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I dug my hand into my purse, trying to find my phone charger but I couldn't find it.After dinner I just decided to crash here at Michael's house because It was dark as hell outside and I couldn't see, I meant to make an appointment with an optometrist but I haven't found the time, my schedule is  hella busy nowadays.I had to study for my ACT test that will determine rather or not I will graduate, and I haven't even had the time to do that and I was starting to get worried.

I felt around the wall for the light switch but I couldn't find it.I really needed to talk to Alisha and my phone was dead.I walked over to the door and made my way to Michael's room.I held my hand up to knock on the door, but immediately put it down when I heard Chyna yelling at Michael, I wasn't usually nosy but I couldn't help it when I heard my name."What the fuck was that about Ty? You fucking that bitch?" I heard someone smack their lips, I'm assuming that it was Michael."You stay thinking that I'm cheating on yo ass.What bitch are you talking about today, cause the only bitch that I see is you!Trust me if I wanted to cheat I would have, matter of fact, since you think I am, I might as well do it, yo insecure ass." "What the fuck is that supposed to mean Tyga?You 'bout to go fuck her again? Be my guest I gon't give a fuck no more." "What bitch are you talking about Malaya!?" I heard a slam and her hiss in pain."You know who I'm talking about! You and that bitch was making googily eyes at each other all fucking night.I knew you wanted her hoe ass!" Whaat? I was tempted to go through this fucking door, but I restrained.If it's one thing that I hate, It's for a female to refer to me as a bitch or a hoe.Especially when she was smiling all in my fucking face like thirty minutes ago.I chuckled darkly and walked back to the guest room that Michael let my sleep in.I was too fucking tired to be worried about what a punk bitch had to say about me behind closed doors.I put all of my belongings back into my purse and climbed into the bed, getting comfortable.

I heard the door to the guest room creak open but I was so fucking tired that my mind, made my body believe that I was hallucinating.

I stretched out my arms, nearly jumping out of my skin when I hit someone.I looked over and saw Michael sleeping with his arm over his head, the other hanging loosely around my waist.I rubbed my eyes making sure that I was't tripping, and I wasn't.How the hell..When the hell...What the hell..Why the hell was this nigga in the bed with me? I replayed what happened last night and mentally nodded.He must have came in here after he and his bitch had that argument.I'm not even gone pretend that I'm surprised from her fake actions, because I'm not.I already knew what kind of female she was, I was just trying to see if he was 'bout that life, but she clearly ain't if she had to talk shit behind my back."Take a fucking picture damn." Michael mumbled, pulling me out of my thoughts.I didn't even realize that I was staring at him still."Shut up, why yo ass in here anyway?" I removed his arm from around me and got out of the bed to stretch."I didn't know that I needed a invitation, to sleep with my best friend, in my house." My eyes got huge, but went back to normal when he corrected himself."To sleep in the same bed as my best friend."This word 'best friend' was slowly killing me inside but I didn't react to it.Physically at least.Michael still had his arm over his face so he was nescient of the face that I just made."Well, whenever you're ready, I would like to go the fuck home, I'm sure your girl friend wants me out too." He sat up quickly; face filled with sympathy which I clearly didn't need." I am so sorry for that shit that she said yesterday, that was uncalled for, escpecially since you were right next door." "Michael, what the fuck are you apologizing for? You know I don't give a rats ass! But you need to keep yo hands off of females." I pointed my finger in his face and spoke sternly, as if I were his mom.He smacked his lips and ran his hand over his face."Maaan, she just gets me so mad, and she hit me first, I was just getting her out of my face.Shit."He turned so that I could see the side of his face, and there just like he said was a red hand mark.That still didn't give him the right to put his hands on her, even if he didn't actually hit her.I nodded my head up and down, showing that I understood, and walked into the bathroom that was in the room,splashing water on my face.I wasn't expecting to spend the night so I didn't bring a tooth brush or another outfit.I walked back out and bent down to get my shirt and pants off of the ground.I don't sleep completely nude, that's just weird, but I can not sleep with any type of clothing, besides my bra and panties. I slid my shirt over my head, then sat on the bed to pull on my pants.MIchael stared at me intently but I didn't look at him until I had my whole outfit from yesterday on."What you looking at chump?" I asked playfully while hitting him in his head."Hit me again."He challenged, trying to be intimidating.I got off of the bed and hit him again, running to the other side of the gold room, it kind of reminded me of an old cabin house  by how he had it decorated, this room was waay different from the others, which is why I liked it so much.I ran past the fire place and tried to run into the open bathroom but he tackled me onto the ground as soon as I got close enough to it.We started play fighting, him on top just fucking around, when I heard Chyna's loud ass."What the hell!" She exclaimed standing in the doorway of the room.I inched down into the floor to give Michael and I as much space away from each other as possible.I heard Michael sigh as Chyna made her way over to us. I wouldn't be surprised if she thought we were doing something other than play fighting, because...One-She's hella insecure.Two-Her man was on top of me while my legs were wrapped around his. and Three-I'm perty (: I really wanted to laugh, because she looked as if she was gonna cry, and we weren't even doing shit.Like seriously, If I wanted Michael to be with me, then I could easily have him, but I dont want him.I don't think so at least.Michael pushed himself off of me and stood to his feet, helping me do the same.I looked around the room, not making contact with her. No I wasn't scared or no shit like that, I just feel like I'm about to be the center of yet another one of their arguments.I don't even know why he with her still, all she does is complain and point out people that she thinks wants her man."I stay with her because her head game on point, plus she a stripper,you know I love dem strippers!." I remember Michael telling me that, he so fucking basic! I smiled at the conversation that we had last week, almost forgetting that I was in the room with two other people that probably think that I'm crazy now.Chyna opened her mouth to speak, but closed it when Michael held his hand up."Don't start Malaya! I will deal with yo ass when I get back.Get yo shit Alexis." With that he walked out, with Chyna following helplessly behind.I could tell that he was really mad, by how he called her by her first name.He hardly ever does that and this side was starting to scare me.It was kind of cute though.I picked up my dead phone and my purse before slipping on my boots and walking out the door to find Michael.I walked in the living room and only saw Chyna, she looked up at me and rolled her eyes, but I walked away with out acknowledging her.Trust and believe I'm not scared of her, or no other bitch, I just don't fight unless I get hit. Michael walked out of the kitchen, now wearing a white T-shirt and some blue jeans.I smiled softly at him, noticing his body calm down some.

