Chapter 3

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*Yoonmin's POV*

Jun and Kai handcuffed the guys as Tao called the police. Woozi came up to me and asked if I was okay.

Me: "I'm fine."

Woozi: "No you're not stupid. Your lip is bleeding." (takes out a napkin from his jacket) (Wipes her lips)

Me: (Slaps Woozi in the head) "Why did you guys follow me? When I said it was my own personal mission I meant DON'T FOLLOW ME"

I proceeded to grab his collar and shake him. Tao, Kai, and Jun saw and came to separate us two, but I aimed for all 4 of them. In the end Tao and Woozi grabbed my legs, and Jun and Kai grabbed my arms. Seconds later the police came and we heard a voice through a bullhorn.

Police officer: "Let the girl go. Let her go and you will get off of this easily."

I laughed so hard mentally, the police thought that these idiots were trying to do something to me... I couldn't hold it in and started to laugh out loud. I shook off the guys, which was easy since they were in a dazed state, and went to the police.

Me: (shows him my badge) "Officer sorry about the mixup but those guys are my teammates." (points to the handcuffed guys) "Those are the real criminals."

Police officer: "Oh sorry." (bows)

Me: (Pats his shoulder) "Oh it's fine just take these guys away."

Police officer: "Yes ma'am." (Goes to get the criminals)

I turn to the guys and they are now all looking at me. They all looked confused, but I guess I should explain to them what happened... Maybe they could help... Maybe...

Me: "Guys lets go get dinner. It's on me!"

The guys and I enter McDonalds and order... I have been quiet the whole time thinking if how I should tell them what I was doing or what happened to me. We sat down with our food and started to eat.

Tao: "So, school is starting soon. Are you going to enroll this year too?"

I looked at Tao suprised. I thought the first thing he would ask me was what happened, but he didn't ask.

Me: "Huh... u-u-uh... yea of course. Gotta live a normal life while I can right?"

Jun: "While you can? What do you mean by that?"

Me: (in head) I mean that I'm going after the guy who killed my parents and I could die. (out loud) "I mean I'm 17... 17-18 is usually the age people finish high school... I want to experience the high school life."

Kai: (snorts) "idiot, people attend high school past that age too ya know."

I kick his shin under the table.

Me: "Shut up."

Kai grabbed his leg in pain as I stuck my tongue at him.

Jun: "uhhhh... so Yoonmin what happened back there?"

I sighed. I knew I was going to have to explain to them sometime soon.

Me: "Don't tell the rest of the guys, but..."

They all leaned in waiting for me to go on.

Me: "The guy said he knew information about the guy who killed my parents, so I went to go meet him and he just brought a few friends along."

Kai: "You're stupid, why would you go by yourself?"

Tao: (confused) "Wait... how did they know that you are a agent?"

Jun: "And whats with the badge?"

I look at Jun with a confused face as he pulls out my badge from his pocket and tosses it to me. I look at Jun with a confused face.

Jun: "It fell out of your pocket as you were trying to put it back in."

Me: "Okay okay first Kai, shut up,  if I took you guys, you guys would be involved in my business and if you get hurt I wouldn't forgive myself... its just something I have to do."

Kai: "yea but-"

Me: "Secondly Tao... I honestly don't know... The only way they could know is if Ian told them... but that means that they would be working for him... but Ian doesn't hire those kinds of people."

Tao: "We can interrogate them later."

Me: (nods) "And this badge... its a fake police badge. I can't go around saying I'm a secret agent... or else it wouldn't be a secret anymore. So I just had police badge made... of course this badge stand for someone in a higher position than the other normal police men. Seungcheol and Junmyeon have one too."

Woozi: "Do we get one?"

Me: "Maybe, if there are any missons where you have to deal with the police that doesn't have me, Junmyeon, or Seungcheol than yea we would assign you one, but that chance that you guys would be sent on a mission without one of us is highly unlikely."

Tao: "You do know that if you need any help with catching that Ian dude we can help you."

Me: "But I don't want you guys to get hurt."

Kai: (snorts) "Yea right if we work together Seventeen and Exo that is 25 people 26 with you, against one dude."

I reach across the table to slap Kai in the head.

Me: "You don't know how much power Ian holds. The guy I'm after might be one guy, but he could have an army of people helping him."

Woozi: "Well first let's go back to base. We can move on from there."

Jun: "Yoonmin you have to tell the other guys, just so they can keep a look out. Tell them not to do anything, but to be careful of their surroundings, because if Ian knows that you are a secret agent then he probably knows that all of us are too, and he could also attack them."

Me: "Jun I don't think that the other guys would stand around doing nothing. I know you guys care for me as much as I do you, also knowing their personality they would do something to help me out... I can't take any risks of you guys getting hurt."

Jun: "Yoonmin then don't tell them that you after him. Just say to stay alert because there is a chance someone is after us or something! You not telling them anything could hurt them even more... What if Ian and his men launched a surprise attack or something? We wouldn't be in a position at all to protect ourselves."

Me: "Fine. Let's go it's getting late."

Secret Agent (Exo, Seventeen, Nu'est)Where stories live. Discover now