Chapter 2

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"Beaux. Can you answer this?" The teacher asked in a stern tone just after noticing I was napping a bit. I looked at the board it said something in French. I then said everything on the board and the answer to the question. Were you paying attention? No.

"That was impressive," the teacher said after me. "Go to the hall Beaux." I sighed as I got up from my desk and stretched.

Slowly making my way to the door, I yawned loudly on purpose. A few students laughed whilst the only adult in the room was glaring daggers at me. I closed the door softly before looking around the hallway.

Zander found this place online. It was a private academy that held the promise of making it into an Ivy League school. We need that reassurance and it was a piece of cake to make it in here for Zander. He was a genius I only got in here because of my unusual talent at math and foreign languages. I already know 7. Plus math was just a bunch of rules put together, all you need to do is memorize the rules.

"You got kicked out too, huh?" When I turned to see where the voice was coming from I saw a gorgeous person. She had dyed red hair, amber eyes and a big build. I nodded quickly wondering why I had never met her before.

"Who are you?" I asked. Yes I had only been here for a little while but I was a senior and popular so I knew mostly everyone already. She said nothing for a bit as if she had to think about whether she should tell me or not. Finally her mouth opened and words came out, "Axel Torin, 11th grader. Soon to be Axel Torin, that one expelled child from last year."

I laughed. A real laugh like how Zander used to make me laugh. Not how my friends make me laugh. That just wasn't fully real.

"Now the million dollar question; Who are you?" This girl was funny I could see me and Zander hanging out with her.

"Beaux Hie, lingual genius. Direct sibling to Zander Hie, everything genius." I bowed mockingly hoping I could get a laugh out of her as well, but instead all I received was a gasp.

"You're Zander's twin? You don't look related at all! Except for maybe the height and eyes. That's about it. His lips are just so different. Exotic, along with his hair." For some reason her words hurt a bit. I had been told we don't look similar before so it probably wasn't that. So, maybe being compared to Zander was what stung. I was a main character I don't need to be compared to anyone. Not even a really important side character. Not even my beloved brother. No one because I'm the lead. I'm the one who gets the love interest in the end. I'm the one who can't just be killed off. I'm the most important actor. I'm me. I'm a hero. No one can take that away from me.

So how'd you like it? I kinda like Beaux's personality. He seems nice and everything but he has a total hero complex it's really funny. Anyways I'll try and update soon BYE!!!


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