My Friend and I

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"Are you sure that these are the ones?" I asked Tristan for the fifth time. He's picked up at least nine pairs of shoes, tried them on, then basically discarded them. I've never met a more picky person. He sucked his teeth then grabbed both shoes. "Yes Alexis.. Witcho' impatient ass." He mumbled, walking towards the register. I rolled my eyes and slipped my original shoes on. I couldn't help but notice a few people stepping out of line and attempting to let Tristan get in front of them. If only they knew how much of a pain in the ass he really was.

I looked at a few more shoes before finally ringing everything up. It's been a while since I've actually been accompanied shopping, and I can't lie... It felt good. Especially since I was here with him. We've officially known one another for two weeks and they've been the best. We sorta kinda know where we stand with one another unlike Michael and I. "So where we going to next?" I asked, excitedly. He looked over at me and smiled lightly." To eat...Right..?" I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder. He always wanted to eat, but I cant lie I was a little hungry too. "I guess." I answered, letting him drag me towards the exit.

I opened my mouth to protest but closed it when I heard someone whisper my name. "Duh! Thats the girl that fucked Tyga AND Chris Brown." "Nuh uh.. Then why is she with Mack Wilds?" I shook my head and looked back at the girls. People ran their mouth so much that they didn't even realize how stupid they sounded and looked. Tristan wrapped his arm around my waist protectively, and pecked my cheek obviously hearing the same thing that I did. It didn't really phase me, but it did somewhat bother me. People all in my business so I can't do nothing, not even chill with friends.


I tiredly flopped down in a booth and picked up my phone. We were at the mall for about four hours buying every thing that caught our eye. It was a little hard for me though because I had to pretend that I didn't like stuff, then when Tristan wasn't looking I'd hurry to the register to buy it, otherwise he would have conned me into letting him buy it which I most definetly wouldn't have liked, although my plan wasn't necessarily full proof. He bought me a few outfits and like the hard headed person I am, I returned the favor. I don't understand why it's sooo hard for guys to let a female buy them stuff, especially since it's our money!. Ugh! Guys are so complicated, conflicting, and cute..


I leaned back in my chair and sighed. I've never had so much trouble with a song before and it was bothering me. Usually when I'd have these types of problems, someone is here to inspire me. Speaking of which, I haven't spoken to Alexis since she told me about her father abusing her which was two almost three weeks ago.

It's not that I didn't want to talk to her, it's just that the first couple of days I was busy, then she just stopped answering her phone. I know she ain't been busy too cause pictures of her and this next nigga all over the internet. Yeah, I'm a little jealous, but I'll get over it. I ain't got no choice but to..Right?

I pulled out my phone and called her twice, receiving the same voicemail each time. I shook my head, then decided to send her a text. It was weird how much I found myself missing and needing her. Just as I pulled up my messages, my phone vibrated and an Instagram notification popped up.

I shook my head in disbelief when I saw that Alexis had liked two of my pictures. I ain't got time for this bullshit.

Me- So you too good to answer my phone calls, yet you can be on instagram liking my pictures... Hm. 4:13pm

I was wasting valuable time on a reply that I knew wouldn't be coming any time soon. I walked into the booth and grabbed my notebook, scribbling down a few things. "Uhh, back it up, I love when your jeans show ya panties uh, and I'm grabbing on ya waist cause I'm hard as fuck, don't wanna waste time we can take it slow."


I saved my beat, then closed my laptop, when I heard heels clicking against my hardwood floor. "Hey babe." Chyna squealed, making her way over to me. Some people would say that our relationship is going great, but I see things differently. I mean she's an amazing girlfriend for the most part, but I want something different. Someone that's not her.

Washing the crazy thoughts out of my head, I pulled her onto my lap and turned her around so that she was straddling me. What was I thinking? My girlfriend is as close to perfect as I'll get. She can cook good, clean good, fuck great, and she was on her independent shit. Hm, I wonder what Alexis could do though. She was little but her thighs were.... "How did the opening go?" I asked, lightly pecking her neck to drift away from my vile thoughts.

She was opening a new makeup store and I was honestly proud of her. I know how it feels to be stressed out about things being perfect. "Oh my gosh! It was so perfect babe. Everything went as planned." She gushed, smiling big. I knew how happy this made her so I couldn't help but to invest in her shop a tad bit. "And about that celebration.." I trailed off, kissing her lips gently. She wrapped her arms around my neck and grinded hard on my lap. I broke the kiss and moved my lips to her neck, sucking on it hard. Yep, a little distraction is all I needed.


After eating at the new Italian restaurant downtown, then seeing a movie, Tristan and I decided to come chill at my place. Well on his part, sleep because I know for a fact that he was drooling on my legs. I rubbed his head and laid back on the couch cushions while my phone turned on. I turned my phone off a little earlier because I wanted to preserve the little bit of battery juice that I did have. It's not like it would have helped though, my battery had a little explanation point on it for about ten minutes, so you know it's real.

Once my phone completely came on, it vibrated a few times before finally calming down. I clicked on my messages and laughed out loud when I saw the message that Michael sent me. He was really bugging with his crazy ass. I exited out of the message and let my finger trail off to the internet shortcut. My curiosity got the best of me as I cautiously typed my name in the search box. Seconds later tons of links tied to my name popped up. I let my eyes wander across the screen. How does rapper TYGA'S girlfriend of nine months feel about homewrecking Alexis Moore? Chris Brown caught leaving Alexis Moores home early in the morning... Alexis Moore goes off on TMZ reporter for apparently 'asking too many questions'. Alexis Moore found eating lunch...Alone? Has Chris and Tyga found out about her repulsive love triangle? The more

I scrolled down, the more a weird, foreign feeling took over my body. Each article had a photo attached and I felt nauseated. I felt like I was being stalked and I had only looked at the first page. Just as I reached to tap '2/254 pages', my phone died leaving my thoughts and I in the dark living room.

Since I knew that I had a slim chance at waking up Tristan, I cuddled into his body and fell asleep there on the couch.


I turned on my side and tried to go to sleep. It was maybe one o'clock and Chyna went to sleep a little earlier. I had so much stuff on my mind and it was bothering me. I got out of the bed, pulled up my boxers then headed downstairs to the kitchen. I sat at the table and laid my head down. I've tried so hard to hide my feelings, but I know now. I'm not happy....

AND scene! This chapter is basically just showing where Alexis and Tristan stand... This chapter took me a couple mf days, I changed it so much so can I have some comments?? Oh and I've come to the conclusion that...

long updates= longer wait.

short updates= short wait.

Which one? ^^ ^^

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