Chapter 11

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After like ten minutes, at the most, Nik rode up on his black stallion which was actually just a Harley but that's not currently important. He got off the seat and without being surrounded by other tall people I finally realized how huge he was. I've got to ask his height. But first, I want to see if someone other than Axel actually believes I'm prettier than most girls. I mean I'm hot or awesome not pretty right? I mean at this point I'd take cute over pretty.

"Am I pretty?" I asked when he came within hearing distance. He looked a bit suprised but answered quick enough.

"Yeah but I would rather say adorable or awesome." Wow he must be psychic because that's exactly what I wanted to hear.

"Thanks. What should we do? We can go to my house or something..." I trailed off seeing how he would react to the offer. I really hoped he would say yes. Some how he just made me feel good about myself. Unlike Axel who just made me doubt myself. I don't even know if I actually liked her or if I just mistook an easy friendship for a relationship that was meant to be. Whatever it was I did not like it and I hope something like that never ever happens again.

"Sure we can. Unless you want to come to my house. My sister and her girlfriend are home though." He said brightly. Again with the puppy dogness. I swear he switches from bodyguard to puppy super quickly. Maybe he practices? Well anyways. His offer was perfect to be honest. I would get to avoid my brother for at least a little longer. 

"Sure. That sounds great but is it possible to stop at my house so I can grab some stuff?" I said hoping I wouldn't sound too needy. Hopefully just the right amount. The lead should always have some amount of neediness it can make or break a character. I hope it'll make my character. 

"That would be fine and since you're already grabbing stuff would you like to sleep over?" His face was full of hope and that made me happier than the offer for some odd reason. 

"I would love to my dear sir." I said in a fake British accent. I'm sure it was terrible but he still laughed while he helped me from where I sat in the small rocks. This might actually turn out to be a semi-pleasant day even with it's horrid beginning. All because of the antihero named Nik that makes me feel priceless. 

"Then lets take off m'lady." He said in an equally cheesy Scottish accent. At least I think it was Scottish his own accent made it a tiny bit hard to identify. We walked over to his bike and I grabbed the cooler looking helmet.

"Our chariot awaits." We both said at the same time causing laughs that made me feel like I could see Axel and Zander kissing then shrug it off. Together we were probably super lame but to me in that second we seemed like professional comedians. Well it's good to know my ego's back. I think I missed it. It's not like I didn't know it would come back though, I am awesome after all.


This chapter made me forgive myself for the last one. I mean it was cute. Really cute. To be honest when I started this I was gonna have Nik and Zander end up together and Axel was gonna die so I have to say that this seems much better than that. Love y'all BYE!!!!


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