Chapter 12

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Walking into my house I saw Zander immediately. He looked kinda worried. And tired. He never looks tired, somethings up.

"Whats up dude? You look terrible." I said laughing lightly hoping to loosen the atmosphere.

"Beaux this isn't the time to make jokes. Mom was in an accident." He said pinching the bridge of his nose in the universal Hie sign of stress. We all did it Mom, Zander, and me. I even believe our father did it. Well I wouldn't know I haven't actually met him. He died before we were born, hit by a bus they say. Wait. What? Mom was in an accident?

"What kind of accident?" I asked dropped my off white sweater on to the kitchen tiles.

"Car. She was crossing an intersection and some idiot with a coach bus hit her. All I've heard so far is that she's in the hospital. It doesn't seem to serious though." I shook my head. Of course it was a bus. Our family must be attracted to them. Zander was almost hit by one a few years back, it was some scary shit man. He wouldn't cross roads for three months afterward. I'm not joking. It sucked that is all I will say.

"Can we visit her?" I asked. Maybe I could drop by with Nik and introduce my mom to my new best friend.

"Yeah the only reason I didn't already go was because of you. I needed to tell you in person instead of in a text." I nodded understanding his decision.

"Okay you head over. I'll drop by after a little bit. Oh and just so you know I'm staying at someone's house tonight." I said it relatively quickly picking my sweater back up.

"Sure, see you there. Night." He said grabbing the keys to his car and leaving. I walked upstairs grabbing the stuff for overnight. Leaving the house I did as my twin had and grabbed my keys.

"Looks like we'll have to make a visit before we go to your house. Wanna drive?" He nodded smiling as he grabbed my keys and closed the garage his Horse rested in. Harley, Horse? Same diffrence. I smiled at my thoughts as I got into the passenger seat.

"Where to?" NIk asked starting my small car. It was eco-friendly. So worth the lack of space.

"St. Freid's hospital. We're gonna see my mom." I said closing my eyes and leaning back into my gothic purple upholstery. It was scarily soft.

"Sounds awesome." He said driving to the destination in question. Hey, that rhymed good for me. I thought as I drifted off to dream land.

"Beaux! We're here." Nik said shaking my shoulder roughly.

"Calm down I'm awake." I said peeling my green eyes open. When I got out of the car I accidentally hit my elbow on the door reminding me of my many bruises.

"Ow. Let's go in antihero." I said rubbing where I had hit my arm.

"Okay.... Let's go." He said sounding a bit confused.

We finally made it to my mother's room and opened the door. I quickly noticed her laying on the hospital bed in bandages and casts. Woah, Zander made it seem way less serious than it was. To sum it up I was totally unprepared for this sight.

"Oh, hello Beaux. Who's this?" My mother asked as soon as we came into her view.

"This is Nik. I met him a couple of weeks ago." I said sitting in the chair next to her bed while Nik awkwardly stood next to me.

"You look cute together." She said laughing.

"Mama we're not together." I said emphasizing together. She just continued laughing.

"Beaux do you know why we only get one heart?" She said calmly.

"Because we're humans...." I dragged out feeling that it was the obvious answer. It caused My mother to laugh more and Nik to start.

"No. It's so you can go and find the other one that was given to someone else." She said quieter than before.

"Should I call a nurse? You don't seem to be making any sense." I smirked knowing she wouldn't be offended.

"Go ahead but I wanted to tell you I think you've found the other in the pair." She said closing her eyes.

"And I wanted to tell you your crazy. But don't worry I still love you." I said standing up from the uncomfortable chair.

"I know. Goodnight baby." She seemed like she was falling asleep so we left quietly.

"She seemed fun." Nik's choice of words was hilarious.

"Yes she is exceedingly fun, Now lets go to your house and nap, I'm super tired." I yawned loudly afterwards confirming my statement and makes Nik laugh again. He seems to do that quite a bit. I'll ask him about that later, it may be just after four thirty but I am just about ready to pass out. Well I can nap once we reach the car. Today has been... eventful if you will.


This is the longest chapter by far but I also find it one of the cutest. I relate the most to thier Mom to be honest. Okay I just decided her name shall be Luci. That's all BYE!!!


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