Little Somethings

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I'm completely done with Michael. Although I may have seemed desperate and naive, I'm not and I never have been. I'm smart enough to know when a man is using me and when they like me for who I am and not for what I have. I guess I just really wanted Michael to change and do better. That was obviously too far fetched though. I'm finally done with his lying ass. Too many things in my life were on the line, including my friendships in which I love and miss.

I took a seat at the bar and pondered on whether to make omelets or waffles. It sure beat me, especially  since Trina was so picky. She's two years old, I mean I'd be surprised if she knew exactly what she wanted all the time.

After much more thought, I placed the carton of eggs back into the refrigerator and pulled out the pancake and waffle mix. It was a little weird though, considering the fact that I always tried to make homemade and healthy meals for my little princess. Especially now that I was getting my life back on track. Thank god I didn't swerve too far off because as of right now, everything was in my control. I finally got my daughter out of the governments custody a little more than a month ago, I was drug and alcohol free. It was fun and shit before, but I have responsibilities as a woman and a mother now. Something had to give and I'd be damned if it was my daughter again.


After work, yesterday I decided to stop by Michael's place. I wouldn't have if Tristan didn't have another "family emergency" in which I still didn't know about. No doubt in my mind I wanted to trust his word, but shit, how many family emergencies was he going to have this week? I really don't want to think about it though cause I did my dirt too, I just feel like Michael is my better half, that isn't quite good for me. He always seemed to bring this trouble with him, but I could never stay away. I peeped at my phone on the night stand and saw that it was 9:22am. It was normal being as though I was a morning person. Sometimes.

I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and stood up, stretching. No more that two seconds later, Michael rolled onto my side of the bed, all the while taking up his side too. I shook my head at him and pulled his Last Kings t-shirt over my head. It was one of the few that I could fit, the others were either too long, or too tight around my chest. Skinny ass Michael could make anyone feel fat as hell.

I slipped on my clothes that I brought from home and glanced behind me at him. I specifically told him that I would sleep in the guest room to avoid all 'incidents'. And of course this nigga appeared around one or two in the morning, trying to be slick. He lucky this is his house. I pulled my toothbrush out of my bag and walked into the bathroom. I was usually able to get a bunch of shit done before he woke up in the morning, but considering the fact that I wasn't cooking today, I had more time on my hands than I needed. I cooked way too much for him, especially since he was just as good of a cook as me. Spoiled ass, matter of fact, he needed to be waking up too. Since Sochitta wanted to 'talk' to me at twelve, I needed as much time with Michael before hand as possible. Our time together always seemed so stained and timed. With our different schedules, it was a blessing to get any time together.

I sat on the edge of the bed, thinking of fun ways to wake him up. I could just shake his shoulder but where's the fun in that? Hm. I never realized until today how much relationships took out of your fun. All this time I've been complaining about wanting a man, but now I have the perfect one, and I don't want it anymore. I mean I like Tristan a lot, but I don't know. Sometimes I just want him as a friend so I won't have to worry about hurting his feelings, or about him hurting mines. I like my freedom and I can't have my normal friendship with Michael if I have Tristan.

What am I going to do?

I rubbed my temples and sighed, what am I saying? This can't be true? But then again it wouldn't have just popped up. I fell back into the pillows and closed my eyes. Reminiscing on good times. I chuckled a little to myself when I remembered how nervous Michael made me. I was always blushing and playing with my fingers around him. I've always loved him. I was just good at putting the thoughts behind me. I love Michael! I do. There's no denying it. I popped my head up and tossed my right leg around his waist so that I was straddling him. Both of my hands cupped his shoulders as I bubbled with excitement. The fact that I would finally get this off of my chest made me happy. It made me feel like a new person. I loved it. I stopped to think about this decision. This could go one of two ways , I just hoped I was doing the right thing.

I leaned my head down and pecked his juicy lips. Once, twice, then the charming third one. Michael stirred a little before grabbing my waist. His eyes stayed closed. I bit my lip then kissed the corner of his lips, his jaw, then to the pair of lips permanently drawn onto his neck. I bit and sucked on that spot, knowing that would wake him up. "Shit, stop before I fuck you." He moved his neck around trying to avoid my lips but I didn't stop, only giggled a little. His morning voice was always a turn on, especially when he was trying to be serious. I bounced my ass a little on his lap, enjoying the feeling of his growing erection, a little more than I should have. "Okay but really Michael I have to talk to you." I lifted my head from his neck and rubbed his shoulders. He looked up at me with a glare. "Get up real quick so I can go to the bathroom." I shook my head and looked at him. "No forreal, I need to talk to you while I can. It seems like there's always distractions when it comes to us. It's now or never and I'm feeling pretty damn brave." I chuckled a little to cover up my nervousness. To be honest, the only man that I've ever loved was my dad, and you see how that turned out. I sighed and watched Michael watch me. He looked confused, but motioned me to continue regardless. I twisted the lone ring on my finger nervously.1.. 2.. 3.. Now! "I love you Michael. I always did, I was just so scared to tell you thinking that our friendship would discontinue. But I don't care anymore. It was killing me to keep it inside. All this time I've been thinking that I was happy with Tristan, but I'm not. I'll never be truly happy without you! I realized the day I had sex with you Michael, I just didn't want to believe it. I love you." I blew out a breath and slid off of his lap so that he could think it through with no pressure. Of course I was scared of his reaction, but I just felt better getting everything off of my chest. I played with my fingers and watched his facial expression constantly change. He opened his mouth, but closed it soon after.

"You what Alexis?" The words were so sharp that I jumped.

Okay lol I always know its time to update once y'all start blowing me up with notifications! I love it, but frfr I done forgot what the book was about so ima have to re-read it before long updates can start coming in. I know this won't hold y'all long , but I can't make any exact dates to publish chapters it's just too much going on. Sorry about that, and any errors I promise to pick back up on this whenever I can. Enjoy

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