The Girl is Mine

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(Alexis )

"So, what are we doing today? " I asked, applying mascara to my eyelashes. He grabbed his chin, and rubbed it in concentration. "I don't know. I kinda wanted to go to the zoo so I can finally meet yo twin, but it's whatever you want to do." I nodded,  but stopped when I processed what he said. I smacked my lips and threw the cap at his shoulder. "Shut up," he laughed. "and anyways it's hot. It's gone smell like shit everywhere." I mean I didn't mind spending time with him, but what I didn't need was my hair and clothes smelling like zoo dirt.

Oh well, if thats what he wanted, that's what he'll get. "Well on second thought, we could do that." I shrugged, not really feeling it.

It was a way for us to be able to hang out or whatever,  but it wasn't exactly romantic and that's what I was looking for. "You sure?" He asked,  with one eyebrow raised. I nodded, and looked at him in the mirror. "Yeah." Tristan grinned big,  running to hug me from the back. I chuckled at his enthusiasm, pushing him away.  "Yess! I love you girl!"

My smile dropped,  stunned to say the least. Was I supposed to say it back? Did I love him to?


In that moment, all I could think of was fuck. How the words could flow so easily out of my mouth shocked me and her.  I shouldn't have said it. I could tell she was contemplating whether to say it back. It hurt a little,  I mean it's not like we just got together last month. We've been together for a hot minute and if she was still confused,  maybe we needed to split. Who am I kidding? I loved this girl.  Three little words couldn't break us up,  doesn't matter how powerful they were.

"Yeah, you too." she said, biting the inside of her right cheek. I bent down to kiss her, then walked over to the closet. I had been skipping tea parties with a princess , for some bullshit. Not anymore though, and Alexis is gonna be butt  hurt when I put her second like she does me.

It may sound childish, but maybe it'll push us closer together as a couple. Cause to me it seems as if I'm putting my all into a fuck buddy. I don't like that shit. Its best if two play the game anyway. After all, she's the one who initiated it all right? Yes.

(Alexis )

Well, that was awkward. I just felt bad for being able to say it to Michael and not to my boyfriend. Maybe it's because I knew Michael since forever.  Or maybe because with Michael it seemed like I was forced to love him. Like I didnt have an option. That had to be the reason. I knew it was the reason.

I smacked my lips together, rubbing in my lipstick. Was it too much for a zoo? Hm. I think so. "Ugh!"

I threw my lipstick back in the bag, frustrated with myself. Hopefully being with Tris will ease my mind off all of these thoughts and distractions. I was looking forward to it honestly, even if it was just a zoo.

After rubbing my lipstick off, I stood up to put on my clothes that were laid neatly across the bed. I walked over to the dresser to get my shirt ,  just as Tristan was walking out of the closet. He had on his 10's so I knew he was ready to go. "Ima put on my clothes , then I'll be ready okay?" I hated making people wait on me, especially since I'm impatient as hell too.

He scratched the back of his head , and I let out a long breath already knowing that he was about to say some bogus shit. "Um, I actually have to make a quick run, but I promise I will be right back alright?" I bit the inside of my cheek,  nodding. I took promises very seriously so I expected him to be right back like he said he would be.  I trusted his word I guess. He smiled , obviously expecting for me to have fought with him. He kissed my lips, then pulled away walking backwards to the door.

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