Chapter 8

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*Yoonmin's POV*

It's cold. I'm hungry. I'm tired. I need someone. Someone help me. That was what I was thinking before I blacked out... When I woke up I was in a room on a bed with blankets. I was kind of scared... scratch that I was terrified. I looked around and the room was very dark. I heard someone trying to open the door, so I pretended to still be asleep. I felt something hit my head.

Ren: "Oi. You should wake up now."

I sat up and grabbed what he threw at me. I realized it was my clothes... All of my clothes... AHHHHHHHHH!!!! So embarrassing my underclothes were seen by a hot young guy... GUY! A guy that I didn't know... Someone shoot me right now. I would totally be fine with it. I stuffed my face in the sheets in embarrassment. I heard the guy laugh.

Ren: (laughs) "Are you embarrassed?"

Me: "No duh....." Wait.... "WHO CHANGED ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

Ren: (bursts out laughing) "Oh my god. Don't worry. One of my friend's older sister just happened to come by and we asked her to help you. We had to change your clothes. They were wet, you fell in the snow. By the way what happened?"

Baekho: "Ren. Come eat dinner--- Oh hey she's awake. Are you hungry?"

Me: "YES!"

Baekho: (laughs) "Then come join us."

I ran out of the bed and ran downstairs. This place wasn't that luxury. Actually it was a dump. It seemed like an old storage room that they kind of renovated. But can't complain, it's out of the snow. I found the 'kitchen' area, but stopped right in my tracks. There were 3 other people sitting at the table.

Minhyun: (smiles) "Hey! You woke up! How are you feeling?"

I blushed and looked at the floor.

Me: "I feel fine. Thank you."

Someone hung their arm around my shoulder.

Baekho: "Why are you just standing there? Come and eat!"

I sat down and started to eat. Who cares if I just met them? It's FOOD.

Me: "Is it only just the 5 of you guys that live here?"

Jr.: "Yup."

Me: "How do you guys get by?"

Jr.: "If you haven't noticed this is an old storage room, which means no payment. All of our bills are payed for by our work."

Me: "Work? What work place pays for their employees's bills?"

Jr.: "We'll tell you later... Slow down there is plenty to eat."

Me: "Sorry. It's just been a while since I had a meal."

Jr.: "What's your name? Where do you live? We'll take you home."

I drop my chopsticks and sunk back in my chair. I don't have a home. My home is the orphanage. I ran away from there. Should I tell them? Why not.

Me: "My name's Yoonmin and I don't have a home... I ran away from the orphanage."

Baekho: "oh that's cool... wait WHAT?"

Me: "Hehe... yea... But thanks for dinner. I should leave now."

Baekho: "WAIT. You can't go out in this dark. Plus you are just recovering from a fever. Need I remind you passed out??? Why don't you stay here one more night?" (Looks at his members) "Is that okay with everyone?"

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