I will get you better

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I don't remember anything other than what people told me to be honest. I know that Lana came with me to the hospital and stayed with me until my parents arrived. I was also told I was in a medically required coma for about a day. All I can tell you now is what happened when I woke up. 


I felt my fingers wiggle and my toes move. I was sort of awake but I wasn't, it was weird. I could hear everything but I was asleep. I was starting to wake up. I opened my eyes and saw my parents. My mum's head was tilted on to my dad's shoulder. I instantly thought of Lana. I remembered everything up until I jumped. I looked around the room for her but she wasn't there, so I thought maybe I just imagined it because I was pretty confused. 

'Christie?! Mark, get the doctor!' my mum said while holding my head.

'Mum, w-what happened?' I said frowning.

'Honey, you jumped off a building! I don't know why but you have to talk to a lot of people in a bit, they are going to help you. Lana found you' she said while tearing up.

'So Lana was here, she's here? Where is she? I said trying to sit up but hesitating because of the pain I was in.

'Woah woah woah, you need to stay still. You have sustained serious injuries Christie' the doctor said as she walked in with my dad.

'Mum, where is Lana?' I said as I looked back to her. 

'Don't worry honey, she is resting at home and I'm sure she'll be back soon' she assured me.

'At our house. Lana Parrilla is in our  house. You can't be serious! She is?' I said as a smile appeared on my face.

'Yes she is, now get some rest. You hungry first? The doctor said you can eat now' my mum said.

'Yes, I'm starving' I said


Two hours passed and I was still waiting for Lana. I started to believe she wasn't coming, but I knew she wouldn't just up and leave. I had many blood tests, blood pressure checks and temperature checks. They were going to put me on the psych ward but they wanted to keep an eye on my physical injuries. I had psych nurses come to talk to me but I weirdly felt happy, even though I tried to kill myself. I was happy and relived it didn't work and I finally knew Lana cared about me. I heard the sound of heels and I knew who it was. 

'Oh... Christie, you're awake. How are you feeling?' she said, as she hurried over to me.

'I am doing okay considering. I actually feel quite happy' I said. 'I'm quite relieved'.

'I'm so happy you're okay, well, kind of okay, well physically at least. Oh I'm sorry. I'm going off like I usually do. I'm going to stay a while. With you. If that's okay?' Lana said as she rested her hand on my shoulder. 'Just to get you better'

'I'd love that' I said.

Still looking back on this moment, I can't believe how clm I was. Lana literally saved my life. Lana Parrilla wanted to stay at my house. I didn't know how it was happening. 


I was finally moved to the psych ward where I was assessed. After six days, my doctor said I was safe enough to go home. She said my parents would have to keep a really close eye on me and all doors should be open. I was given a counsellor/ therapist that I saw twice a week, but to be honest, it didn't do anything. 


When we got home, I went straight up to my room. My curtains were still open and my bed was made. I sat on my bed and I could hear my mum, dad and Lana talking. Obviously about me. Then it really and truly clicked that she was in my house. I don't know why I was so cool about that. Juts imagine Lana being in your house and sleeping in your house. I heard someone coming up the stairs and it was her. I was painfully shy in front of her still. 

'Hey honey, how are you feeling?' she said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

'Um, I'm fine thanks to you' I said, giving her an awkward smile. Wow she smelt good. You know those moments where you really wanted to see what your idol smells like, yeah? That was my moment come true, in my own room. She just smelt sophisticated yet innocent. I'll never forget that one moment. 

'Well I'm so glad that I got hear at the right time. This must be really overwhelming for you huh? she said, smiling sympathetically. 

'I can't believe you're here. You honestly don't understand what this feels like' I said, looking at the floor.

'Well I'm going to stay for a bit, just until you get out of the worst. Is that okay?' she said raising her eyebrows. 

'Y-yeh. I never thought life would be this amazing to have you stood in front of me, in my room and with your hand on my arm. This is amazing.' I said with tears filling my eyes.I couldn't say anything to her that would make her understand how amazing it was to have her. I can't even write it down. Imagine your favourite celebrity right, then imagine them hitting you in the face with a brick. Thats what it felt like. Its just the weird thing is, however you imagine yourself in front of them, I guarantee you that isn't what you would be like. When she hugged me, she out her hand on the back of my head and wrapped her other arm around me so tight that I got shivers. 

'Whatever it takes, however long it takes Christie, I will get you better. I don't care if it drags me down, I promise' she said, as I imagined her eyes closed.  

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