Silent Treatment

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At the corner of my eye, I could see Michael taking long glances at me, but as far as I'm concerned, what he did back there was out of fucking line! Like seriously was it that deep? He knows how I feel about people in general fighting over stupid shit, because you don't know how you gone come out.You could be missing a chunk of your cheek, no matter of fact, a chunk of yo hair because nowadays bitches pull hair instead of hitting.I guess you can call me a peace maker, but there is that side, that one side, that no nigga, nor bitch wants to see.Most people haven't seen it, but some have, it's not something that I'm proud of, and quite frankly I don't think anyone is actually proud of being crazy,maybe the thought, of being able to go off on people, and the attention that you get afterwards, but not being labeled as crazy.Not the fake crazy, that majority of everyone calls themselves, but the real crazy, the set someone on fire, daydream about killing people crazy.Not that I do that or anything. "Look, Alexis, I'm sorry alright! Not that I blackened that niggas eye, but because you're mad at me.I know I shouldn't have made a scene like that, but to me that shit was  disrespectful.Whether, you saw it or not." Michael said, breaking the silence, and also my train of thoughts.I slightly looked over at him, but not fully because I couldn't risk him thinking that I was done being mad at him, because I wasn't.I looked around and saw that we were parked on the side of the street.I couldn't make out what was around, because of all the trees that were surrounding us, and it being 10:15pm wasn't helping.I don't even know why my job was open this late, I could have sworn that it ran from 6am-5pm. I'm new to this shit damn! I'm used to working at McDonald's and coming in and leaving whenever I felt like it, the funny thing is that I never got fired.But I did quit to work at Niecies, it's funny the things that your mind remembers.The car was still parked and I was getting more and more agitated than I was before.

Why is he acting like he didn't know how my silent treatments worked? He blew out a breath and I did the same, not even realizing that I stopped breathing.Michael finally pulled off, leaving me more to think about.What did he mean 'whether, you saw it or not '. The words echoed throughout my head as I tried to place a definition to them.Was there more to this than I was aware of? Nah, probably not, I'm just over thinking like usual.

I hopped out of the car, before Michael even had the time to park.I didn't want to be anywhere near him as of right now, that shit was embarrassing as hell, especially since he's a fucking superstar now! Thanks to him I'ma be labeled as the 'Bitch that had two niggas fighting over her'. That shit is not okay.

I needed to talk to Chris, maybe be could bring my blood pressure down with his goofiness.I slammed my front door, nearly dropping the glass off of the counter.I walked zombie like, into my bedroom and closed that door too.I wasn't in the mood, and the sad part about it was that I could stay upset like this for a really long time.Days, weeks, or maybe even a month if I didn't have someone to cheer me up.I bet that if it was existent, I would have the award for Worlds Longest Grudge, it's not something to brag about, I know but it's also not something to lie about, shit..I flew from my bedroom door, to the middle of my bed, landing face down.I pulled my phone from out of my back pocket and scrolled down my contacts, with my head still in the pillow.I pressed my finger up against the screen for a couple seconds until I heard the click, then I tapped the first button that appeared, still not looking at the phone."Christopher" I said loud enough for my phone to hear, seconds later it responded."Calling Christopher Brown." I smiled in satisfactory at how well I knew my phone.I didn't even have to look at the screen to do all of that. "Yo!" Chris yelled into the phone, it was too late for him to be doing all of this yelling.Got damn."Quit being loud all the damn time Christopher." I said in fake annoyance.I only called him Christopher to annoy him, and it clearly works like magic."How you gone call my phone, bossing me around? And you quit with the fucking governments.Alexis!" Boom! Like magic, just like I said, he was annoyed with me calling him that. I like it though, and the fact that no one else calls him that makes it better! I smiled into the phone even though he couldn't see me."Whatever, anyways are you busy?" I asked, skipping down to what I called him for in the first place."Na, what's up ma? I haven't talked to yo-" "It that my sister?!" I heard somebody ask, in his background.I examined the voice, making it out to be Alisha, what was she doing over there, this late? 0.o...."Yeah, it is now back the hell up, shorty." I heard him reply to her, she said something else, but I stopped listening to their conversation a long time ago, I had other shit on my mind."Bring my nappy headed sister over here Maurice.Bring me some ice-cream too please, cause y'all niggas ate it all." I heard him chuckle and Alisha smack her lips."Fasho, I'll be there and you want yo favorite?Or my favorite?" He asked, referring to my favorite ice-cream Sherbet and his favorite, cookies 'n cream."Bring both, I don't care! Just get here before I fall asleep."I said to him, I wasn't nearby ready to go to sleep, I was just trying to get these niggas to hurry the hell up.I changed into my pajamas and stared at some TV show that I wasn't watching, until the doorbell rang.I ran down the stairs and to the door, looking in the peephole; seeing Chris looking in it too, causing his big ass head to grow impossibly bigger.I unlocked it and gave them both a hug, removing the clear plastic bag from Chris.I reached up to close the door but something caught my eye.Crouching behind my tree was a male, holding a camera up to me.I jumped back into the house and closed the door as fast as I could."What's wrong with you?" Chris asked with one eyebrow raised.I just shook my head and continued searching through the bag."Thanks Chris."I said, while taking the Slurpee and the lime hot chips, that he also bought for me.I put the ice-cream in the freezer and led them upstairs to my room.

