Chapter 6

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*Yoonmin's POV*

As I was waiting for Minhyun and Jr. to wake up the door suddenly slammed open. I stood up with a pokerface, but I was terrified inside.

Me: "Let Vernon go."

What was the scene I was looking at? I was looking at one of my best friends all beat up, in the hold of one of my enemies and two others beside him, with a gun to his head. What do I do? Stall that what I need to do. I need to stall for time until one of the members come back.

Ren: "Nope not until you let Minhyun and Jr. go."

Me: "Ya! Choi Minki! He's one of my best friends. What happened to your best friends are mine as well?"

He tightened his grip on Vernon's neck.

Ren: "Yea that was before you left us."

Ren nods at Baekho and Aron. Suddenly Joshua and Wonwoo were getting beat up by them. I was about to run to help them when Ren stopped me.

Ren: "ah ah ah you go release Jr. and Minhyun or you friend here gets it."

Me: "Fine. If I let them go, you release Vernon and tell Baekho and Aron to stop." 

I walk over to to Jr. and Minhyun and release them from the ties. As promised he let Vernon go and Baekho and Aron stopped. But Vernon fell weak on the floor, and Wonwoo and Joshua were too hurt to move.

Me: "Guys!" 

I tried running them but before I could I got tied up.

Ren: "You see our mission was to get you. We don't care about these losers" (kicks Joshua)

Baekho and Aron put Jr. and Minhyun on their backs and headed for the door.

Ren: "And you need to come with me. Lets go."

Ren grabbed my waist and picked me up. I tried to get out of his grasp but my hands and legs were tied. I couldn't do anything. I looked around to see if any of my classmates would help, but they were all under their desks terrified... Useless. We reached the door when I felt Ren suddenly stop.

Ren: (quietly) "Shit."

I couldn't see what was going on, but Ren started to back up. Then I heard a voice that I was so happy to hear.

Kris: "Mingyu,  Chanyeol, Luhan go help Wonwoo, Joshua, and Vernon. Hoshi, Jun, and The8, go look for Dino and Seungkwan they could be laying somewhere hurt. We will take care of these guys." (cracks his knuckles)

I figured that everyone was back. I was literally about to cry of happiness. That is until Ren decided to talk.

Ren: (panicking) "Don't come closer! I have a gun I'll shoot her!"

Ugh. What and ever. I headbutted him and he dropped me. I fell on my face. It really hurt but I didn't have time to relish in my pain.

Me: "Kai come and untie me. Everyone else grab them."

They were able to tie them up and I turned to the rest of the guys.

Me: "Alright report."

Hoshi: "We told everyone of the situation upstairs. There wasn't anyone suspicious upstairs."

Kris: "Nor was there anyone downstairs."

Me: (nods) "Right Exo go help look for Seungkwan and Dino. And go tell S.Coups and Suho to meet me back here."

I turn to Nu'est and walk up to Ren.

Me: "In the end you got caught."

Ren: "Shut up you got lucky."

Me: "I really did get lucky. Sadly you aren't so lucky. But I'll give you a chance to get out of here without any pain."

Ren: "How."

Me: "Easy you just need to answer my questions."

Ren: "Depends on what questions you ask."

Me: "Oh trust me they are questions you won't like answering. But I'll give them to you anyways and give you the choice whether you want to go through pain or not."

Jr.: "ughhh. What's going on?"

Me: "Oh goody you woke up just in time."

Jr.: "I asked what is going on."

Me: "I was just about to start my questioning. Why isn't this idiot waking up?"

Ren: "How are we supposed to know."

Me: "Yikes I haven't even started and your already angsty. Anyways I'm going to start. Who sent you guys."

Jr.: (smirks) "Who do you think? Who would be the only one crazy enough to go after you."

Me: (growls) "Ian."

Jr.: "ha. You still get so angry just by hearing his name. Reminds us of the old days huh?"

Me: "Shut up. Where is Ian?"

Jr.: "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Me: "Just tell me!"

I gave Jr. a good kick on the face as he groaned in pain.

Me: "I told you that you wouldn't have to go through pain if you answered my questions."

Woozi: "Yoonmin that was unnecessary. Just looking at him I can feel the pain."

Me: (growls) "Stand down Woozi. And stay out. This is MY BUSINESS."

Woozi: "YOU asked US for help."

I growled in frustration.

Jr.: (groaning) "Ow. Didn't know you had this in you. I thought we were friends."

Me: "Friends my ass. After what you guys did to me and after today..." (scoffs) "I can't believe that I hung out with losers like you."

Aron.: "Come on. There were lots of good memories too weren't there?"

Me: "Shut up."

Aron.: "Like for your birthday-"


I may have gotten mad and punched Aron repeatedly. But he was asking for it.

Woozi: (pulls her back) "YOONMIN I SAID STOP!"

The door opened and a panicked Suho ran in. I stopped and asked him what happened.

Suho: (huffing) "Hospital... Now..."

Me: "What? Hospital why?"

Suho: "Dino... Seungkwan..."

Me: "WHAT? Why? You know what nevermind. Let's go."

DK: "What about them?"

Jeonghan: "Who cares about them! MY BABIES ARE HURT!"

Me: "Oppa calm down. You guys go ahead. I'll take care of this."

Woozi: "I'll stay. Who knows what you will do to them."

I glare at Woozi as he sits himself down and calls the police.

Me: "Whatever. The rest of you go now."

After they leave I walk up to Jr.

Me: "You are SO lucky. This not over. Woozi go alert the principle that the situation is handled and it is safe."

Woozi: "Fine. Don't do anything to them." (to the rest of the class) "Hey when I come back can you tell me if she does anything to them? Thanks."

Me: "Why go through the trouble?"

Woozi: "Because if I don't your the one going to be in trouble. The police is coming and if they catch you beating the living crap out of them they are going to take you away. Not them."

Me: "Whatever. The police better hurry up. We need to go see Dino and Seungkwan."

Woozi: "Yea I hope they are okay... I'll be back."

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