Little Somethings Pt.²

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My head spun in circles once those three words exited her mouth. It seemed like I've waited my whole life for her to feel for me what I feel for her. I sighed, and leaned back against my pillow. "You know you heard me." I did in fact hear her, but I wish I hadn't. "So does this mean you done playing with yo nigga feelings?" She sighed and tried to reposition herself on the bed so that my arms were no longer on each side of her waist. I instantly knew what that meant. "Michael don't start this, please." She begged, playing with her fingers. I knew she was on the verge of catching an attitude, but I didn't care cause I had one too. How the fuck is she going to tell me she love me, but does everything she possibly can to not have to break up with her man. That's the kind of shit that I hate. "What do you mean 'don't start this' Alexis. You don't tell someone you love them, but then go smile in some other niggas face." I tried my hardest to stop from yelling, but I couldn't help it. Alexis was one of the very few people that could piss me off with only one word, and not even care about it.

"What am I supposed to do Michael? It's not that easy, and you know that shit too, Mr.Still With Chyna Even Though You Said You Wasn't." I rubbed my face in frustration, knowing that there was no getting through to her. "Okay and? What she got to do with anything, you know just as well as I do that she don't mean shit to me. I swear you just like to piss me off." She scoffed, and crossed her arms across her chest."Um, excuse me? She has everything to do with it when you're trying to make me feel like the bad guy, and you still with yo bitch too." I figured we could start a new chapter together or some shit like that, but she was too damn immature and selfish to even talk it through. "You know what Alexis, go ahead and be with the nigga, but don't get mad when you see me happy with a broad that ain't you." I stood up and walked into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. Of course I was upset, I mean who wouldn't be but the one thing that I would not do was constantly beg her. If it's meant to be, she'll come around. I'm to damn sexy to be worried about a female that was only meant to be my best friend. << Nah, fuck that. I'll wait, that doesn't mean I'ma be single though. I'm a man, come on now.

I splashed a little water on my face, before sitting up and staring in the mirror a little longer. My golden curly hair was cut a little lower than usual, bringing my complexion out just a tad bit. I personally thought the longer curls looked better on me though. I don't know, just drove the ladies nuts. I smiled a little, before turning the water off and leaving the bathroom.

Once I walked out of the bathroom, I walked into my closet to find my outfit. Alexis was surprisingly still here, doing her hair in my mirror. I rolled my eyes, but continued to do what I was doing. There was this blonde bitch begging to kick it, but I didn't need no drama. Got one baby momma. Nah, I'm playing.


I decided it'd be best to just ignore Michael, so that's what I did. I needed to be getting out of here anyways. I sighed and took my time straightening my last strand of hair. It was no later than 10:30am, yet my day was started off on the wrong foot. I mean, I guess it was partially my fault, springing the information out on him like that knowing that I was still with Tristan. He does play a part too though, since his ass still dating Chyna even though he specifically told me he wasn't. That's why you have to watch out for niggas, they too damn sneaky, and they good as hell at it too. I rolled my eyes, and stuck my bottom lip back in. It had a habit of poking out when I was in deep thought, or just simply upset. I sighed once the doorbell rang. I had a rugged feeling about who it was, and it wouldn't leave my stomach.

I snatched the straightener out of the wall and wrapped it up quickly. I saw Michael walking out the door, brushing his hair with no shirt on. He knew exactly what he was doing, too bad I wasn't paying him any mind. "Haaay baby! I missed you." I bit the inside of my bottom lip, to keep from rolling my eyes. It wasn't her fault her man was so tempting. "I missed you too." He lied, casually. I chuckled quietly, while mentally shaking my head. He was a good ass liar. I grabbed my bag and slowly walked down the stairs. On the right side of me, Chyna and Michael laid cuddled up on the couch. She looked up, surprised. "Oh, hey. I didn't know you were here." I just looked at her and laughed. The fakeness in her voice was so clear, you could practically see the tension in the room. Yeah right, bitch.

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