Girls Day Or Not Pt.²

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I tugged on the bottom of my shorts to make them a little longer, then swung the door open to face a smiling Michael. Oh how I loved his smile. I walked into his open arms and wrapped mines tightly around his waist. Trust me, I was still upset that this was supposed to be an all girls weekend, but it's something about Michael that makes it hard to say no. Besides, he's here now so I might as well make the best of it. I led him to the living room and sat on the floor in front of his legs. "Oh um Tay this is Michael, and Michael this is my cousin Taylor." I said, introducing them since I knew that they've never met before. Taylor is my aunt Lily's daughter but we don't see her too often. He gave her a slight head nod meanwhile she gave me a knowing look which let me know that tonight would be a long night."It's a pleasure meeting you Michael." Taylor said, putting emphasis on his name. I shook my head and collapsed into the couch just as the doorbell rang. I waited a couple of seconds to see if anyone would answer, then walked over to the door with Michael surprisingly following behind. I smacked my lips and pushed his chest.This nigga didn't want to get up and answer the door, but when I come to do it he all of a sudden wants to come."Oh..Now you want to come answer the door." I said, rolling my eyes."You saying it like I came for you.I came for my nigga Chris." He said matter of factly, opening the door and dapping up a too comfortable looking Chris. This nigga nearly brought his whole wardrobe and if he didn't know they're only spending one night."Uh, Chris what's this?" I asked, pulling out of the hug and

pointing towards the two duffle bags that he was carrying."Don't trip." He said, jogging up the stairs with Michael following. I rolled my eyes for probably the millionth time tonight and walked back into the living room after closing and locking the door. "Who was that?" Taylor asked, pressing play on the movie. "It was Chris." I said, getting annoyed just from replaying Chris's entrance. If my future son is anything like Michael or Chris I'll go insane. Not that kids were on my mind. "Oh, and Nae said to tell you hi. She can't make it, family issues." Taylor said, referring to her girlfriend Monae.They were a cute couple if you asked me, but don't because just like me they don't like there personal life being broadcasted. I nodded showing that I understood and silently thanked god that she didn't mention anything about Mic-, "So..You and Michael are pretty close huh?" Spoke too soon. "Something like that we've known one another for some time, we were just separated for awhile I guess." I nodded approvingly and slouched back into the couch. Why was Michael and I's friendship always the main topic in conversations? "Hm, well do you like him?"  She asked, catching me off guard. "Yaaass! She does lowkey." Heather concluded. I was starting to think that she was sleep. I shook my head no and crossed my arms. I wasn't even sure my damn self so no way in hell was I going to give them any kind of signals. Well maybe one or two to keep them in suspense. Yup, that's the plan."Um excuse you Heather. I do not!" I said, throwing back one of the shots of GTV that Heather previously set up. Knowing them I was going to need a little buzz, why not start now? "Yeah, yeah you're saying that now but we all know that you like Tyga's light skinned ass." Heather said.Making me wish that she would go back into Treather (Trell+Heather) land which is exactly where she was at a couple of minutes ago. I threw back two more shots and waved my finger from side to side. "No. I keep telling y'all that I don't want Michael. He's fine as fuck.Sexy as fuck. Strong as fuck.Fun a-," "Ahum." "Aherum." I stopped talking and looked at both Heather and Taylor in annoyance.Nobody needs to clear their throats that much. "Like I was saying.. Mich-" "Ahum." Heather cleared her throat again meanwhile Taylor did some weird stuff with her hands. Something was seriously wrong with them and I'm afraid that if I stick around long enough I'd be crazy too.Just as I opened my mouth to say something, the doorbell rung causing me to rise from the couch.I turned around and froze in my tracks. In front of me stood Michael with a cocky smirk on his face. That's what they were trying to say! I laughed nervously and tried to walk around him but he blocked my path. The stuff that I said about him was true, but the only reason that it came out of my mouth was so that Heather and Tay would be itching to know whether I liked him or not. "So you feeling a nigga?" Michael asked with that cocky smile still on his face. By now he had me cornered in front of the front door and I wanted nothing more than to get out. "I never said that.Now can you move so I can open the door?" I asked, looking at Heather and Taylor peeking around the corner at us. If these weren't the most nosey bitches that I knew! "No, because you always playing games with me. Just be one hunnid." He suggested, looking me dead in the eye. I don't know if it was the alcohol or the fact that we were body to body but something in me wanted to kick everybody out and have him to myself, but I knew that wasn't possible. "Michael stop, they're looking." I whispered, looking everywhere on his face but his eyes."Let's give them a show then." Before I could think or react, his lips were on my neck immediately causing my body to become hot. "Sto-stop Mikey." I stuttered, trying to push him away but the tempation was making me weak.He licked and sucked on my neck, and only stopped when the doorbell rang again. Michael bit my neck once more, surely to make a mark then stepped back to open the door. What just happened? I cleared my throat and wiped the corner of my mouth just as Alisha and Trell walked in. "Um hey." I greeted, feeling  unexplainable··· different. Before I could give Trell a hug, Heather and Taylor dragged me away with Alisha not too far behind with a disapproving look on her face.What's wrong now? I don't know when or how, but before I knew it I was being pushed onto my bed. What's wrong with these crazy mitches.? "Whaaa?" I questioned, bubbly. This alcohol was kicking in and I was feeling amazing."Why do you have a hickey on your neck!? It's the size of my fist!" Alisha asked, mortified. I giggled and shrugged. "I dunno." I answered innocently. She shook her head and huffed but I didn't care.

Wattpad is acting dumb right now so ima just upload this. Sorry guys. Ik ima terrible author.Sorry for the disappointment )': lol But can I have some comments? Happy New Years !

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