Chapter 21.

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<><> Victoria's pov <><>
Prom was almost over. And I was with Simon and Ethan talking.
" Okay we are going to tell you who won King and Queen." I heard Mr. Smith say.
Everyone got to the stage and waited.
" So the Queen is...... Victoria Miller." Mr. Smith sayd.
" Wait I don't even sign up for queen." I said as I walked up.
" Wow thanks to these who voted for me. I don't even sign up. But it still means a lot. A girl from America could start a life here." I said and walked to the side.
" And how your King.... Simon Minter." Mr. Smith said.
Simon walked up.
" Thank you so much for this. I know that I wasn't the best before a beautiful woman come into my life." Simon said and looked at me as he walk over to me.
" Your prom King and Queen, Simon and Victoria." Mr. Smith said into the mic. We walked off the stage and went to the dance floor. I got about an hour left to have fun.
(Time skip to an hour.)
So we are walked off the building that hosted the prom when my phone went off. I looked at the caller ID. I quickly told the guys that Ray is calling. I answered.
" Hello." I said.
" Hey babe you ready for tonight." Ray said. I looked at Simon.
" Yeah, yeah I am." I said.
" Good me at ( Location.) in 20 minutes." Ray said.
" Okay see you soon." I said and hung up.
" Let's go to the police and talk to them." Simon said.
We got there and explain them what is happening. Then we started to go to the meet place in a different car. I got there and the cops are going to circle around and normal cars so Ray does think something is up. I walked in and saw him. I calmly walked over and sat down.
" Wow you showed up." Ray said.
" Yeah if this means my friends are safe." I said.
" Yeah but we should get going." Ray said and got up. We walked out and I looked to see the cars. As walked to Ray's car. A car with the police came. One of them jumped out and ran over.
" Hands in the air." The cop said.
We hold are hands in the air.
" Are you Ray?" The cop asked.
" Yes." Ray said.
Another cop can and grabbed him. I ran off to Simon.
" You are under arrest." The cop said and put him in the cop car.
I as still holding on Simon while he try's to calm me down.
" Let's get you home okay." Simon said. I nodded
" Emily you coming with me?" I asked.
" Yeah." She said.
We got into the Simon's car and Simon started to drive us home.
<><> Simon's pov <><>
" I'm so happy that I'm here." Victoria said.
" Yeah me too." I said.
" I love you so much." Victoria said.
" I love you so much more that you think." I said.
" Okay we get it you guys are in love with each other." Emily said in the back.
" At less I got a man to love." Victoria said. I giggled.
" Well what would you said if I got Luke from 5sos phone number today." Emily said.
" Really?" Victoria said.
" Yeah." Emily said and we kept on driving to their house. Once we got there I quickly kiss Victoria and she walked into her house. I drove home and went to bed.

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