Chapter 7

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A/N: This is what I imagine Axel to look like, I mean minus the makeup.

"Okay, calm down Beaux. You look great even with glasses. Plus they make my eyes pop." I said staring at myself in the mirror. I decided to focus on the little things rather than the huge bruises covering most of my body.

The major ones on my face were covered by the concealer I bought last night after my bath. I swear if I didn't know of the fabulous qualities of makeup I'd be screwed. The fact that it may cause acne on my perfect face was the only reason I had avoided it before. Maybe, Just maybe I would wear it on occasions, but I will always take it off before I go to bed. I swear. I have never had a pimple before and I don't plan on getting one in the future.

I was tempted to buy this gorgeous color of nail polish but decided against it seeing as I was going to ask Axel out today and I did not want to seem to, how to say it, feminine? I guess that works... Now if I was not doing that in this point of time I would have bought and worn that light grey paint like a boss.

Speaking of my plans for today, Zander. I need to talk to him. Like as soon as possible.

After that thought I made my way down stairs. I had woken up early to avoid anyone seeing my marks. It was well planned seeing as no one was awake yet. I guess I'll make waffles for breakfast than. Reaching the kitchen I was confused to see a note on the fridge addressed to Zander and me.

It was from Mother. It said something about being gone for a few days in search of a rare car part. It was normal for her though, sometimes she'd just leave. Some people would be worried about her being like that but I knew she could handle herself if she were to get into any trouble. Anyways, it was 7:30 already. Time to wake Zander up.

I had actually been cooking as I was mentally monologuing, so, I was already done with a meal the perfect size for two. I brought a plate of waffles up to Zander's cave too. Just in case he wanted to eat alone or quickly. 

I knocked lightly in case he was changing or something else, personal... anywho. Listening for a response I opened the door. I guess it may have been a bit loud seeing as it woke Zander from his slumber and caused him to fall off his messy purple bed. He grumbled as he rose from the soft carpet. 

"Morning sleeping beast!" I said cheerfully probably starting his morning off terribly. His glare was unsettling so I set his food on the floor he was once sprawled across and exited quickly. This day has been a little exciting, Mom's gone so there is multiple party opportunities and I already joked around with Zander, even if all that accomplished was him becoming angry. Well today is bound to be good.


Hallo my dear readers, or lack there of. I was gonna have the whole confession scene this chapter I just got a bit distracted, sorry! Anyways I'm super excited for how this will turn out. It'll be awesome. {hopefully} That's all for tonight, BYE!!!!!!


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