Chapter 14

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A/N: I think this song makes the end of the chapter more dramatic so I added it. Love y'all.

I felt something being placed and that simple fact made me realize I had fallen asleep at some point of time after the fourth Saw thing. I opened my heavy lids noticing I was totally not ready to wake up. Snuggling back into whatever I was sleeping on I was going to return to the glorious underpass of unconsciousness. That was until my mattress moved. Oh god how cliche could I get? 

I was completely cuddling Nik. I was just a tiny bit glad he was asleep still. At least this way he wouldn't notice me removing my arms from his waist and moving to simply set my head in his lap. Wait. If he was asleep who put the extra blanket over us? Abandoning my original plans for rest I looked around, quickly finding the culprit. 

Dell was smiling at me from West's lap. She was the only one currently awake, other than me but I'm not even sure I am totally awake. That meant it had to have been her giving me the extra warmth. I raised an eyebrow making her smile widen. We both shook our heads lightly silently agreeing to go back to sleep. 

As I headed back to the dark corners of my mind I thought about why Dell would have done that. Did she still believe we were together and that she should let us continue cuddling in peaceful ignorance of the outside world? Wow Beaux, you have an extensive imagination. You could be a writer or something... 

No way would she think that and it didn't even explain why she gave us an unneeded but appreciated quilt. I mean wouldn't that just make it more likely for us to separate? 'Cause we'd get hot and want to get away from even the smallest human contact. Well whatever Dell's reason was, it was increasingly obvious she wanted us to continue sleep hugging. 

I opened my orbs once again to stare at the girls. Dell had returned to dreamland as promised, West just looked like she was in a coma. They were honestly the cutest couple I had ever seen. Dell was my height while West was like five nothing. And West was totally the intimidating one. Their personalities also complimented each others quite well. I don't think I could ever wish them anything but the best.  

I decided that it didn't really matter if I went back to using Nik as a body pillow seeing as I was super uncomfortable right now, it was still pitch black outside, and Dell had even encouraged it. Shuffling back to my original sleeping position I hugged Nik's waist tightly, even returning my face to his soft baby blue t-shirt. What? I'm a Gemini. We like cuddling. 

I was almost completely sure Nik would stay in his current placement. But, obviously knowing my recent losing streak, he almost immediately wrapped his arms around my upper back.  Maybe he wasn't asleep. Well I don't really care either way. I'm gonna go back to sleeping. 

That was my game plan until a phone loudly rang catching my attention. It was my cell phone the lock screen was lit up with a picture of Zander's hair. I stretched my body out to grab it, not knowing what to expect. 

"Hello?" I asked hoarsely.

"Mom's gone." He said through thick sobs. 

Wait. What does that means?

"Huh?" Was my entire response.

"Internal bleeding caused her lungs to fill with liquid." He said making me even more confused though deep inside I knew what this meant.

"How is she?" I questioned already knowing what he would say.

"Dead." That was all it took for me to fall off of Nik and the couch. Raising from the heap of blankets I slowly walked to the Garrison's front door. Pulling on my Toms I pushed the door open. Walking who know where I began to cry.  More than I had for Axel. Hell, It was more than I had cried for anything. 


Okay now I realize I can't write an original story, short or not, that doesn't include a major character death. It's like my signature or something. Wow I'm kind of a terrible person. Getting on, I'm hoping to add maybe two more chapters then I'm planning to wrap it up. How does that sound? Welp, see you next chapter, BYE!!!!!!


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