New Boo

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I gathered up the little bit of belongings that I had here at work, and got ready to find Eric. We've been texting non-stop, and since I've been so busy with school, we sort of made a schedule to hang out, and it just so happened to be one of those days. Today was honestly a drag, and I'm forced to believe that clocking out a minute ago, was the best part of it. I found him and innocently linked my arms with his."Hey." I greeted, in something like a monotone. Working at this bank is no fun at all, if anything it's full of stress, and if it weren't paying so much, I would've been bounced. "What's wrong?" he asked pulling me into a well needed, warm embrace. I could have sworn, I felt a single butterfly in my stomach, but I didn't act on it, but instead, pulled away from the hug."Thanks Eric, that was much needed after dealing with those annoying, rude people that know damn well, they don't have any money in their account." I felt a little better getting that out, but either way, I'm going to have a great time with my Eriebear. Turn down for what?! "Enough of all that though, I just want to chill, smoke, and ball." he confessed, getting into the car. I nodded in agreement, and followed suite. I felt as if I could say and or do anything around him without being judged, which lead us to talking about any and everything. "I don't really know why I work there, I've been out of college for a while now, I just don't know what I want to do as for a career." he answered, sincerely. "Well, what about basketball, you said you loved doing that, so why not professional." I suggested, hopeful."Yeah, that's the thing though, I play basketball for fun, and to relieve stress, but playing professional, would defeat that whole purpose." I nodded, taking in every word that he said, he had a valid point. After a long, comfortable silence, I shifted in my seat so that my back was against the window, and I was facing him. I stared at him for a while, just taking in his features. He was, no doubt gorgeous. "What you looking at A?" he asked, smiling cockily."That's what I'm trying to figure out, you's a ugly mufucka." I said, laughing obnoxiously. He kept a straight face, which made me laugh harder."I'm just playing Eriebear, you fine as fuck." I said, bluntly.He grinned and agreed; conceited ass.

"Eric, stop!" I yelled, giggling. I lifted my arms up to make a two-pointer, and was about to shoot the ball, but nothing was there. I looked up, and saw Eric running to the net with it, and swish, he made it. I rolled my eyes and poked out my bottom lip. I think I probably would have won, if he wasn't such a good cheater."Awn, poor baby!" he said, over dramatically. I folded my arms across my chest, and stomped my way towards the house. I heard his footsteps behind me, and just as I turned to look at him, he threw me over his shoulder."You got an attitude? I'll give you a reason to have an attitude." "Okay! I'm sorry Eriebear, I'm no-" before I could finish my plea, I was thrown into the water. Well not necessarily 'thrown', because he jumped in too, but I was feeling revengeful.

Sorry for the long wait guys, this chapter is just basically showing where Eric [mm] and Alexis stand. New book called We Found Love go read that for me, and let me know who it shall be about. I'll update when I know who to make that story about Asap Rocky, or Tyga.

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