Chapter 16

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Nik and I have been driving across the entire state I live in, just because we want to find cool parks. We had just graduated last week and we decided to take a road trip before we go to college and have to deal with course work. The funny thing is, we had applied to and got accepted by the same college before we even met. It's like what would happen in a movie.

"Do you want to get a hotel or sleep in the car?" I asked while flipping through my history and deleting everything embarrassing. Or incriminating. Just kidding I haven't done anything illegal... recently.

"This is the fourth day and we have slept in this car every night so far. What do you think I will pick?" He said getting the car gas. This whole trip we had been switching the driver each day and we would stop once it got really dark. I knew Nik found my car uncomfortable. Hell, I found it uncomfortable. Bu I don't really like spending money....

"Ummmmmmm... I guess we could stay in a hotel. But it has to be cheap." This is all said without me taking my eyes off the game I was now playing on my phone. Nik sighed contently. Wow, he really hated sleeping in here. 

"Definitely. Now let's head to the second to last park on our tour. We need to make it before it get's dark." 

He payed for the gas with his credit card. After a week getting to know his family I learned Jessica, his mother, is a hugely successful entrepreneur. And his father, Kirk, is a professional chef. He even owns his own restaurant. What all that was leading up to was that I'd pay for places we were going to go to that would cost money while he payed for everything else. And just to make it a bit more fair we took my car. 

After going to another fabulous park we found a cheap Motel and payed for a room with a single king sized bed. We were gonna share instead of getting a double. It was cheaper this way, and I got to cuddle with some one. Win, win. 

Nik turned on his phone to check the time, "1:22 am." He finished that one sentence then yawned immediately after. I got why he was tired I mean I was too. But I had more pressing matters at hand. I smelt like dirt and stale chips. I was definitely in need of a shower.

"Taking a shower then?" Maybe I had said my last thought out loud. That or this guy could actually read my mind. Moving on...

"Yup. You can go to sleep, you still smell fine." I said this while nodding to myself. What I said was true, we hadn't bathed for the same amount of time but he was like roses compared to my stench. Closing the small bathrooms door I stripped and turned the water on warm. 

After a half a hour or so I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. Walking over to our bag of clothes I noticed all of my clean garments were buried underneath Nik's. Deciding I didn't want to do the full work to put on my own clothes I just grabbed some of his and went to sleep. And yes I was hugging him. I mean why wouldn't I? 

We are like leads from a romance. You know the ones that always end up together, no matter what happens. I guess you could say we're soulmates. And even after all that's happened and how weird he seemed when we first met, Nik makes me feel awesome. I mean more than I already do, duh.


Okay guys that was the final chapter! How'd y'all like it? I hope you found it entertaining, and there is still a small chance I'll do an epilogue so don't lose faith. Love you, BYE!!!!!!!


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