhere and he seemed passed out. 

"We've got our work cut out for us," I said glancing at the dirty dishes on the dresser. You'd think people who have maids and butlers that rooms would stay clean. Unless your Dylan and love your privacy and won't let anyone but your best friends and yourself touch your bedroom.

"He's lucky we love him," Gina commented before making a face that showed she was choking down vomit. Dylan's room did hold an odd smell.

We cleaned up his room then his bathroom. GROSS by the way. What is wrong with boys? But we still did it, a bottle of bleach later, the bathroom was clean. We got him saltines and ginger ale. And on a last-minute choice, we stayed there in his room just in case. I took the couch that was there in his room while Gina took the twin size bed that he had kept behind it for days like this. We stayed over a lot. If my family or Gina's was getting too much we head here.I call it my safe haven.

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