"And after that I got in the car, and gave him the silent treatment." I concluded, taking another sip of my drink.I watched in amusement as Chris and Alisha shared different facial movements."So, you and him are officially done now?"Alisha asked, hopeful.I looked at her with both eyebrows raised.Why did it matter to her?"We were never together..But to answer your question, not quite, I mean I'm mad at him and all but he's my best friend so we're bound to be cool again, and why all the negative energy towards him?"I was completely confused and I felt as if I was missing something.Every since I've been talking, she's been lowkey telling me that she wants us to stop talking.I know my sister, so I know that she wouldn't just be dogging him because of something small.She said nothing, causing me and Chris to look at her funny."Y'all gone work this out, and I under stand your point of view Alexis, and I see his, I do, but have you taken the time to see his? There has to be an legit reason for him, attacking like that.You sure, that that's all that happened?"Chris asked, I swear this nigga growing up on me! It's like everything that he was saying tonight, sounded mature, I just wanted to give him a big 'ole hug, then slap him to bring him back to his old self.I smiled at that before giving him dap, he will always and forever be my big brother."Yeah, I'ma try, but I have to talk to Eric first.Anyways I wanna do something tonight! In the house though."I said, changing the subject from Eric, when I saw something flash in Chris's eyes.What the hell was wrong with these niggas today?Am I missing something?I ignored it and continued brainstroming ideas for us to do tonight.


I woke up with my lower body on Chris, my head on Alisha and the rest of my body on the ground.I rolled my back, trying to pop it, before looking around the living room at the mess that we created lastnight.I swiped my hand over my face and sighed when I saw all of the bottles of GTV, shot glasses and the junk food that was scattered along the floor.I was being a good girl yesterday, but as for Alisha and Chris, I'm afraid I can't say the same.These niggas was drunk as hell, but me on the other hand only had 3 shots, then I quit, already knowing the outcome.Plus, Vodka is too strong for a beginner like me, I only had a drink like every blue moon, and maybe smoked 2-3 times a month.Sadly I was a pro at that, I just didn't do it often.I stood to my feet, and stretched a little, walking to the kitchen to escape Chris's loud ass snoring.Alisha did the same thing, she just didn't do it loud, matter of fact you couldn't even hear it unless you were up close, which I'm highly grateful of.I grabbed the broom, dust pan and a trash bag, walking back into the living room.I threw all of the open chips, candy and juice away, then worked on the bottles.I swept around Chris and Alisha, then jogged up the stairs to take a shower.The smell of alcohol was lingering around on me,which really irked me sometimes, well it depends on if there is something better for me to put my attention on or not.

I was in the middle of shaving my legs when my phone vibrated,stopping my music from blasting for a couple seconds.I opened the glass door and strained my arm to reach it.When I finally came to the conclusion that I couldn't, I continued on to what I was doing, speeding up.I rinsed off my body before turning off the water and stepping out of the shower.I rubbed my arms, feeling the goosebumbs, then finally looking at my phone.

Eric(: - You still want to come to lunch with me? I promise, I don't look that bad (: 12:12pm

Me- I am so sorry for that Eric.What can I do to make it up to you? 12:24pm

I threw my phone on the bed and thoughtfully picked out my outfit.It was a tad bit chilly outside, so I slid my red beanie on my head, and put on a light jacket.[mm] I looked at my phone again, when I saw a red blinking light.

Eric(: - I'll let you know when I get there in 15. 12:26pm

I slid on my red vans before going downstairs to finish cleaning."Get up!" I said, while gently but strongly kicking Chris and then Alisha, these motherfuckas had to get the fuck out.They both groaned and looked up at me."Y'all ain't got to go home, but ya got to get the fuck outta hea" I said, imitating Kevin Hart, but adding my own spice to it."Beep, beep" I heard from outside, indicating that my ride was here.

I love you readers!! I noticed that each chapter gets more and more comments and or votes then the one before and that makes me feel like y'all are really enjoying this story.Please don't be scared to tell me about something that this story needs, after all , I'm not the one reading this story, it's you guys.I'm all for improving.(:

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