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(Alexis )

"You gotta dig a little deeeeeper! " I sang along, with the movie that was playing. Michael dropped Honesty off with me this morning since I've been asking for her, and it turns out we shared the same favorite movie; Princess and the Frog. Between me and her, we've basically mocked the whole movie, and was bracing ourselves for the sad part. My eyes watered once Tiana told Ray that Evangeline was just a stupid star. We knew what was coming up soon. I popped a handful of popcorn in my mouth, just as Tristan walked into the living room. I glanced at him long enough to see his eyes roam to Honesty who was too into the movie to even notice his presence. I smiled at her before standing up to talk to him. I knew he wanted an explanation by the way he looked at me with one eyebrow raised, I didn't mind though, anything to help me avoid Raymond's death. I nodded at the thought and looked back at the TV once again, then I finally walked out. I wiped my palms on my jeans as Tristan and I walked into the kitchen. He looked pissed. "When the hell were you gonna tell me that you had a child?" he asked, before I could say anything.

I arched one of my eyebrows and pushed him back, he was too close for my liking. "I suggest you take it down a notch, and if you would've let me explain, you would've known that she's Michael's niece!" "What the fuck are you lying for? I wish you would learn to tell the truth, I wouldn't have been mad!" I rolled my eyes and laughed on accident. I didn't have time for this bull. I just became stress free this morning. Well stressful thought free I should say. Honesty really had that effect on me, I don't know I guess I just really like kids."Boy please get out of my face." I turned around to get two cups from the cabinet, when I turned back around Tristan was all in my face like he had been since I left the living room. I rolled my eyes and tried to go around him, I really didn't want to argue this early in our relationship. I guess I was starting to like him. He grabbed my chin and gently made me look at him. I sighed but didn't move regardless. "I'm sorry babe. I'm just going through some family problems." I moved his hand from my face and leaned in to peck his lips. "Its okay, but next time you raise your voice at me like that, I'll cut off your balls." I patted his chest two times, before going in the refrigerator to get the Kool-aid out. "Raaay!" I heard Honesty cry from the living room. That was my que to go back in. I grabbed our cups and took my seat next to her, handing her the sippy cup. She just turned four the week before last, but I wasn't taking any chances, not on my new furniture!

Once the movie was over, Honesty was out like a light. I picked her up and carried her upstairs to my room. As soon as her little body touched the bed, she curled up into the covers. She was going to be here until I went to work at five. Lately I've been working more days for less hours if that made sense. Usually I would have Mondays and Thursdays off but now I work throughout the whole week. Anything to avoid being there as long. I'm actually planning on quitting soon. That job just isn't my cup of tea, and if I'm lucky maybe, just maybe Michael will accept me as his stylist again. From my knowledge he didn't have one. I often wondered why not, but hey. It's not my business I guess, and now since I'm used to him being in my life I shouldn't have any problems with it. I just hope and pray that he says yes, only lord knows what I'll do if I don't get it. I mean yeah, I'll have a college degree by then but it's all a long process and I don't have time to waste.

I peeled my shirt over my head, getting ready for a shower when a loud knock at the door became audible. I sighed thinking of who it could be. I knew it wasn't Michael, I just left Alisha and Lily and Tristan should be downstairs. I looked over to Honesty making sure she was still asleep, then slipped my shirt back on. I slicked my hair back some with my hands and jogged down the stairs. Tristan was leaving the kitchen with his phone up to his ear, just as I pulled opened the door. Surprise took over me once I saw Christopher's confused face. I smiled big and opened my arms wide. What can I say? I might as well put it out there. "Welcome to our dysfunctional ass family!" I greeted, pulling him into me. I was usually able to restrain from crying at times like this but I couldn't help it. Tears poured out of my eyes, I bet taking Chris by surprise because before I knew it both of us were standing outside with my front door shut. He squeezed me tight , then pulled away to I guess see my face. "What are you talking about Alexis?" I took a deep breath and told him everything that my Aunt Lily told me the day before.

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