How it Happened

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"Biiiing" the sound of the 7th period bell went off signaling that this day was over.I honestly hated school but only because of the criticism that I had to face everyday. To them, I was one of those lonely nerd kids that didn't really talk much and couldn't defend herself. I mean I guess you could say that it's true, but none of the kids here intimidate me, and or knew me long enough to judge. I'm actually a pretty laid back chick, I'm smart, nice and I've learned to not let words get to me, but of course no one took the time out to see, because of my clothing choice. Sometimes you have to stop trying to live up to be someone that you aren't and just embrace the fact that there will always be someone around to try and bring your spirits down.

I rushed out of the class, and over to my locker to avoid being in the way of the 'Queen B's'. They were the kind of girls that thought the world revolved around them, and they were the only reason that people started making fun of me. If you haven't noticed, In this school its either bully or be bullied.I guess you could say that I didn't get that memo. I hurriedly grabbed my stuff out of my locker, making my way toward the exit while looking back to make sure that I wasn't noticed.I turned back around, only to run into someone making me and whoever drop their things. "I am so sorry." I apologized while searching around frantically for my things."Naw, you good ma, I should have been watching where I was going." He helped me get my things up and swiftly lifted me back on my feet like I was the lightest thing ever.It wasn't until then that I finally looked at him. He was gorgeous, he had a light skin complexion with freckles and a smile to die for.He had tons of tattoos and golden curly hair. "I'm Christopher, but my niggas call me Chris." he introduced while extending his hand for me to shake.Why haven't I ever seen him before? "Alexis" I smiled politely and shook his ink covered hands. It wasn't until I heard someone whining his name that I snapped back into reality.It was none other than Jasmine,of course this was too good to be true.I quickly grabbed my stuff from out of his hands before speed walking to the bus. I kept asking myself why he was so nice to me when he had such a stuck up girlfriend. 'You are who you hang out with' my grandma used to always tell me. Gosh, I miss her. I wiped a few tears that had slid down my face; listening to the other kids conversate amongst themselves.Why was I such an odd ball, to where no one even wanted to talk to me, well except Christopher, I think he was only trying to be nice though.

I got off the bus and walked slowly towards my street.I had work in a few hours and I just knew that I wouldn't be getting a quick nap, in my household.I opened my house door to see it a mess as usual, "Alishaaa"I yelled out to my little sister.She didn't answer so I walked up the stairs to our room and seen her balled up in the corner with her head on her knees, surrounded by glass, and sniffling quietly.I pulled her into a hug not knowing what else to do.Her shoulder was bruised and she had a red hand mark going across her neck."I am so sorry Lisha." This is a daily routine for us now but I still hated to see my little sister go through all of this. I remember when things were perfect, now its like Jose has a whole new personality.


It was my 15th birthday and we were all going out to eat ."Thank you guys so much." I said while smiling and hugging my mom and dad."No problem sweetie." We were all just having a good time until my mom asked me why I didn't want a party for the umpteenth time."Mom, I already told you that I'm anti-social, ask Alisha.I'm sure she has plenty of friends." "You don't have any guy friends that you would like us to meet." she asked, ignoring my comment and winking at me.I'm sure my face was bright red by now.She knew I didn't like talking about boys in front of dad."Moooom" I said through clenched teeth. I was sending daggers her way but I felt a little more tension in the room.My dad hates it when I don't tell him stuff, but this wasn't that serious so he couldn't be upset about that. Right.?

We got home and dad was still a little out of it.Alisha has been trying to talk to him every since we got in the car and he was straight ignoring her."Honey, whats wrong?" "Whats wrong is that EVERYBODY know some shit that I obviously don't, whats so important that y'all gotta hide from me?" He yelled making his Brooklyn accent audible."Dad! Its not even Important! Why are you making such a big deal out of it!? I don't have to tell you every litt-" He slapped me dead in the face causing everyone except for him to gasp aloud."What the fuck, Jose! Don't you ever put your hands on my motherfucking daughter.!" She was now hitting him in his back as hard as she could, but I was still shocked.My dad was so sweet, especially to me! Never In my life has he ever yelled and or hit me like he did tonight. Before I could get a proper reaction to what the fuck just happened he was on top of my mom hitting her like she was a nigga that just shot his momma."STOOOOP" me and my sister yelled but he didn't.

Flashback Over

He eventually made that his new hobby, only now including Alisha.He made sure to hit us in places that could be easily hidden, for that I'm grateful but other than that, fuck that bitch made nigga. I swear as soon as I get the money I'm packing up our stuff and I'm leaving. Only that's the problem, I get payed every 2 weeks and Its barely enough to feed and clothe my mom and Alisha for week. I need fast money and this little 10 dollars an hour ain't working.

We cleaned up the mess and got dressed for work. Alisha doesn't work with me, she just stays there so that she won't have to be here at the house.My mom has been doing the same, working 12 hour shifts a day, to make sure that we eat, but Jose always finds a way to take majority of it for a small portion of kush.

It's been busy in here every since I got in, I guess that's good though. I heard the bell that was connected to the door ring meaning another person to serve.I walked up to the table, concentrating on the menus."Hi, welcome to Niecies Diner.I'm Alexis and I'll be your waitress for today.Can I start you off with anything to drink?" I asked while finally lifting my head up to see Christopher and four other people.One being Jasmine and the rest people that I've never seen. I smiled faintly at them before handing out the menus."Aye, I didn't know you worked here" He got up and hugged me like we knew each other for a long time, before he introduced me to his friends."Y'all this is Alexis, she goes to our school. Alexis this is Michael, Honey, Heather and this is Jasmine".He said In one breath while pointing to everyone.I've only talked to him once and he's introducing me to his friends and hugging me like I've known him my whole life."Hello" I waved shyly and took their orders down, ignoring the little comments that Jasmine was making, she was clearly annoying everyone including myself.I came back a couple minutes later with all of the drinks trying my best not to spill them all.I got their food, and left them to eat while I went to go check on Alisha.She was in the back booth, listening to music and scrolling down her twitter.That's her thing, the only internet site that I own is my instagram, everything else is pointless.I sat down across from her looking at all the make-up that was on her arms and on her neck.I felt so bad.I felt like all of this was my fault. Things like this made me go insane.I scooted in on her side of the booth and hugged her.She didn't ask for any of this, hell I didn't either but deep down I still felt like this was all my fault."I'm so sorry Alisha." "Its not your fault, stop blaming yourself." She assured, but by now I was crying on her shoulder."Aye you alright?" I quickly wiped my tears and got up and brushing off my apron."Yeah, I'm fine thanks, are you guys ready for the bill? " I asked while taking a look at him.He resembled Christopher a little. He was light bright with a lot more tattoos than Christopher, real short but taller than me, and he was hella skinny. I guess it was meet sexy tatted niggas day."Naw, just trying to find the bathroom." I raised both of my eyebrows because the bathrooms were waay on the other side."Uhh, the bathrooms are over there" I said while pointing over by the table that they were sitting in.He looked like a little kid that was caught eating candy when they weren't supposed to be. It was cute."Oh.." I laughed and walked off to the other tables.Why were they all of a sudden talking to me?They seemed like the cool kids..And me on the other hand was most definitely not a cool kid. Hmm. It sure beats me...

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