Chapter 10

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I was glad it happened to be Saturday today. If it wasn't I'd be skipping school right now. I didn't even know where exactly I was. All I knew was that I could not currently deal with hearing Axel and Zander play video games. Yes I will still support them. Just from several miles away. 

I promise I'm not jealous it just hurts to hear them both having fun without me. Funny, the thing that feels the worst is the fact I lost a friend and distanced myself from my twin. In the same hour. If it makes it any more possible sounding I'll add it was probably also the worst hour of my 17 years of living on this blue and green planet. 

I felt something vibrate in my pocket and freaked out just enough to fall off the swing I was currently sitting on. Realizing it was just my phone I laughed quietly for the first time today. It actually made me feel worse, to be honest. Unlocking my phone I noticed a text from an unknown number.

How are you?  Was all it said no name or anything. If I wasn't physically and emotionally exhausted I would have freaked out. Too bad I was I guess. 

Replying quickly I said a simple, Not the best.

Oh? Why not?  I smiled. A real smile. Who ever this person was, they cared at least a little bit. Just knowing that made me feel better then laughing and laughing always makes me feel better.

Stuff happened.

What stuff?

Long story.

I have time. Did this person know how cliche that sounded?

No you don't. Neither do I thankfully. So, why'd you message me? And how did you get my number? I asked finally deciding I should probably make sure their not some stalker.

I do but you obviously don't want to tell so I wont ask. ^-^ You're Beauxtiful, that's why. Some girls in geometry. They don't really keep things to them selves. 

Who're you? And the thing with my name was cute thanks. Oh, and I always knew they were passing around my number, this just confirms it! >:( 

Guess! It's easy I promise. 

Fine! *Huff* Well seeing as I have just about everyone who talks to me's number I'll guess the every mysterious Nik? 

Ding Ding Ding! So.... What're you doing? 

Swinging. Wanna hang out?

TOTALLY. ALWAYS. Where are you?

Some random park. I'll send you my location. You have a car right? If not this may be difficult. 

Actually I don't own a car. But I'm sure I'll make do.


I have a motorcycle you're chill with that right?

Yea! I just sent my location so I'll see you soon Okay?

Yup. See you then.

I swear this guy is an enigma wrapped in a mystery wrapped inside a taco. Well it seems as though I won't be spending today alone in some random park. I'll be hanging with a guy I've actually talked to for a total of three times not counting the text conversation. Well it feels like I've known him for longer so I don't really care anymore.  


So, I'm super proud of myself for coming this far in a story. I love Beaux a lot. And I hope y'all do too. Cause I love you as well so it just makes sense. Anyways the end is coming but there is still a bit more so.. ONWARDS!!!!! BYE. 


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