Girls Day..Or Not

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Chris and I stood in front of Eric, Lonnie and Casper with our guns up. I can't believe that I actually put my trust into these niggas but at the time I needed fast money and if that meant selling drugs and killing random niggas, then so be it. I was young and dumb, and if I didn't have my R.O.D nigga Chris here to drag me out of that lifestyle then I would still be doing it. That's disappointing. Especially since Chris had nothing to do with it, but here he is risking his life for me. "You come back to me, or I'll kill her and you know I will." Eric said, lighting a blunt. I clenched my jaw as I thought about that day I came to pick Alexis up from her job.


I was leaning against my car waiting for Alexis to come over to me when I seen Eric calling after her. This nigga no lie made my skin crawl, and not because I was scared, but because I knew that there was nothing that I could do. He knew everything, which is why I kept my plan on the DL.And I had to make it quick because I knew that he was going after Alexis to get to me.I don't know what I'd do if Eric harmed her. I kept my eye on him as he frequently made eye contact with me. The only reason that I didn't shoot this nigga right then and there was because he had eyes everywhere and I would be putting my family in harms way. I could tell from the way that her eyes twinkled, he was trying to charm her. Eric pulled her into a hug and motioned his hand from side to side behind her neck as if he were cutting her.Oh fuck no."Aye, back the fuck up nigga." I yelled, pushing him back. He looked at me and smirked, obviously knowing that he struck a nerve or two."Get the fuck on, you weak ass nigga." Eric yelled pushing me back. If it was one thing that I knew about Eric it was that he was all talk. He had niggas like me doing his dirty work while he sat in his boss chair."Michael STOP! I heard Alexis yell from a distance.  I looked around and saw Alexis kneeled down infront of Eric who was laying on the ground. What happened still remains unsolved.

Flashback Over

I wish there was a way that I could warn Alexis without jeopardizing her's or anyone else's life. "No. I already told you from the jump. I was only in the business temporarily. Why can't you find someone else?" I asked, a little over pissed off.How the fuck did he find us anyway?  That was another reason that we moved down here to LA;  to get away from crazy ass niggas like Eric. Eric chuckled darkly and pulled out his business phone. He dialed a number and put it on speaker phone, letting me know that I wouldn't like whatever that was about to happen.


I sat on the couch, straightening Heathers hair when my phone rang. I laid the comb

in her hair and wiped my greasy hands on my jeans. I answered the phone with a smile plastered on my face. I already knew that it was Eric."Hellooo." I answered, happily. "Hey beautiful. I was calling to see if you wanted to go out to dinner with me tonight.?" He asked unsure, after a long pause. I smiled and continued doing Heather's hair. "Um, actually I'm having a sleep over with the girls so ma-" Beep. He hung up. I shrugged my shoulders and tossed the phone on the couch beside me. "What was that about?" Heather asked, holding the mirror up to her long flowy blue hair. I put the cap on the oil and sat criss cross on the couch. "I'm not sure. But where's Taylor? " I asked, looking around for my cousin/adopted sister who now that I think about it,  disappeared. Just as Heather opened her mouth, Tay walked in the living room with a big bag of chips and a liter of mountain dew. I shook my head and pressed play on the movie that we were supposed to be watching. About 45 minutes into the movie my phone vibrated causing everyone to look at me. I shrugged my shoulders and read the new text message.

Michael(1)- Where you at? 11:34pm

I turned the brightness on my phone down and typed a curious reply. I already told him earlier that I was staying in all day, and not to come over because I was strictly having an no boys allowed weekend.

Me- I'm at the house just like I said I would be.Why? 11:35pm

I sat my phone down and sighed when I got a phone call. "What Mikey?" I asked, frustrated. I haven't seen my cousin Taylor in months and I haven't seen Heather in a little over eighteen hours. Ugh! "I'm on my way. You better open the door." He commanded sternly. "What? No Michael sta-" He hung up before I could finish protesting. I smacked my lips and looked at the girls who were looking at me as well. "What?" I asked, stuffing popcorn in my mouth. "What did he say?" Taylor asked, bouncing up and down. "He says that he's coming over." I repeated, rolling my eyes. Heather squinted her eyes at me and Tay threw a chip. "That's good right?  Don't you luuuv him." Taylor asked,  making kissy faces with Heather. I smacked my lips and shook my head no."Well if Michael's coming,  Heather call Trell, Taylor call Monae and I'll call Alisha and Chris." I said, trying to be fair. They both nodded in agreement and eventually called their lovers. I ran upstairs to put some shorts on over my panties just as my phone started ringing from down stairs. It was most likely Michael calling to tell me that he was outside. Don't ask me why this nigga never knocks.

Sorry for the short chapter and errors,  I'm updating on a phone. There'll be a part 2 don't worry. (:

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