Chapter 5

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A/N: That's pretty much how I see Nik. Maybe a tiny bit taller. ^-^

It's been a week since I met Axel and started liking her. I don't know why I feel so much towards her. I've never been like this before. Anyways... About the student council. There was a position open, head of the disciplinary committee. It was easy seeing as all I had to do was write up people who misbehaved and stop fights. I was currently roaming the halls doing just that, no I'm not skipping this is my study hall. It's fine. Though what I saw had me wishing I had stayed in the math room that slightly smelt of bleach. Terri had Nik pinned to a locker by his throat. I really didn't want to help Nik anymore but... you know.

I walked up to Terri hoping to get him to notice me before Nik did. That was a failure seeing as Nik had noticed me as soon as I turned the corner and it took Terri until I flicked his temple. His face turned to my direction, he had a nasty glare. It kinda pissed me off.

"Didn't we agree that this wouldn't happen again?" I tried to seem a bit menacing but I may have just sounded like an angry mom. Hey, either should be scary enough.

"I only agreed to leave at the time." He said grimacing at me as if I was nasty looking. I'm not.

"Oh? Then how about we settle this now?" I said showing the smirk that took three months to master. He let Nik go and turned to face me completely.

"Why don't we." Terri said as he went right into throwing punches at my face. I dodge three but the fourth connected with my jaw. Damn. It hurt. Deciding I probably shouldn't actually beat him up I continued to dodge. Some of his hits occasionally landed, very few though. I was confident I could wear him out then leave almost unharmed, I was sorely mistaken. Terri swiped his leg behind my knee and drew forward making me loose my balance. He then slugged me straight in the nose.

"You gonna help or just stand there?" I asked through the blood now running down my chin from a now bloodied nose. Nik didn't do anything though. He just stood there with an amused expression. Not cool man.

"Nah, I bet you can handle this." He replied. Taking this moment of distraction to his advantage Terri kicked my ribs and I finally fell over. My already damaged face smacked down on the tile. Who's idea was it to start a fight then not fight back? Mine? Oh yea, let's not think about that anymore.

I started to get up when Terri stomped on my back. I looked up to Nik trying to see if I would receive any help. His expression remained the same until I spat out a tiny bit of blood. Internal bleeding? Nah probably not. I looked back at Nik, the once relaxed face was now taught with anxiety and anger. That was all I saw before my vision turned hazy then disappeared all together.

Why? Why am I the one on the floor waiting to be saved? How am I supposed to be the hero and get the girl, Axel, if I can't even survive a fight?  I'm a little pathetic, hopefully Zander will show me a few defense moves when I get home.

Shit! Zander's gonna be pissed I got hurt this badly, what if he yells at me? Well it's his worries anyway. Not mine.

Oh! Maybe this will be a conversation topic to explore with Axel. What if she asks why I'm hurt? I don't know. Well I'll figure that out when I can see again.


I know, I know. A cliche fight scene. I just had to have one to move on in the plot! Don't worry, Beaux's not hurt that badly! Anywho, I'll update soon BYE!!!


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