We pulled up in front of my house at about 12:45 and I had to be at work at 2.I got out of the car with Michael, not too far behind and unlocked my house door.It was still a little basic in here, but I'll start decorating and good shit like that after I graduate.I went upstairs to take a shower, meanwhile, Michael rummaged through my pantry.Even though my house wasn't decorated, I never lacked on my junk food.

I got out of the shower and changed into my black floral shirt and some white jeans.I let my curly hair flow down a little past my boobs and slid on my shoes."Michael!" I yelled out to him, he's been quiet downstairs every since we got here and I was starting to get worried.I heard his steady footsteps coming up the stairs and seconds later he came into view."What's up?" He asked sitting on my bed.I held my phone up to him and he snatched it out of my hand, rolling his eyes.He already knew what I wanted because I asked for it so often."Don't be rolling yo eyes at me little boy!"I said in a threatening tone. "What you gone do about it little girl?"He responded, using the same tone as me."Nothing." I said in a baby voice, just watch as soon as I get my picture, I'ma beat his ass.I smiled politely before posing for the picture.He took the picture on my phone, then hooked it back up to the charger.[mm] He turned to face me, only to be hit in the jaw, not hard though.I ran out of the room as he tried to piece together what the fuck just happened. I paced back and forth through the hallways trying to figure out where to go, that's when it hit me! The guest bedroom downstairs was full of boxes that I needed to unpack; best hiding space ever. I zoomed down the stairs reducing as much sound as possible.I crept into the room and left the door open so that it wouldn't look suspicious.I squatted behind two boxes that were stacked on top of each other, and held my hand over my mouth.I really wanted to laugh because he was walking around the house yelling my name.It got silent all of a sudden, so I stuck my head around the box to see what was going on.Before I could turn back around and get back into position, I was being held in a head lock.I struggled to get out, but that was only making it harder for me.I looked up at Michael, glaring as hard as I could.He clearly cheated! He smiled down at me before pulling my right leg back with his, and harmlessly tripped me, we rolled around for a bit, until I some how got on top.I straddled his lap and began throwing blows to his face.He held his hands up, dodging majority of them.I kept hitting him until I got tired, laying my head in his neck.His arms snaked around my waist as his hands rested on my ass.This nigga think he slick or some shit? I popped his arm and moved his hands, only to have him put 'em back.I tried to wiggle out of his grip but he only tightened it.I smacked my lips and pouted."I love how yo booty soft, and you got on these tight ass jeans that got yo panties showing." He gripped my ass, making me pull away from him, successfully,surpressing my moan.He looked up at me slowly and smirked at me.I kicked his arm and walked away, getting ready for work.I slid on my shoes and took my phone off of the charger, checking to see if I had any text messages but I didn't except the ones from Alisha that I already read.I walked into the guest bedroom and didn't see Michael so I walked around the first floor until I found him, sprawled out on the couch with his eyes closed.I knew that he wasn't sleep though.I snatched his LK fitted hat off and put in on myself.I looked back down at Michael and saw that his eyes were watching my every move.I bit the inside of my bottom lip before pulling him off of the couch."Come on Mikey.I have to be at work today." He stood up and grabbed his keys off of the coffee table.He motioned for me to walk first and I compliantly did so.


(After Work)

I was about to walk over to Michael's car when I heard someone calling my name.I turned around and saw Eric running up to me.I smiled, slightly confused."Uhh, hey what's up?" I asked."I was wondering if you wanted to go out to with me.Lunch or something ?" "Um, yeah, I think I might have some time to fit that in tomorrow." I said. Eric was cute, not like Michael, but he was still cute."Alright that's great, what time should I come get you?" He asked, pulling me into a hug, and swiftly pecking my cheek.I opened my mouth to talk but was interrupted."Aye, back the fuck up nigga." Michael yelled, pushing Eric away from me."Get the fuck on, you weak ass nigga." Eric pushed Michael back and before I could stop it, Michael punched him in his face."Michael STOP! I yelled trying to pull him away from Eric, who was still trying to recover from the hit.I rushed to his aid, not sure what else to do! I looked back at Michael who was glaring at the both of us, and just shook my head.What he just did was un-fucking-called-for why the fuck was he mad anyway?It was only a hug, and it's not like he and I were dating."I am so sorry Eric!" I apologized, doing my best to hide my face from the crowd that was surrounding us with their phones up recording it.I pushed past Michael and got in the car, with out another word.What the fuck!

This chapter is all over the place, which is why it's called everywhere. Anywhore, sorry for the sucky chapter, hope y'all like it! Comment what you think, or whatever you want to do..

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