Chapter 11

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*Yoonmin's POV*

After my shower I decided to pay a little visit to my old friend.

Ren: (growls) "What do you want."

Me: "Woah boy. Calm down. I just want to know some information about Ian."

Ren: "Nope can't help you there."

Me: "Was he the 'great' boss you guys kept talking about?"

Ren: "It's best if you just leave, instead of wasting your time with me."

Damn it's not working. New plan.

Me: "Please..." (watery eyes) "Ren. You know what I have been through. Even if your mission was to capture me, you guys still took very good care of me. You guys could've tortured me or something, but you didn't."

Ren: "Boss's orders. We had to take care of you." (looks away)

Me: "So you didn't care for me at all?" (crying)

Ren: (softly) "Of course we did. It's just that.... You are the one boss wanted... You were going to end up dead, so we tried not to get to attached..."

I went up right in front of his cell.

Me: "Please... If you're worried about what he is going to do to you, don't worry I'll protect you."

Ren: "And what if you end up dead protecting me? No. I'm not going to help you."

Me: (smiles) "So you do care. But don't worry I'm not called the top agent for nothing..."

Ren: (pokerface) "No. You don't understand how much power Ian has. Need I remind you that he has been training too, so he's even stronger than before."

Me: "Need I remind you that I haven't exactly been slacking off either. I don't care about anything else, but I at least need to try. I'd be fine dying knowing I tried my best to avenge my parents. Plus I already know it's dangerous. I know the risks. That's why I never gave up. Ren I'm not just going after Ian not knowing what I'm going to do, not knowing that there is a 99% chance of me dying. But you see I'm believing in that one percent that I will be able to finally get rid of the guy who killed my parents." (kneels) "So I'm begging you to help me." (faces the floor) (whispers) "Please."

Ren: (shocked) "Fine. Just get up I'll tell you what you need to know. Get up."

I got up off the ground and wiped my my tear off of my face. I slid my arms between the bars of the cell and hugged him.

Me: "Thank you. Thank you so much Ren. And don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you or the others."

Ren: "I have one condition though."

Confused, I brought my arms back.

Me: (cautiously) "What is it..."

Ren: "You have made lots of good friends. From what I saw before with their help you might be able to make that 1% come true. Tell them about your situation. Let them help you."

Me: "....... See I already told them... Well a couple of them about my past... About my times with you guys.... But after what happened... After they got hurt because of me, I feel so guilty. My mind is filled with what ifs.... What if one of them gets hurt... What if.... one of them dies because of me?"

Ren: "Like you they know the risks of helping you. They aren't stupid enough to get into a situation where life and death are at stake just cause they were bored."

Me: (laughs) "Oh you'd be surprised" Thinking about the time when D.O. was hanging upside down from a bar doing curl ups. Kai came up from behind and tickled him and he fell, ending up with a concussion. The doctor said that if he didn't bend his head they way he did he could've ended up dead.

Ren: (smiles) "See. Just by even thinking about them makes you smile."

I immediately frown after he said that.

Ren: (worried) "What's wrong?"

Me: "I might have argued with one of the members..."

Ren: "That's not all is it? What did you say?"

Me: (laughs nervously) "Well to stay out of my life."

Ren: (face palms) "Well go and apologize." 

Me: "You see... Ummm I might have also yelled at another member as well."

Ren: "What did you say this time?"

Me: "To leave me alone?"

Ren: "You are a mess, and with your personality you are too embarrassed to see them aren't you."

Me: (coughs) "Maybe."

Ren: (chuckles) "Put down your pride just this once and go get embarrassed." (serious) You need their help you can't do this alone."

Me: "Fine."

Ren: "Good now go apologize and bring one of the members with you, so I can answer your questions. I don't trust you to listen to the information by yourself. Cause then you won't go ask for help."

Me: "But... I... Fine."

I leave Ren and go back to the hospital. I can't believe I have to face them after the tantrum I threw... Ughhhhhh. My life.

----------------------Back in time to Kai's POV----------------------------

*Kai's POV*

I just stood there after Yoonmin left. 'Just leave me alone!' 'Just leave me alone!' It kept running through my head. Something is really bothering her.... I thought she could finally trust me. Just then my phone rang.

-Phone Conversation-

Kai: "Yea what's up"

Jun: "Where did you run off too?"

Kai: "Oh the training room."

Jun: "Why? Whatever anyways hurry up I'm by the entrance." 

Kai: "Kay I'll be there in a sec."

I hung up and put my phone away and run toward the entrance.

Jun: "What were you doing there?"

On the way to the hospital I told Jun about Yoonmin. 

Jun: "I noticed that she doesn't trust us either. She cares about us, but she can't rely on us."

Kai: "I know... But I'm going to change that."

We arrived at the hospital and we went to deliver the clothes to all the members. I saw Baekhyunie hyung and then I remembered what Yoonmin said. 'If you want to know so badly go ask Baekhyun.'

Me: "Baek hyung. Can I talk to you for a sec?"


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