16-New Things About Him

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We laid next to each other for quite a well in the rain. I stood up until I realized we still have school tomorrow. My aunty is going to smash me tonight with my uniform wet.

 I tapped Jungkook on his shoulder and told him to follow me to shelter. His eyes opened up widely realizing it was raining. Wow. He's really stupid, he must off dozed off. 

"Come let's go find some shelter before our parents growl us for our uniform."

"What? I don't have a parent. I only have a aunty but I don't live with her, I live in a dorm with my other members"

"What other member? Your in a sport's group or something?"

"No you stupid, it's a kpop group. Have you ever heard of BTS?"




"Who the hell is Bee Te S?"

*End Of FlashBack*

I shook my head in disagreement of what he just said. Who's BTS? Am I suppose to know them?

"You really don't know who BTS is? I need you girl, wae? Do you know that song?

I still looked at him confused. He scratched his head in frustration. He looked into his bag and grabbed a photo. He placed the photo right infront of me. 

"You must know us now, right? It's our latest photoshoot for 'Run'. It was a very famous song in Korea"

"I'm so sorry Jungkook. I still don't know. You expect me to know every single group in Korea when I just came like a month ago?"

"How the hell do you not know any groups? Your the most complicated girl i've ever met. You know what? Let's go meet the members"

He called someone and asked if they could bring a person over to their dorm. After the call he grabbed my hand and we were running again. 

My legs were going to die from running at this point. After a while we stopped infront of a apartment. One by one they all came out calling Jungkook. 

And I can't lie but they were all hot.

 I stood there awkwardly waiting for them to finish their conversation. They all looked at me. They all individually introduced themselves 

"Oh annyeong! I'm Rapmonster but you can call me Namjoon. I'm the leader of this group"

"Hello, My name's Jin. I'm the oldest out of all us and also the handsomest"

"ANNYEONG! I'm J-hope. I'm your hope."

"Wassup! Swag is my name. It's actually Suga"

"Hello. I'm V. Jungkook is my son. Please treat him well."

"Hey Beautiful. I'm Jimin, I'm the muscular man."

I stared them down from head to toe. I blanked out from all the hotness happening right infront of me.

 I stood there quiet staring at them until Jungkook hit my back. I clicked back to reality and remembered I existed.

"Oh! Um...Hi i'm Sooyeon. Kim Soo Yeon. I'm 17 years old, I just came here from U.S.A about a month ago."

They all welcomed me and I felt so special.

"Heul. Jungkook she's a keeper, she's better than the last one. Who was it? Su...Suj-"

"Hyung! Shhhhh!"

Jungkook ran upto Jimin and covered his mouth with his hand. He hit Jimin in the stomach softly to tell him to be quiet. 

I stood there pissed. Dammit. Suji knew them first. He must be a player. Jungkook looked back at me and smiled. 

I couldn't resist his smile even when I'm mad. 

I'm really sorry the chapter is short. I felt really tired I just did this chapter in one shot that's why it's probs short. But yeah I decided to make 25 chapters. I feel like it's a good number of chapters. Thanks for reading xox KWANGKWANG

Ex-Bestfriend's Boyfriend | Jeon Jungkook Fanfic | EDITING. MAJOR EDITINGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora