Chapter 10

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I looked up at my ceiling while Kota was on my feet and Sitka laid just below my stomach. I put my hand on Sitka's and scratch him behind the ears."Come on boys. Let's go get breakfast." I sat up and the bogs jumped off my bed. As I walked out they followed me. They had been doing that since they got here. Following me, Dylan, or Gina. Even Dylan's mom. She loves them the moment she saw them.

Just after a few hours, Dylan's mom wanted to make them part of our weird family. Aiden was getting papers together that I would sign at work tomorrow.

"Morning CJ," Dylan said as he walked up to me a little bounce in his step. Dylan wasn't a morning person. He hated them in fact.

"Where's Dylan?" I asked.

"I'm right here. I just have good news." I raised my eyebrow and waited for these so-called good news. At the moment the only thing that seemed to feel like good news was he had blueberry waffles with strawberry cream cheese on it like it was toast. Cravings...there are so weird."Your grandparents are here. They gave me a hundred bucks." My jaw dropped.

"They're what?"

"Here in the back yard." I didn't notice but Dylan caught me from falling on my but."What's wrong?" He asked.

"My grandparents...They don't know about me do they?" He shook his head and felt a wave of relief, I knew that look on his face though. I know Dylan like the back of my hand."I can't tell them."

"They have to know that they're going to be great grandparents. Lucky for you I have it all planned out." He grabbed a gift bag that had black with white pok-a-dots on it. White tissue paper stuck out of the bag."It's a little onesie that says I have the world's best grandparents and a framed photo of your last sonogram. Don't worry Gina and I will be right there next to you."I nodded and grabbed the bag he put his arm around my shoulders.

He walked me to the back yard and I saw them. My grandparents who looked the same as I saw them last year. Grandpa had a little more white hair and my Grandma looked like she had lost or gained a few pounds can never tell since she wears those sweaters."Honey, it's so good to see you." My grandmother had jumped up a huge smile on her face. I felt bad that I was about to ruin this moment. Wheres, she's proud and happy to see me. Grandpa pulled out his camera and took a photo with his phone. I was amazed that they could work I phone almost as well as any teen today."I've missed you."

"Hey." My Grandpa said as he stood

"Sorry." Grandma pulled back allowing me to see her smile and big green eyes."We've missed you."

"I've missed you guys too." Grandpa hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. We all sat down at the deck table. Dylan next to me the whole time. "I have a gift for you." I handed them the bag."Well, Dylan picked it out," I turned to him" Without my knowing." I whispered to him as I sent a mean glare. I watched as he pulled out his phone and he smiles. I looked back at my grandparents as the started taking things out of the bag.

Grandma pulled out the onesie and Grandpa pulled out the photo of the sonogram. They looked at it for a moment the Grandma's jaw dropped. Grandpa soon followed."Your pregnant?" I nodded my head. There was a moment of silence."YAY!" I jumped from my grandmothers scream. She stood up and hugged me once more."I'm gonna be a great-grandma!" She turned to grandpa."Billy can you believe it!?" He stood and walked over giving me a hug while he laughed.

"This is wonderful," he said.

"Um...You guys remember I'm seventeen..not married." They both sat down holding tight to their gifts."Or in a relationship right?"

"What happened to Wyatt?" I opened my mouth to tell them. But nothing came out. I couldn't. I didn't want to see the disappointment on their faces for one but I didn't want to think about it again. Their bodies intertwined together. Lily pregnant.

"He cheated on her, she didn't know before Ms. Blake. But Gina, my parents, we're all here for her. helping her in any way we can. We all love her."Dylan said for me. He grabbed my hand under the table helping me stay clam. Not to cry.

"Honey I'm so sorry. I really liked Wyatt. Thought you two would be together forever. I'm normally a really amazing judge of people." She directed the last part to Grandpa.

"I was in the war. Can I kill him?" He asked Grandma.

"Grandpa!" I said.

"What. We practically raised you after your dead beat of a father walked out on you and your mother."

"I know Grandpa." I grabbed his hand."But I'm fine. I get better each day. I'm doing pretty well. I have a job and I've got school support lined up. Besides Dylan beat you to the beating."

"That's my boy."He high fived Dylan and I just looked between the two. Dylan and my grandfather have always got along. Grandpa loved Dylan and has always thought that we would be friends forever. Grandpa even knows Dylan's parents and they talk all the time. They come to parties when my grandparents throw the Christmas party every year. I'm not kidding when I say Gina and Dylan are families.

My grandparents stayed till after dinner then they went back to their hotel. They live a few city's away and it's about a four-hour drive so they just stay in a hotel close by. They stay for a week every few months. Gina had come just before they left as we sat on the couch my head in Dylan's lap and.

"Dylan?" I looked up at Gina and saw that there were tears in her eyes. I paused the show and sat up with Dylan who must have seen what I did."Do you mind if I move in?"

"Of course not what happened Gina?"

"My dad..He..." I knew what she meant. He's relapsed and bad.. Her father had a drunking and a drug problem. I guess it became an issue again and he couldn't hide it anymore.

"Say no more," I said. I hugged her."You don't have too."

"Thanks guys. I love you guys."

"We love you, Gina." Dylan wrapped his arms around us.

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