Chapter 13

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After a two hour long nap on Nik's bed I was seated in his kitchen across from his sister and her girl friend. West and Dell. West was Nik's older sister. She had just graduated high school and was currently attending a college I had never heard of but then again I've heard of a total of like four colleges so I wouldn't consider it small or second rate just because it was unknown to me. 

"I've been wondering something for a while." Dell said out of no where. In case you hadn't figured out she was West's girl friend, she is, so bam. 

"What's up?" Nik and I said in unison causing the older females to laugh. Nik was cooking dinner. That was the main reason we were in the kitchen. It was crazy that we could both cook. I know very little people who can even make Ramen without setting something on fire. 

"Are you two..." She trailed off as if she didn't want to ask anymore.

"Together?" West finished for her. I let out a long breath confused as to why everyone thought we were dating. I mean we've only just become friends aren't you all expecting a bit too much?

"Not really." I replied after a while giving up on ignoring the question. 

"Sure you're not." They said grinning. We chatted idly while Nik finished up. Apparently we were going to have a movie marathon so he made comfort food. Let me tell you, it smelt amazing. Like me I guess. We changed location to an open room with a couch, two love seats and a large flat screen in the middle. 

"Shall we start with Rom Com or Drama?" Nik asked turning on their console and finding Netflix immediately.

"Drama, good horror, then a few rom-coms, after that its a free for all." West said not taking her eyes off the freshly made pizza. About five hours after that comment was made I'm sure she regretted it. I know I regretted not disagreeing with her. Once we got bored of drama we moved on to horror. That's where we fell from grace. 

Dell has just played different Saw movies. I hate horror so this was pure torture. I was completely terrified currently. And West seemed done with Saw for the rest of her life but she continued watching silently for Dell's benefit. I wanted to ask the horror group to be disbanded but refrained from doing so seeing as West was refraining from complaining and I'd feel bad if it made Dell sad.

The two girls were curled up in a thick blanket on the left hand love seat. I was seated on the couch by myself while Nik sat on the second love seat seemingly chill with watching people be gruesomely murdered. I pulled the light fleece throw blanket tighter around my self as I tried to ignore the screaming. I kinda wish Nik and I were dating just so he'd have a reason to come over here and hug me. I want to cry, these movies are so horrible. 

West looked at me quickly than made some sort of signal to Nik. It was extremely confusing but I chose to ignore it and go back to blocking out all sounds from the television the sat proudly before me. Something moved the pillow next to me so I pulled the blanket off my eyes to see what it was. Nik was sitting there awkwardly.

"Would you like to cuddle?" He said in an almost silent whisper. I swear I could have cried tears of joy in that moment. I nodded rapidly stretching my arms out so we could actually achieve what he offered. After some shuffling I ended up having my face shoved in his abs to avoid seeing or hearing anything. I'm glad he came over here if he hadn't I would have died of watching to many intense scary movies. Thank god, whom I don't believe in, that he has a sense of duty as a newly sworn in best friend.


This is a major romantic development for them and I find it soooo adorable but that may just be because I wrote it. I want to end this story cutely but I can't decide how to! I plan to make at least three more chapters so be prepared. I love all you silly goats. BYE!!!!!


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