New Friends

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I woke up this morning to the sound of my phone buzzing, I turned it off and glanced at the time.Surprisingly we were able to sleep through the whole night.I gently shook Alisha trying to wake her up, being extremely careful of her new wounds."Alisha,wake up."I shook her a couple more times before I just gave up and went to take a shower.

Me and Alisha walked into the school, heading for the gym, holding our own conversation, when we saw Christopher and the rest of the gang, sitting on the top row bleachers.They were all so chill, that I almost immediately liked them.They were were probably the only ones in this school that knew the real me. We walked over to them and I hugged everyone before getting comfortable as always.I had my head on Christopher's legs, my legs on Alisha and Michael, and I was making my arms hit Heather and Honey.This was our normal posture, so they were used to it.Everybody was having a conversation but I noticed Michael staring Intently at his phone.I got up and sat next to him."What's wrong?" I tried my best to whisper over all of the loud talking the school was doing."Nothing, I'm good ma." He didn't look too sure of that but I let it go, instead laying my head on his chest and breathing in his cologne. Damn he smelt good and with out thinking I told him. He let out a sexy chuckle. "Oh word?" I bit the inside of my bottom lip really wishing that I never said that, especially to him, cause he'll let that shit get to his head."Naw I was lying.." I fixed my shirt and moved over by Alisha, trying to hide my smile.I didn't even realize that everyone was staring at me."What?" I asked embarrassed, I know my cheeks were bright red."Leave my sissy alone. If she wanna spit game to the bro let 'er" Honey ratchet ass said, causing everyone to laugh Including Michael. I buried my head in Alisha's arm, just as the bell rung. I never walked so fast before.!


I woke up this morning to silence, meaning that my mom went in for work already. That woman works her ass off everyday and night, working 9hr shifts for both of her jobs.She's only home for a couple hours and when she is, I barely see her.That's why I do what I do, and nobody know except for maybe 2 people.I don't do it for fun, It's to feed my family when my mama's paychecks are cut short. I save about 10% of all the money that I make so that one day we could have enough to move far out, away from everybody and be able to show them how much we proved them wrong. I did my everyday hygiene and got dressed,hearing my phone vibrate indicating a new text.

Vanessa-Come pick me up from the house? 6:50am

Me-Naw you know I don't fuck wit you no more, why you playing stupid. Have that nigga drop you off. 6:51am

I used to think that me and Vanessa were in love, first and only female that had my heart but she went out and fucked another nigga behind my back.So fuck that bitch.She was cool until she started hanging around Jasmine and Bria.They hoes and they somehow made her one.She woulda fucked the whole school if she could.I can't stand Jasmine but the bitch so sprung on Chris that she's everywhere he is, and he told me that he only hit once.Thirsty ass hoes.

I grabbed my keys off of the dresser and jogged to my car, speeding to school.I made it to that bitch in 5 minutes when It's supposed to take at least 15.I walked in the building and searched for my niggas, ignoring the females that were trying to be seen.

I found everybody on the bleachers like normal, only people that wasn't here was Alisha and Alexis.They both cool as fuck and they both bad but I think Alisha's only fifteen.As soon as I sat down and got comfortable, I felt something plop down on my legs.I looked down and saw Alexis's legs crossed on top of mines.It didn't faze me or anybody else because, she's been doing it every since we all been cool.We was all having a good time, when my phone started vibrating again.I had 2 unread messages.

Vanessa-Aw, you foul for that shit.You bitch nigga.You acting out because you got a new hoe?Aw, kay I see how you are, but does she? 7:10am

I didn't even feel like reading the other text because Vanessa killed my whole fucking vibe.What new hoe was she talking about, though? Cause I been dolo every since we broke up and she know that shit.She just like to piss me off and I hate the fact that it works every time.I was staring at my phone mad as fuck, when I saw someone sit next to me. "What's wrong?" Alexis asked, trying to whisper over everyone talking."Nothing, I'm good ma." I told her, trying to convince myself.She didn't say anything else but, instead laid her head on my chest. I put my arm around her shoulder just thinking."You smell good". She blurted out, but as soon as she did her pretty hazel eyes got big.I laughed because I knew she didn't mean to say that and I also knew that she was embarrassed."Oh word?" she bit the inside of her lip."Naw I was lying.." she stood up pulling down her shirt and went to sit back down by Alisha.I think by now all of our eyes were on her."What?" she asked shyly.I noticed that her cheeks turned slightly red, causing me to stare harder.She was bad."Leave my sissy alone. If she wanna spit game to the bro let 'er." Honey said, causing everyone to laugh including me.I turned the other way just as the bell rung and everybody got up rushing out of the gym.

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