Chapter 5

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*3rd Person POV*

Classes were going on as normal and in Yoonmin's class most of the students have fallen asleep. 

Mr. King: "And then Beethoven-"

-Door Slams Open-


All of the students scream and get under their desks.

Mr. King: (hands in the air) "Sir please calm down and lets talk-"

Minhyun: (point his gun at him) "You too old man. Get DOWN!"

Jr.: (walks in) "Yoonmin-ah come out if you don't anyone to get hurt you should just come out."


Jr. grabs a student and puts a knife near is neck.

Jr.: "Yoonmin I know you are somewhere in here so come out before he gets hurt."

*Yoonmin's POV*

Crap. How did they find me?

Jr.: "Yoonmin I know you are somewhere in here so come out before he gets hurt." 

 I look up and see Jr. with Kwangmin in his hold with a knife up against his neck... Well, shit. I gotta do something, so my great mind just told me to stand up and so that is what I did.

Jr.: (smiles) "ahhh found you."

Me: (growls) "Let go of the child"

Jr.: "Only if you cooperate. Child."

Me: "Fine."

I walk over to Jr. and Minhyun as they release Kwangmin, who look scared out of his wits. Poor child.

Me: "Where is dumb, dumber, and dumbest?"

Jr.: "Still looking for you on the lower floors."

Me: "You are so stupid. Why would you tell me that?"

When I got close enough I kicked Minhyun's gun out of his hands and punched Jr. where the sun don't shine. Minhyun and I looked at each other then the gun before he could go after it, I kicked him really hard in the stomach. I grabbed the gun then the knife. Jr. got up and tried to punch me but because of his pain, he was slow so I dodged and he fell. Minhyun and Jr. tried to attack me from either sides of me, but I slipped out of the middle and slammed their heads into each other. They laid unconscious on the floor. I quickly went to my desk and grabbed my phone and called S.Coups.

Me: "Hey S.Coups. Emergency, grab the rest of the Seventeen members and Exo members and come to the school asap."

S.Coups: "Alright I'll grab the Seventeen members, but Exo members went on a mission... actually they should be finishing up soon. I'll call them."

Me: "Alright thanks. Also bring a bunch of rope when you come."

S.Coups: "Why?"

Me: "Just do it."

When I hung up I looked around the classroom. There were terrified faces everywhere. 

Me: "I know that you guys are scared, but please refrain from calling your parents or posting something on the internet until the situation is over. If you call your parents they might come to the school and they are going to be in danger as well. Don't worry. I'll protect you guys."

I turned around and went to the corner and called Vernon. But he wouldn't answer, I called Seungkwan and Dino as well but no answer. I got frustrated and sent a message.

*Text message*


I sighed as I called Vernon once more, but no answer. My phone rang and I picked it up.

Wonwoo: "Yoonmin we're here, where are you?"

Me: "I'm in the music room, second floor, wing D, at the very end."

Before I knew it I saw the Seventeen members.

Me: "Alright we don't have much time until these two wake up. We don't know how many people they brought, so Mingyu, DK, and Hoshi, go downstairs go into all the classrooms and tell everyone not to panic and go into lock down mode. Jun, The8,  and Jeonghan you guys do the same with all the class rooms upstairs. And tell everyone not to call their parents or post anything online, cause if their parents come up to the school, they could be in danger too. Also look for Vernon, Dino, and Seungkwan as well and tell them to help you if you see them. Keep your phones on and report to me once your done. Be careful. Now go." (they leave) "S.Coups the principles office is right in front of the main office by the entrance doors downstairs. Go alert him of the situation. Make sure he doesn't freak out and tell him to go into emergency situation and stay with him. You brought your badge right?"

S.Coups: "Yea I did. Will you be fine here?"

Me: "Yup and I have Wonwoo and Josh to help me. Be careful."

After S.Coups leaves Joshua and Wonwoo turn to me. 

Joshua: "What you want us to do?"

Me: "All we can do right now is tie these guys up and wait."

Wonwoo: "Okay."

We tie up Minhyun and Jr. and sit back down.

Wonwoo: "Should we go help out the other guys?"

I turn around and smile at them.

Me: "Nah they should be fine. Go around the room and make sure the kids aren't posting anything or contacting anyone."

I went to the corner and called Suho. 

~Phone Conversation~

Me: "Where are you guys!"

Suho: "We are almost there. Where are you going to be?"

Me: "Don't find me first. Put me on speaker phone."

Suho: "Alright you can talk."

Me: "When you guys get here. Suho you go help S.Coups in the principle's office, it's by the main entrance in front of the office. Baekhyun, Kai, Sehun, Chanyeol, D.O. go upstairs and find the Seventeen members and ask them if they need any help. Xiumin, Chen, Kris, Tao, Lay, Luhan look for the Seventeen members downstairs. And do the same. Look for any suspicious people and bring them to the music room on the second floor, wing D, at the very end." 

Suho: "Got it. We are at the entrance of the school."

Me: "Great. Be careful and keep your phones on."

Suho: "You got it." 

As I ended the call I sat in front of Minhyun and Jr. waiting for them to wake up. Suddenly the door slammed open and turn around to Vernon, but he wasn't with Dino or Seungkwan. But he wasn't alone as well.

Secret Agent (Exo, Seventeen, Nu'est)Where stories live. Discover now