Chapter 14

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I sat on the floor with Koda and Sitka. Koda chewed on his chew toy while Sitka had his head in my lap. He seemed to be a protector of me lately. I held up my baby book and continued reading and used my free hand to pet his head. I wanted to find any evidence of what happened to Tory. She was obviously related to me by my mother but is younger than me. There had to be some pictures that showed it. I heard the door open and I stopped looking to see Gina."Hey, you okay?" She asked. I put the book down and I looked up at her. I just exhaled and nodded. I put the book down and looked up at my friend.

"Okay well, there's a doctor's appointment in about two hours. You should get ready."

"Okay, mom," I said with a smile.

"Thanks, honey, lunch will be ready in twenty." She blew me a kiss and walked away. I let out a laugh as Tory came to the door.

"Hey, can I come in?"

"Always." She came and sat down next to me. Koda came and started playing with her making Tory smile."What's up?" I asked.

"I wanted to know if you could help me ask Dylan's mom to foster me. I can't go to school, can't do anything medical, can't do a lot without a legal guardian. I really can't go back into the system."

"Hell she might adopt you, I can tell she loves you like she loves the rest of us. She knows people anyway. Honestly, I think she loves you more than me. "

"I highly doubt that."She said.

"You know what come to my appointment. Seeing fetus will make you very happy."


"Yeah well, I don't know if it's a boy or girl yet so I'm calling it Fetus until further notice. So please join me in looking at fetus."

"Okay, I wouldn't mind looking at my future niece or nephew."

   I hot in the shower and then got dressed in jeans, a white tank-top, and blue zip-up hoodie that would hide my small baby bump. When I finished my small makeup routine and blow-dried my hair I went downstairs and ate lunch. It was simple sandwiches, chips, some fruit too. When we finished the four of us got in my jeep, Dylan driving, and we were off to the doctors office.

   Laying down on that table with my shirt lifted revealing my small baby bump with three other people in the room beside my doctor Dr.Wyatt was a little weird but at this point who cares. Soon enough all of them will just be touching my growing belly when the baby starts to move and I have a watermelon for a belly. Dr.Wyatt put the cold gel on my belly then took the doppler and pressed it to my belly. My need to pee grew even more."Okay, look here."She turned the screen and we all looked."There is the head...arms...feet."

"Oh my god it's so cute. Can we get lots of pictures please." I lightly hit Gina and she hit me back.

"Can we tell the gender yet?" Dylan asked.

"No. It's still a little early for that. But we can do a blood test and have an answer in about fifteen minutes, we're lucky to have a lab right here."

"This is so cool." Tory said. I smiled then looked back to the screen. My baby was there. I saw a heartbeat. It all started to become more real. I could see my life with them...No matter how young or not even really ready I felt I knew I could do it. The room full of people around me proved it. They took some of my blood after but then told us due to a small delay in the lab I'd have to wait on the result. So they promised to give us a call. Until then my nerves practically hit the roof.

"We're going to the legal office. we'll be back." Annie said as Tory and I walked out of the house with her. I sat in the front with Annie and Tory sat in the back. I held Tory's folder in my lap. It contained her birth certificate and a bunch of other papers Annie's lawyer said we should need. It was a quiet ride to the office. Walking in I held Tory's hand. We got seated in a meeting room while we waited for the lawyer to show up.

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