Chapter 15

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Two maybe three hours of walking had me in some random park. Maybe parks are just where I go to calm down. And to calm down, probably meant more like; to have emotional break downs. Hey, they both have a form of the word down at the end right? 

My eyes were burning, itching, and dry. I had lost too much liquid to even cry anymore. Instead I settled for sadly staring at the old, and dangerous looking, slide from a damp, freshly painted, bench. I wonder... when I get up, will my pants be beige? That might actually be cool. I got up from the place I had been pouting in for quite some time, just to look at the seat of my light blue jeans. As I suspected my butt was covered in barely off-white paint. 

I stuck my hand in the back pocket of the now ruined pair of pants, pulling my phone out to avoid it getting completely wrecked. Turning on the only phone I have ever owned that actually lasted more than a month without being runover, stolen, lost, or drowned I checked my messages seeing multiple from Zander about a funeral. 

Then at the very bottom of my list I saw a single message from Nik; Where should I pick you up?

Whenever this guy talks to me or even texts me it makes me feel better about whatever is happening in my life. Responding to him quickly I told him that I had absolutely no idea where I was and I didn't have any data making it possible to send a location.  He told me to send him a picture of my surroundings and that he would find out where I was. 

I did as he asks and trudged over to the slide that looked as if it had killed someone, went to jail, escaped, and now it was here. Sitting innocently in a child's playground. Deciding to test out the serial killer-esque contraption, I climbed the ladder all the way to the top. Hopefully Nik will get here before I actually try and slide down this death trap. 

Trying to lessen the waiting time, I started reading the texts Zander had sent me. They started with a plan for us to go to Mother's favorite iconic car galla. It was a good choice for her funeral she loved that place and people knew her there. Even with the extreme lack of H2O my eyes became misty as I read about the plans. Axel was helping Zander plan and they were going together.  For the first time since I found out they were dating I actually felt happy for them. 

I probably would have wasted even more vital liquids if it hadn't been for his last message. It consisted of three sentence. Those three little sentences made my eyes clear and actually made me smile. 

All it said was; Mom says you and, whoever Nik is, look cute together. She also said another important sounding statement, don't cry I love you. Well, see you at the galla, bye. 

"Zander told me what happened. Want a hug?" Nik asked from the end of the slide, that looked as if it had been places most grown men have never been and hope to never go. Instead of questioning how Zander knew his number or why he had told him in the first place I slide down the narrow chute hoping I wouldn't get tetanus. 

Reaching the bottom, seemingly unharmed, I got to my feet and took Nik up on his offer. The hug was calming and I realized that this day had been turned from completely miserable to somewhat acceptable. And that was accomplished by three people: Mom, Nik, and Zander. 

Something else I learned from this experience was that no matter how mistaken my first crush was I've finally found someone whose soul clicks with mine. And it was all thanks to my late Mother and Dell. 


Hopefully this chapter makes up for his mother dying. If it doesn't well... sorry? Don't worry this isn't the last chapter I'm planning to do one more for sure and I might, if I get done quick enough, do two. That's all I hope y'all have liked it so far and I'll see you next chapter BYE!!!!


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