Set It Free

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With graduation right around the corner, and Michael and Tristan constantly on my mind, my plate was obviously overflowing. I wasn't so much as stressed, but mainly spaced out or thoughtful I would say .

Everything that has ever happened in my life flowed through my mind as my day crept closer. I could only imagine how proud my aunt and uncle would be of me. I've made it a long way. Throwback to those days I said I wouldn't go to college. Throwback to those days I paid my 'smart' friends to do my homework, trying to hide the fact that I too was a nerd. I smiled at the thought, attempting to fall back asleep. I've been woke every since Michael 'snuck' out of the house around twelve o'clock this morning . I don't know who he thought he was getting over on, but it was not me. The only reason I wasn't flipping shit was because technically Michael wasn't my boyfriend. He was a person I was simply taking baby steps with. Plus, if I was able to have Tristan, he could have whoever he wanted; that's fair .

Trust me I'm thinking of ways to break things off with Tristan, I just don't want to hurt him. He's been as good as he could to me, and this is how I repay him. The way things happened to turn out made my stomach twist . I already know I'm the one in the wrong. I can admit to that. I cheated on him, I lied to him, I betrayed him. I thought I was better than this; you know, the loyal type. I guess everything happens for a reason.

I rolled over onto my side, just as the room doorknob jingled. Why was I so drawn to Michael? Tristan was handsome to, and now that I was comparing the too, staying with Tristan was obviously the safest route. I just wish I could tell my heart that. I stared intently at the wall beside me, listening to Michael strip out of his clothes. He'd only been in here two seconds and his scent had already filled the whole room up. He smelt normal, not like a female. I guess that's good. He walked into the bathroom, quiety turning the faucet on. About three minutes later he turned the light out.

He got in the bed pulling me by my waist into his chest. I scooted back further, placing my hand on top of his. Just like that all my thoughts, good and bad vanished. All that matters right now is that at the end of the day he's still laying up with me. "I love you Alexis." Michael said, with just a little weary in his voice. I smiled slightly , immediately saying it back.


Next Morning

I woke up with small feet in my face. I gently pushed them away, rubbing my eyes. Last night played across my mind like a movie and even though I didn't cheat, I knew there was absolutely no way I could get this past Alexis. I was at the point where I couldn't even tell her about Katrina because I had completely flipped shit , thinking she had a daughter. (couple chapters back, with honesty.)

What was I gonna do? She's probably at the house thinking of ways to kill me right now.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, quietly slipping my shoes on. I grabbed my keys from the nightstand, accidently making noise. Sochitta turned to face me, her eyes barely open. "Where you going babe? " That's another thing, she all of a sudden fell into some old feelings and she'd been lightly showing them. I don't know something just isn't right. "I'm going home, to my girl." She nodded, turning so that her back was facing me. I sighed, bending down to kiss Trina's cheek. I grabbed my hoodie, leaving the room. I was honestly scared. If Alexis found out I was sleeping over my baby momma's house I'd probably go missing. Shit if she found out I was paying her rent she'd lose her head. It's all good cause I don't care about nobody but Alexis, she's so special.

My ride home seemed shorter than ever, even after I tried my hardest to stall. I caught myself stopping for pedestrians even when I had the right away multiple times, I even took the time out to admire the beautiful attractions in the neighborhood that I never paid attention to. I sighed, getting out of the car. My feet dragged up the walkway until I got to the door. I unlocked it, instantly being hit with the smell of bacon and cinnamon. It was about 9:45am or close to it .

I kicked my shoes off by the door, and hung my coat up. "Good morning Lexis." I greeted, trying to cut some of the tension. She just stared at me. Her eyes held remorse, regret, anger, and confusion which just added more tension."Look Alexis, I'm sorry for not calling you back last night. I didn't cheat, I promise. You mean too much to me , I wouldn't dare fuck that up." I was hoping she would trust me enough to believe me without asking questions, but the look on her face told me she didn't. She looked like she wanted to cry and I knew something way deeper than this had to have been bothering her. "Hey, what's wrong? " I asked, taking slow steps towards her. I didn't want to anger her anymore than she already was. She just shook her head, holding her hand up to my chest so I wouldn't come any closer.

I grabbed it holding it in my hand. "Hey what's wrong Alexis?" I pulled her into me holding her head. I could feel her body shaking, as she tried to keep herself together.

When she finally did, she pulled away from me and turned away. "Tristan. W-we need to break up. I can't do this no more." I reached out to touch her, but she shrugged away from me. "Alexis, please no. I'm sorry." I could feel my heart shattering to tiny pieces with each second that passed. What did I do wrong? I thought she was happy, I thought we were happy. "Tristan no, I'm sorry. I'm the one that fucked everything up. I shouldn't have led you on like I did. I'm sorry." I fell back into the seat, biting the inside of my cheek. What went wrong? Why didn't she want to work shit out. I wanted to throw a vase at her so she could feel the pain that I was experiencing. Just yesterday, I told her that I loved her. I wasn't lying, now today she pulls this shit?

I took steady breaths to control my anger and held my head in my hands. What the fuck is going on? "Alexis just come here. I know you aren't serious." She sighed, and dug in the pockets of the sweats that I just realized she had on. I lifted my head a little to get a better look at them. I could tell they were men sweats by the many cuffs that were around the waist and the bottom of each pant leg. I just assumed they were Tyga's by the Last King logo that was going down her left thigh. I blinked hard to resist from choking the life out of her. I see I wasnt the problem. That nigga is, I should've known not to trust his ass. He was around way too much, and I swear I seen the way he looked at her. Like he wanted to bite her, it was lust not love and when he plays the fuck out of her, she's gone be crawling right back.  I couldn't wait for that day. I chuckled darkly thinking of how wrong I was about her. I thought she was smart and knew what she wanted. I thought she was loyal and knew when she had a good thing. She was lucky as hell to get me, now I guess she thinks she can have any nigga with money. Too bad he only wants a slice of cake from her gullible easy ass. Wow, I swear I expected better from her. "What's funny?" she asked, tossing two sets of keys on my lap. One was to my house and the other one was to my Aston Martin that I hated her driving anyway.

I shook my head, not actually thinking she was serious. I bet he won't treat her as good as I did. I stood up, getting close to her. "Nothing, just wondering when Tyga gone come pick yo ass up." The look on her face was picture worthy."Wait what?" I laughed at her. "You heard me." I walked past her, stuffing a cinnamon roll in my mouth. One thing that I will miss is her cooking I can't lie, I actually loved this girl. Now when I look at her half of me is disgusted, the other half is appalled. "Look I'm sorry Tristan. I shouldn't have ever got in a relationship with you to begin with. I love Michael and I always have." I wanted to throw up hearing those words. She couldn't love me because she loved him... Of course. "You know what? Just let yourself out. " She looked sad and I knew that she was feeling my pain like she should be.


Once Michael pulled up, I got in the car putting my stuff in the back. I felt so bad but at the same time relieved. Lord knows how much staying with Tristan was killing me internally. I needed that. I smiled, intertwining Michael and I's fingers. "My turn." he said with a huge smirk. This should be very interesting.

The End !!!!!!!

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