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When I look back on my high school days I'm filled with bitter sweet memories, but that just makes it so that I have awesome stories to tell. Like that one time playground equipment tried to kill me or when I was rescued by a knight riding a black stallion. Even memories like when my first crush ever, ended up marrying my brother.

All of these moments from my past make me, me. And I do realize how cheesy that sounds. I mean my whole life so far has been cliche after cliche. I mean come on my parents both died the same way. Come on, right? Oh last year when I almost got flattened by a bus, guess what that does... that makes it so now everyone in my immediate family has been in a bus related accident. I swear even Axel has, she skimmed one on her way to the nursery her daughter goes to.

If you hadn't guessed it, even though I basically just stated it so it's kinda obvious, Axel and Zander had a baby two years into college. It surprised everyone, I swear. Well enough with my ramblings. I have a wedding to attend and no it is not my own. That's not gonna happen for at least another year. Nik and I are both kinda cowards, but the good kind in my opinion.

"Come on Beaux we're going to be late!" Nik shouted from the hall down stairs by the door. West and Dell are getting married and I'm the maid of honor while Nik got the best man slot. I guess I just had a closer connection with Dell than with West. Though I love them both with all my heart. Aren't I just the sweetest? I would have been totally screwed if I hadn't been multitasking currently. Crazy enough I was great at that.

As I finished tying my biege-ish tie I felt something on my head. I reached up to touch whatever was there. Grabbing the weird item I pulled it in front of my face. It was a light purple fedora with a barely off-white trim. It was perfect, just like me.

"Do you like it?" Nik asked grinning almost maniacally. He knew the answer but I nodded rapidly anyways. We walked quickly out of the tiny house we were currently residing in. This was where we had been living all through out our early college years and it would be hard to sell when we decided it was necessary. Yeah, it was honestly scary that we were both in our last year of a six year college.

This year I was turning 24 it was crazy. Nik had already passed his birthday. It was actually only two weeks ago. It made me a little annoyed that he was a month older and a full inch taller. I'm pretty sure we've stopped growing but who knows? Maybe I'll make 6'3 and be on equal terms with my boyfriend of, what is it now, seven years? That sounds about right.

"Let's go in we're supposed to help the brides." I nodded at him hoping to save my voice for all the speeches I was going to take part in. We both got out and I smoothed my gothic purple suit out. If you hadn't noticed before light purple and barely straying from white beige have been my absolute favorite colors since I was I don't know three? Eh that seems close enough.

"We'll rock it babe!" I tried to encourage Dell because she was currently freaking out. She took a deep breath in and pulled on her silky off-white gloves. Obviously after spending over five years with me you either adapted to my theme colors, like West and Dell who planned their entire weddings with those two shades, or you hated everything to do with them.

Zander liked those colors for about fifteen years then, just after he left for college I believe, at that point in time he had a complete emotional breakdown. To this day, nearly six years later, he won't wear any shades of white or purple. Even if they're completely different from the ones I'm infatuated with.

After a gorgeous ceremony and a few cringe worthy cry fests, Dell was going to throw the bouquet. And of course the fabulous me is going to take place in it. Walking over to Nik I lightly kissed his cheek then said, "Hold my hat." And I was off to utterly fail.

Seriously I can't catch something to save my life. And that's definitely me being nice about my skills, cause I'm well me... Anyways. I cracked my knuckles making a ridiculous effort in preparing to be disappointed. I was completely correct. Dell threw the flowers and it flew quite far behind me.

Everyone cheered for whoever caught it. Good for them they must either be eternilly single or half of an adorable couple. Like me for example. I walked back to my life sized travel pillow seeing something completely unexpected.

Nik was there of course but he was down on one knee instead of standing as he had been earlier. I noticed the evil bushel of white roses that sat behind his back before the beautiful matching silver rings studded with emerald the shade of my eyes.

"Will you?" Was all he said.

I slowly made my way to him looking around quickly. Roughly pulling Nik to his feet I heard the crowd gasp, apparently thinking I would do the impossible and reject my literal soulmate. Instead of doing what they thought I would, I hugged him tightly as I always do.

My eyes misted like when Zander texted me after mama died. I smiled a ginourmous grin and said the words I had hoped to say as soon as possible, "Well obviously you antihero, you."

He laughed though I had never explained the whole hero thing. And I never planned to. Rings were placed on both of our hands by West. She smiled as she went back to her newly cast wife.

Nik hugged me with enough force to support all of my weight so I took the opportunity to wrap my lags around his waist. Our position reminded me of the first time we had cuddled. I believe it was at his house after five Saw movies. Or was it four? It doesn't really matter.

Nik carried my; tired, tipsy, and comfortably happy, self to the car we shared.

"I guess I might be able to attend my own wedding within a year after all." I laughed and Nik did not question me, in fact he joined in. He had no idea what made my sentence funny but he still reacted well. It was times like these I remember he's the only one who could ever make me feel hilarious, adorable, and awesome.

Well more than I already do, obviously.

I may have actually gotten a happy ending but I don't think that I would be doing badly even without being able to marry my soulmate in the end. Only because my story leading up to this point was already adorable and dramatic enough to last anyone a life time. Nik was just a plus. Albeit the best plus in the whole universe.


Wow I can't even describe how I feel right now. I'm crying tears of joy, literally. I'm going to miss writing this story so much but I think it's worth it. I loved the ending did y'all? If not I'm sincerely sorry I could not appease you. That's all. This is the official end. I love you, BYE.


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