Chapter 20

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I could hear the voices around me. I opened my eyes to the bright light, teachers I recognized, and Wyatt. "CJ there's an ambulance on the way." The principal said. I looked up at Wyatt.

"CJ, are you okay? What happened?"

"She couldn't breath because that crazy bitch hurt her."Gina stepped near the principal. He stood and looked at her crossing his arms.

"Mrs Rodri-"

"Don't last name bull crap me, she drugged another student. She's a crazy-ass manipulator, we are pressing charges and that bitch is going to the nuthouse." Gina walked up to me."Are you hurt? Are you okay?" I nodded as I sat up. "Careful."

"Where is she?" Gina looked past the teachers and students and I followed her line of vision. The two cops that watched over the entrance had her in cuffs and she was fighting back. I could see the redness in her face and the blood running down her nose.

"Taken care of. She won't bother us." I heard the ambulance around the corner and Wyatt moved to crouch in front of me. His hands-on my face making sure I was looking at him.

"I'm so sorry," I said. I held onto his wrist.

"Shut up." He pulled me close as the ambulance pulled in. They parked near the sidewalk where we were and the students were forced to leave. They had me checked out and concluded it was a bit of low blood sugar and a panic attack. Not a good mixture to not eat before school and have the truth spilled to half the student body of the twelfth-grade class.

Annie showed up and gave them the insurance information. While adding Tory she added me as well. But Annie wanted me home. She didn't want me at the school and as Gina said she wanted to press charges on Lily. A world of hurt was going to come down on her. Two restraining orders and her reputation ruined. But I never do anything alone. Gina, Dylan, Tory, and Wyatt returned home with me and Annie. It was only the first day and we'd still have tomorrow.

I don't think I let Wyatt out of my vision and he didn't leave my side. But my odd family was wise enough to give us some time to talk. Everyone had left to grab dinner leaving me with Wyatt in my room. I laid on the small couch Wyatt in a chair by my side.

"I'm sorry," I said as I sat up crossing my leg under me. "I should have believed you."

"CJ stop." He looked so serious. He moved the chair so he faced me. He placed his hands in mine again. "What you saw that had no reason to. You were hurt and honestly, I believed it myself. I still don't remember that night. It scares me a bit. That's not what I care about. What about you? When did you find out?"

"Not too long after that day. I was so...I wasn't eating or doing much I just felt so broken. Then I started getting sick. I was almost eleven weeks." His mouth dropped. "I know...How did we not know? The thing was around that day I saw you in the grocery store. In the parking lot... I went to a clinic and was going to get an abortion. I was in so much pain and I didn't think I could be a mother. After all, look at mine. But I was laying in that room thinking about everything I'd miss or get the chance to do. My life if I didn't do the one thing I've always wanted. Now I can't picture life without him."

"Him...Him-It's a boy?" I just nodded. I just watched as the tears built in his eyes and he leaned forward wrapping his arms around me.

"We're going to be okay right?" I asked. After a minute he pulled away and looked at me. Holding my head our foreheads touching.

"We're going to be better than okay. We'll finish school, get jobs and our own place. Still, go to college even if it's one at a time. We'll be okay. We'll be the best parents we can be. We don't have to worry about Lily or anything. Not anymore." He walked with me back to the bed and laid down with me. His arms wrapped around me held onto me as tight he could. In a way, it was like nothing ever happened. But on the other, it's like two lovers separated for months by a war.

The anger I felt was replaced with sadness. Questioning if I had done something different would everything have happened. If I told him as soon as I found out would Lily still have faked her pregnancy? Or If I had gone through would he have been trapped in a relationship forced on by lies. The thought scared me. We couldn't change it. And at this moment I wouldn't. Everything is as it should be.

There was no telling how long it had been but the sunlight was gone replaced by the little light the moon gave off that slipped into the room. But space next to me was empty too. I sat up seeing my bedroom door opened a bit. I walked as quietly as I good going to the top of the stairs that let off in the kitchen.

"You sure you're okay son?" I heard Annie ask.

"Nothing a little therapy won't fix." I heard Wyatt say. "I wish I knew how all of this happened."

"I don't think I need to give the birds and the bees talk." I heard James say.

"Oh no...I meant with Lily. How she squirmed her way into our lives. How she messed with my head. She hurt a lot of people."

"Honey...There are things in this world that can change nothing. Then there are those that change everything. Lily has never been the most normal girl and when CJ had what she wanted she worked hard to get what she wanted. I'm not saying to forget and forgive her. It's impossible because of everything she's done to us. Our kids. But remember this might be happening for something bigger in life for you. To learn or earn from this." Annie was never one to pass up on a speech to motivate you to change the world. Even though everything She had her own doubts about the situation. Felt it was too LifeTime movie-worthy. These things don't just happen.

"Thanks, Annie. Thank you for being there for her when I couldn't be." I heard Wyatt say.

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