Relations And Bullsh!t

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If anything is confusing please let me know, I'm confusing my damn self! I just want Eric out of the picture already! Anyways v_v enjoy :*

I got under the covers and kicked my legs. I wanted to know why I wasn't good in relationships, and my best bet was Chris. Since he was a guy, he'd be able to tell me hopefully and if not there's always Alisha. It'd be weird to ask Michael or even Eric, I haven't seen him in a while but we occasionally text, nothing major because he seems so weird and distant nowadays.

I'm going to meet up with him for lunch today and see what's his problem, he's probably going through something."So what's up?" Chris asked laying on his back with his hands resting peacefully behind his head. I called him earlier asking for advice, and since I'm practically his little sister, he couldn't say no. "Well I want to know why I have so much trouble with relationships. I mean I think I'm average looking, I can cook, clean, and I have money of my own. You know that as soon as I find a place, I'm going to start on my photography. I just don't understand." I said, playing with my finger nails. I mean it's not like I need a future husband, I just want one. When I think about my future, I would like to know that I'd have maybe three kids with an amazing dad, I don't want to do it alone. Tristan and I talk all the time now but i cant help but to feel like I've been put in the friend zone. It's confusing really. Chris rubbed his hand over his face in deep thought. "What's the sudden interest in relations? You know that you don't need one, all niggas do is lie, cheat and betray you. If you're in need of something I got you, and you know that." I sighed. "Yes I know Chris but that's not the point. I mean look at you. You don't cheat on Kae, so maybe there's other men out there like you." I argued. "Well maybe you're looking in the wrong places. Is there a specific person that's caught your eye?" I put my hand on my chin and shrugged. "Not necessarily, but I kinda met a new friend a couple weeks ago." He squinted, and look in my eyes. "At the mall?" I shook my head no and frowned. Telling someone that I made a friend mostly from pity was embarrassing. I laid my head on my arm and mentally prepared for Chris to say whatever. This wasn't necessarily on my things-to-do list. "I sort of kinda hit him," "with my car." He sat up and looked at me blankly. "What the hell." He blurted, in a fit of laughter. What was so funny? I smacked my lips and put my head under the covers. It's one thing for Chris to be laughing, but it's another thing to be laughing that hard. "I want to meet him." He finally said after an estimate of 5 minutes. "No, hell no. What do you need to meet him for? I barely even know him." I protested, shaking my head. Never again would I let a guy that I just met meet any of my guy friends. I mean look at Eric, I let him meet Michael and they got in a physical altercation; for no apparent reason. AND Michael's convinced that Eric is trying to hurt me, that's a story for another time though. "It's cute that you think you have a choice."

I rolled my eyes at Chris's smart mouth, and went to retrieve my ringing phone. I already knew that it was Eric telling me that he was on his way. "Hey." I answered after confirming who it was. I locked eyes with Chris, but looked away when he silently asked who it was. "Um, yeah I'll be ready by then." "Okay, bye Eric." I hung up the phone and resisted Chris's glare. Eric is a good guy, I just don't understand why none of the guys like him. Not even Trell, and he's the lowkey type! "What?" I asked, picking up my camera. It's been a while since I used it, which is weird considering that I love photos. Of anything really. Nature and romance, but mostly things that don't catch the average human eye. I like different, it's what makes me me! "I thought you were done talking to him." Chris stated, standing next to me with his arms crossed and a nasty scowl. "I never said that." "Why is everyone against him? Mike claims him to be 'too dangerous'. Explain how he's dangerous then!" I gritted, raising my voice a little. This game that they're playing is slowly but shortly getting old. I'm tired of this bullshit. Chris took a deep breath and pondered on his next move. He opened his mouth to speak just as the doorbell rang. "Hold on." He grabbed the duffle bag that I didn't see him carry in, and threw it on the bed. Now that I think about it, he's been carrying that bag everywhere.

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