Chapter 15

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*Yoonmin's POV*

Remembering what Ren told me I led Xiumin, Chanyeol, Wonwoo, Mingyu, and Dino near one of the entrances. 

Me: "Okay guys there is an entrance door right around the corner. Are your guns loaded?"

They check their guns and all of their other equipment as well. And they nod their heads.

Me: "Alright then Xiumin are you okay with leading in?"

Xiumin: "No prob."

Me: "Don't worry we have your back. Wonwoo your next, then Chanyeol, then Dino, then Mingyu. I'll follow behind to make sure that there isn't anyone out behind you guys. Alright. Now let's go."

---Static beep---

-------On the walkie talkie--------

Suho: "Team Suho reporting that we have made it inside the building. Over."

S.Coups: "Team Seungcheol reporting that we have made it inside the building as well. Over."

Good the two teams on the roof made it in. We slowly made our way inside the building... It looks exactly like how Ren described it. But for some reason there weren't as many guards as we were expecting.

---Static beep---

---------On the walkie talkie-----------

Kai: "Team AWESOME! Reporting that we made it inside the building. Over."

Me: "Who the fuck is team awesome? If you give yourself your own team names I won't know who it is."

{crickets chirping}

Kai: "Kill joy... Fine Team Kai reporting that we made it inside the building. Over."

Me: "Deal with it. Team Yoonmin reporting that we made it inside the building. Over."

Woozi: "Team Woozi reporting that we made it inside the building. Over."

Hoshi: "We are still currently looking for a way in.... Over."

Me: "Hoshi don't panic just take your time." 

We kept walking through the room to find nobody in the room. There were two hallways that spread in different directions. From what Ren described one lead right to Ian's office, and the other one lead to a different room.

Me: "Guys go into that hallway."

I pointed at the one which I imagined led to some other room. As they started walking I stayed back. Once they were far enough I took the other route. I turned off the walkie talkie. And sent the guys what could be one last text.

Guys you need to make it out alive... Don't do anything stupid. And I love you guys.

I sent the text then turned off my phone.

I went down the hallway then opened the door. There seemed to be other rooms down the hallway, but there was one room at the end...I mean it wasn't that hard to find... I had two giant ass doors that looked really expensive... I walked down the hallway and kicked open the door. I saw something that I never thought would be possible to see...

-----With Mingyu, Wonwoo, Dino, Xiumin, and Chanyeol-----

*3rd Person POV*

Mingyu: "Hey Yoonmin... How do you know where to go though?"

{crickets chirping}

Mingyu: "Yoonmin?" (turns around) "Uhhhhhh.... Hey guys stop..."

Xiumin and the rest of the guys turn around.

Chanyeol: "What's wrong?"

Mingyu: "What's wrong?!?! Do not see what's not behind me? Yoonmin disappeared!"

Dino: "Okay noona if you're playing a prank it isn't funny anymore!"


They felt their phone go off to see Yoonmin's text.

Guys you need to make it out alive... Don't do anything stupid. And I love you guys.


Mingyu: (picks up phone) "Hello?"

S.Coups: "What does Yoonmin mean by this text?"

Mingyu: "I don't know hyung when the hallway split into to ways. She told us to take one way then she disappeared... I don't know what to do hyung... I'm... I'm..."

S.Coups: "Okay first calm down. Let's contact the other groups and meet where the hallway split. We'll take the other hallway to see if she went that way. Mingyu don't panic..."

Mingyu: "Hyung she was following right behind me...How did I not notice that she disappeared? Now she suddenly disappeared. What if she got kidnapped? What if it's too late to save her now? What if-"

S.Coups: "Mingyu... Be calm, this isn't your first mission."

Mingyu: "Yes, but it is the first mission that our captain is in danger... What will happen to us if she isn't alive? Hyung... I'm scared."

S.Coups: "Mingyu... Mingyu listen everything will be fine. She will be fine... Nothing will happen. Now if you keep freaking out like this... You'll freak out everyone else then I can't guarantee if everything will be fine. So calm down okay?"

Mingyu: "I'll try..."

S.Coups: "Good now you guys go back to where the hallways split, and try to keep contacting Yoonmin."

Mingyu: "Got it."

Mingyu hung up the phone and told the rest of the guys what the plan was. Each of them were either trying to reach her by her phone or by her walkie talkie. They reached where they were meeting everyone else and waited there for the other groups to come.


Soon all the groups met up at the hallway split.

Suho: "Why does this place seem so familiar?"

S.Coups: "What do you mean familiar?"

Suho: "I don't know..."

S.Coups: "Well we don't have time for you to figure it out. We don't know what this hallway will lead to so-"

Suho: "Oh yea!"

S.Coups: "What."

Suho: "This is the place Ren described! Yea! And down this hallway leads to Ian's office!"

Kris: "Why didn't you tell us sooner?!?!"

Suho: "Well we went in through the roof, which was not what Ren described so I didn't know where we were."

S.Coups: "Wait when did Ren describe this place to you?"

Suho: "That night when the doctor told us to go home, and you stayed behind with Dino, Yoonmin asked me to go talk to Ren with her... Apparently they made a deal or something before or-"

Kai: "HYUNG! This isn't the time for storytelling.... We have to go find Yoonmin!"

Suho: "Right. She probably took this way knowing it lead to Ian's office."

Kris: "And knowing her she didn't want you guys to get hurt, so she went by herself."

S.Coups: "Okay guys make sure you guys are ready to fight right as we get in, and remember expect the unexpected, no matter what okay? Let's go."

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