Chapter 12

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I looked at my belly. It was a sight I wasn't used too. Understandable seeing as I'm thirteen weeks. I could hide it easily with baggy t-shirts and hoodies and just sucking it in."There's my granddaughter." I turned to see my grandfather leaning on the door frame arms crossed. A big smile on his face. I walked over giving him a hug."Do you really have to go?" I asked.

"I do. But I'll be back don't worry." He kissed my forehead. "Focus on staying healthy okay? we can't wait to come back and see that great grandbaby of ours." I nodded my head. He gave me another smile and we left down the stairs to the main floor. I said goodbye to my grandparents and then they left back for their home. I was with Gina and Dylan. Annie came up to us.

"I was once a mom to one. Then I met you two. Now I'm a mother of three and a half." We all laughed."You're lucky I love you all." She gave us all kisses on the cheeks."That's why you will do me a favor."

"What mom?" Dylan asked.

"Go to the store. We haven't gone to the store in a long time and we're running out of food. But I have to get to the office. Then your father is returning from his business trip tonight so I need you three to make dinner."

"No problem Annie." 

"Thank you so much. Love you all." She walked up the stairs as we got our shoes on. I sat in the front since my nausea kicked in. Riding in cars was hard. But seeing as his mother wanted her favorite sausage we had to go to the one store I've been trying to avoid. The store Wyatt works at. Gina stayed with me picking up fruit while Dylan got the sausage in the bag deli area."Look if we see him..." she picked up an apple and put in in the bag I was holding."We just have to act like everything's fine." I looked around and saw many people but not him. I needed my heart rate to stay normal and calm. I played with the front of my shirt hoping my belly wasn't noticeable. Anyone who knew me before would notice a difference. Gina got as many healthy foods and got very few unhealthy foods. I grabbed a couple of jars of dill pickles craving finally setting in. Also a bag of chips flavored Dill. I have a thing for bitter lately. It's...weird.


" Cravings are weird man." She gave me a funny look and then gave in. "Yes, thank you." Gina is crazy. But I get it. She just wants me to be healthy. The baby and I are healthy. But sooner or later I will punch her from keeping me from delicious foods that my baby is making me crave. Look at me, I'm already blaming it on the kid. Perfect. 

Of course, since the bag was taunting me as we walked the isles I opened a bag and started munching on the chips. It satisfied my cravings and I was happy as a cat who ate the canary."Watch out." Gina stopped and turned herself and me around.

"What?"I asked.

"Nothing." I turned a little to see Wyatt restocking the shelf. I could tell he didn't look the same. He used to be happy and he didn't have to smile for you to know he was. He looked...different. He was no longer that Wyatt I knew. He was no longer mine. Then he looked over. Locking eyes made me whip back around and run. I saw Dylan holding the bags of fresh meat and ran right for him.

"Whoa hold up Flash." He said."Wheres the fire?"

"Isle six." I said.

"Really?"He asked. I hit his arm.

"No, I saw him can we please just go?"

"Yeah come on." I followed him to the cash registers where Gina met us. We got check out and left that store.

Getting home all I wanted to do was lay down, and that's what I did. I laid on the couch my head on Dylan's lap."Don't worry CJ. We've got you. We'll never leave you."

"I know," I said. He wrapped his hand around mine."I couldn't ask for a better family."

"You didn't ask in the first place."I let out a small laugh and we turned to continue with our shopping, getting what we had to, then leave. As we pulled out of the parking lot I felt emotionally drained. Getting home Dylan and Gina cheered me up by playing some games. My phone rang and looked to see Wyatt's number. A photo of him popped up. Suddenly my phone was taken away from me.  I looked up to see Gina. I watched as she hit the answer button and Dylan crawled over and held me his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"Stop it, Wyatt. I don't care if you made a mistake. But you can't change anything. Just leave CJ alone. She doesn't need you in her life right now." She hung up and turned to me. 

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. CJ he hurt you. I don't need my best friend to hurt again. Ever."

"Yeah. You're going to have to put up with us protecting you."

"I get it." I played with the edge of my shirt. I felt as Dylan kissed my head and Gina came over and sat next to me.

I couldn't help but think of a time Wyatt and I were okay. Happy and truthfully in love. Sitting on the couch ignoring the days where my mother wanted to yell at me for something. A day where he could let go and not have to worry about caring for his brother or helping his mother. We had so much ahead of us and adventures that could last us our lifetime. I couldn't help but wonder but connect my past with Wyatt with the future of our child.

Wyatt knowing or not knowing our child. What our child will think. That their father abandon them or didn't love them. I can only be sure of that they know if I knew he wouldn't hurt them, wouldn't rip apart something so good apart for no reason. Let them know that lies can slip out of someones mouth no matter how well you think you know them. Lies are inevidable. And you can't control it it. You can only stop it from happening again.

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