Job Searching

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4 years later

I can't wait for my graduation.You'd think that going to college to be a fashion designer wouldn't be so hard! I'm proud of myself though because I've made it this far, from nothing but support from my family. Me and Alisha have been doing great out here in Los Angeles. I was voted prom queen when I was in high school, and Alisha was vice president.

"Mommy!" I yelled out to my aunt/mommy. She adopted us as soon as we got here, well really she only adopted Alisha because basically I was considered an adult already.Either way, Lily has been the best mother figure in our lives."Yeah" she answered; her voice echoing in my empty apartment.I just moved in here a couple weeks ago but I wanted to stay with Lily and Alisha a little while longer. I didn't mind staying there with them, we had freedom, fun and we were all together.So living here by myself would be new to me."How are you decorating this room, so I can see what furniture to buy." I have been saving up money every since I was 15 years old, and I still had a lot left.Well that's probably only because Lily has been buying most of everything. "Oh, I was planning on buying the furniture" she pouted; making her bottom lip poke out and tremble.This worked for a while, but now It won't."Nope, never, not going to happen" I occupied myself with my fingernails because I knew that If I looked at her, then I'd give in."Ugh! Okay!" she crossed her arms and stomped out of my room.I swear sometimes me and Lisha thinks that she's the kid.! Speaking of Alisha, I haven't talked to her since Monday and it's Thursday.We used to talk like 3 times a day, I'm slacking.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time.She should be out of class by now.The phone rang three times before It went to voice mail.No this nigga didn't send me to voice mail! It better have been something important for her to be swerving my shit.


Things have really changed for us, me and Alexis were both in college; worry free.I remember when I used to wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.I could sleep peacefully now without having to climb in my older sisters bed to feel some type of protection.

I got in the shower and took my precious time scrubbing my body.I didn't have to be on campus until 11:30 and It was only 9:45.I already had my clothes picked out so It wouldn't be anything for me to do.I might as well take my time. I finished up and went downstairs to to make me some cereal.I'm not much of a cooker, we left that for Alexis but I guess since she's getting her own place, one of us has to start cooking! I got dressed and grabbed my car keys to leave.

I was walking to class when I ran into my friend Reginae.We had majority of our classes together."Wassup" I asked her jittery.I loved when I was on time to class."Hey" her tone was the exact opposite of mines."What's wrong?" I asked. If I could I would try to fix everybody and their mommas problems.!"Ugh! I'm just so annoyed! We spent all night and some of this morning trying to find my dad and his friends a stylist!. All of them was either fan girling or just couldn't dress" I laughed at that last part.Reginae's dad was Little Wang or something? She said that he was a famous rapper, but I don't really listen to rap.I'm more of a love song kind of person.Alexis is the one that listens to that kind of music.Oh! Alexis!!She always said that she wanted to be a professional stylist, why not start with Lil Wangs friend?? I'm sure he's famous too right?"My sister can dress and she has always wanted to style. Oh, and she wont fan girl UNLESS it's Trey Songz" I chuckled just thinking about how hype she would be if she saw Trey Songz again! "But I think that she could keep her posture together, and I'm not just saying that because she's my sister" Reginae put her hand on her chin thoughtfully."I don't see why not..How old is she?" Alexis would looove me if I got her this job!!"She's 21" I answered proudly.I was never ashamed of her or my aunt before.If anything I'd like to brag about them.Reginae pulled out a sheet of paper with an address and number on it and gave it to me before walking off to class.

Last class of the hour and it feels like we've been in here for a year!.The professor was old and boring and all he did was talk and yell at people.I got two more years of this bullshit! I know Alexis happy that she only has about 2 months until she graduates! I'm so proud of my big sister.Biiing, the bell rung as soon as the teacher called my name.I'm glad though because I didn't know what the fuck he was talking about; I was in my own little world.I walked out the class and to the library on campus.I heard my phone vibrate and I was going to reach out and get it until something else caught my attention.Never have I seen this guy before, he was beyond sexy! Caramel skin complexion, hazel eyes and big pink lips. Damn.I kept staring at the guy and when I turned around I was met with a nice fat wall."Ahh." I groaned in pain, my head was killing me and to top that I felt something gooey and wet dripping onto my ear."Are you okay?" someone asked me.What the fuck?My head is bleeding and someone is asking me am I okay.Yes I'm grateful that they were concerned but NO I'm not okay."My fucking head is bleeding and I have an enormous headache.Yes, I'm just peachy thanks for asking!." I smiled sarcastically and tried to get up, failing miserably."Cut the bitchiness out! I was just trying to help you out." he barked.I looked up and saw that It was the dude that I was looking at.I don't give a fuck though! I'm still pissed off!."Fuck you, you dumb ass nigga" I finally got up and stormed off, cupping my head.Fucking asshole! I know I was probably too mad but damn my head was going 360 and this nigga in the ear talking crazy.

I went to a bathroom and looked at the gash going across my head.The blood had successfully covered my whole hand and some was dripping on my shirt! Ugh! What kind of wall was that? I washed my hands and the now little scar on my head, It looked waay bigger when the blood was on it!. I grabbed my phone and saw that I had 2 missed calls from Lexy. I returned the call and just as I was about to hang up she answered."Don't be swerving my mothafucking calls like you crazy!"She so dramatic! She'll be thanking me in the meanwhile though!"Chill all that barking out! I got a headache but I needed to tell you something. You at yo crib?" I asked as nicely as I could.I already knew that was a bone that I didn't want to pick.You'd have to be crazy to yell at Alexis..Especially now, she's made it her mission to let NOBODY touch her! Not even a playful slap.I guess I'm somewhat the same.."Naw, but I'll be there in 20.You can go ahead and chill there, the key is under the mat." "Okay. Deuces". I hung up the phone and blasted my J.Cole CD. Man I love me some JC. Mhm.

I pulled up to her house the same time that she did.I was a little late because I took the long way In order for me to hear all of my favorite songs.I got out the car and met her halfway at the door."So what's up?" she asked while unlocking the door."Okay, so I was on campus talking to my friend- hold on.. Are you still looking for a job?" I asked her with one eyebrow raised. She finally looked at me, and when she did her eyes got huge."What the fuck! What happened to your head??" she kept trying to reach over and touch it. Weird ass."I ran into the wall looking at a cute nigga that turned out to be a asshole." I said it all in one breath hoping I didn't sound as stupid as I felt.She looked at me for a second before cracking up.Whats so funny? I laughed a little bit too because my nigga was all on the floor rolling and holding her stomach like I just told the worlds funniest joke."What?" I was starting to get annoyed and Alexis was not helping the situation.She gasped for air before attempting to calm down."O-okay now what was you saying?" she asked with a hint of laughter still in her voice."Ugh! I said that I was talking to my frie-" "I already heard that part nigga!" she put up her hand like you was fast forwarding something on a remote.I gave her a stale face before continuing my story."Anyways!Her dad is Lil Wang a famous rapper or something and he has a friend that needed a stylist that wouldn't fangirl and could dress so I recommended you! " she looked up from her phone with excitement in her eyes."Are you serious?" she jumped up and hugged me."I've always wanted a job like this!! When can I start?" I rummaged through my pockets until I found the note that had the address and number on it."Shut the fuck up! I don't know when you can start but here's the information. I have to go though, tell me how it goes." I got up and kissed her cheek before walking out the door and into the hot blazing sun.I was gone be black as fuck in the morning!.

Okay! I did realize that this chapter was mostly about Alisha so the multimedia will be a picture of her..

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