23- ...

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I pulled out my hands and let my whole body loose...

Everything was in slow motion. Time felt like it suddenly stopped. Everything I heard was in slow motion. My whole existence left the world at that very moment...


I felt the tears slowly drip off my face. I was ready to die. I finally wanted to feel how freedom felt like. I was  finally going to paradise soon...

I imagine myself falling into petals, getting ready to bounce into the sky. But instead my hands gripped onto an angel. I open my eyes. Shocked, I see Jungkook. 

"Jungkook? What are you doing?"

"I'm going to be that one person to look after you. I'm going to be that person you can cry on. I'll be your punching bag. Anything! Just please...Don't die, I'm begging you."

I look at his arm, any second he's going to lose grip. My whole body in the air my only hope is him letting go. He groans while trying to pull me up, but I was going no where.

"Jungkook, just let me go. Just let me be"

"No. Your not going to die and that is it"

He gets a sudden energy and slowly pulls me up. I make it back up within minutes. I stand at the corner feeling timid about what he might do. Jungkook walks around while throwing a fit.

"Do you what would of happened if I let you go?"

"I would of  died..."

"Of course. You stupid!"

"But I wanted to die."

"Sooyeon. I know you must hate but I couldn't watch you die. You saved me when we were 17. Now it's my turn to save you"


The conversation became silent. I felt like exploding to Jungkook. After all these years I felt like right now was the right time to let go of my feelings. I had second thoughts about it but something just made me say it.

"Why'd you come back?.."

What do you mean?"

"Why'd you come back into my life?!? You had no idea how much I wanted to die when you let go of my hand when you left for Suji. If you never left me, I probably won't even have to be in this state?"


"If you knew how I felt, I'm pretty sure you'll want to die. Ever since I left, I thought it was for the better. I knew we never really went out but I still cared about you. I tried dating other guys but you'll always pop in my mind. I'm always afraid of them leaving me just like how you did."


"I've went to one of your concert so I can get that last piece of history gone of you forever. So I can realize how bad you are. But did it disappear? No. Everything I did. Jungkook appears in my mind. I tried commiting su-"

I suddenly get pushed into Jungkook's chest. I stand there awkwardly trying to avoid contact with his chest. He wrapped his arms around my back. 

"If it wasn't for you, I probably won't be doing this to you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't of notice that Suji was really not for me. If it wasn't for you, who would of saved you?"

I really hate to admit it but he was right. I snap back to hating him again. That hard chest had too many memories. I hate the fact that i'm falling for this bastard again. 

"I really hate you."

"I love you too, Sooyeon."

"What the hell?! I didn't say I love you"

"I know you love me. I can read your mind"

I push myself away from Jungkook and hug my knees. I shed a tear cause I know I have to face him all over again. I get the courage again and stand up and face him. I knew that if I faced him again, I had to properly introduced myself.

"I believe I haven't properly introduced myself yet"

Before I could speak anymore Jungkook put his hand out and spoke.

"Annyeong, my names Jeon Jungkook. Yours?"

I can't help but smile a bit. I shook his hand out and smiled back to him.

"Names Sooyeon. Kim Sooyeon, nice to meet you"

We shake hands and admire each others faces. I can't help but admire it.

It's been too long since I've seen this boy...

After the shake we walked down the stairs together. 

"What were you doing here?" 

"I live here. Our dorm is on the 5th floor. I just wanted to get fresh air after dance practice"

"Oh...that's good"

A suddne flashback of when he brought me here, finally clicked. It explained why it was so familiar.

We reach the bottom of the building and I waved goodbye to Jungkook. I plug in my headphones and walk alone until he runs up and stops me. I take out my headphones and he was gasping out for air.

"Where do you live?" 

"I live not too far from here, you don't need to walk me"

"Let's go, it's been ages since I've walked outside the building"


We walked in the night skies alone. It bought me back to when we went to find the sunset. I suddenly start coughing.

"Yah, this is why you shouldn't be out at night"

"I thought it'd be the last time I'll live that why I had no worries."

My nose starting getting runny and I looked like a total mess. I quickly wipe my nose with my sleeve hoping he wouldn't notice. While I was wiping my snotty nose I couldn't help but not notice Jungkook taking off his jumper.

"Here, you nose is too loud."

"I can't, I might get it dirty"

"Well, your jumper is dirty too and I know your cold"

In the end, I ended up taking his jumper and it was very warm. I wrapped my arms around it cherishing the warmness. 

"So how's life? Has it been good to you?"

"It's been pretty good, I work at a cafe not too far from here."

"Oh really? I went to this cafe this afternoon and ordered a latte, was it the one you work at?"

I nod my head shyly.

"Really? How come I didn't see you there?"

"I actually served it too you but I was facing my back towards you"

"Mhmmm, that was really nice coffee. Can I have it again?"

I was surprised from his words. So surprised I almost went past my apartment.

"Come, My apartment is in there" Pointing toward the level my apartment is at.

"Oh okay." His cheesy smiled killed me inside. 

As soon as I entered the apartment my body was too tired to do anything. 

I immediately blacked out feeling too tired to do anything.

I'm sorry I can't make your coffee Jungkook.


Ex-Bestfriend's Boyfriend | Jeon Jungkook Fanfic | EDITING. MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now