Chapter 4

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*Yoonmin's POV*

When we got back to base I went straight to the training room. I need to get some stress out. Stress from Ian, stress from the guys, stress from school starting... Three reasons... Which means three hours of training. I look at the time to see it was 9:35 PM. Welp better get started. I started to stretch and warm my body up. As I was stretching I heard the door open then close. I turn around to see Kai walk in. He sits down in the bleachers, but he doesn't say anything.

Me: "What do you need Kai?"

Kai: "You are going to be starting school soon you shouldn't start training at almost 10 at night."

Me: (keeps stretching) "I know school is starting. That doesn't mean that it is going to get in the way of my training."

Kai: "Are you okay?"

Me: "Of course. Why do you ask?"

Kai: "Don't try to dupe me. I know that when you train late at night, it is because you have something on your mind. Training is not the only way to relieve stress. You can talk about it, it will help."

I go and sit down next to him, debating whether to talk to him or not. I sigh as I sit down.

Me: "Kai I thought I had a lead on Ian, but I got no information from that dude. Now I am back to square one. And with this stress, you guys- nevermind."

Kai: "Don't worry just tell me."

Me: "................ You guys are pressuring me to tell everyone else my one weakness. The death of my parents. My dark side whenever Ian is mentioned. I am Seventeen and Exo's captain. I am not supposed to have any weakness." (looks down)

Kai pats my back as I hide my face in embarrassment. It's at times like these where I'm glad Kai stuck out through basic training and decided to become an agent. Even if he was going to quit, and sometimes he, wait no most of the times he is annoying. We are still family. I looked up at him and smiled.

Me: "You're right. Talking does help thanks Kai." (stand up) "Go to sleep Kai, you'll need it." (starts stretching) "But I need to train as much as I can if I can stand up to whatever Ian has planned."

Kai: (stands up) "Alright. Don't stay up too late."

He pats my shoulder as he walks by. When he leaves I start my training, only thing on my mind is getting strong enough to beat Ian.

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

*3rd Person POV*

It was a Monday morning and Yoonmin woke up early. It was her first day of school. First day of senior year. She got ready and looked in the mirror one last time before leaving. She walked through the hallways saying hi to the people she knew.

???: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

She stopped right in her tracks, recognizing that voice. She slowly turned around only to be slammed into a hug.

Yoonmin: "Ya!!!! What are you guys doing here?"

Seungkwan: "We decided to come to school too!"

Vernon: (snorts) "Yea right. Boss just told us to attend school as well."

Yoonmin: "That's great and all but DINO! LET GO!"

Dino: "Whoops swarrry noona."

Yoonmin: "What classes are you guys in?"

Dino: "Well I'm going to the other floor cause I am still a year younger than you guys." (pouts)

Yoonmin: "Awwww Dino, don't be too sad. The kids here are very nice." (turns to Seungkwan and Vernon) "What about you guys?"

Vernon: "I have Environmental Science."

Seungkwan: "I have speech."

Yoonmin: "Well I have music class so I see you guys around. And remember all three of you have fun, make new friends" (lowers her voice) "But ALWAYS keep your guard up. FIGHTING!" (leaves)

They go their separate ways to their classes. Yoonmin was checking her summer music project on her phone and bumped into someone. 

Yoonmin: "oh! I'm so sorry!" (bends down to picek up the stuff they dropped)

Krystal: (disgusted) "Watch were your going bitch."

Yoonmin: (looks up) (picks up her stuff) "Same goes for you" (leaves)

Krystal: (grabs her shoulder) "Pick up my stuff too!"

Yoonmin: (brushes off her arm) "No thanks." (leaves)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*Yoonmin's POV*

It has been a couple of months since Dino, Seungkwan, Vernon and I started school. Exo, Seventeen, and I have only had minor missions, but nothing a couple of us couldn't handle. In other words were are bored af. All we could do was train and wait and wait and wait, only to receive a mission to check out a robbery site or whatever. I decided to take Exo and Seventeen on their offer to help me. I just hope I won't regret it. I mean I love those guys like my family, it's just that after being an agent for so long, you just learn not to trust anyone. Anyways we are still on square one with our search for Ian. Gross, it's the start of the day and I'm already pissed just thinking about him. I brushed off my thoughts and just got ready for my music class after talking with the guys.

Mr. King: "Alright class. Let's get started today. Today we will be learning about the history of classical music, which of course would include the genius composers such as Tchaikovsky, Korsakov, Bach, Beethoven, and many more. Now let's divide our attention to the projectorrrrrrrrrr--------"

After that I kind of just blanked out. I wasn't interested in history, and it was dark in the room cause the teacher was using the projector. So I might have fallen asleep. But that didn't last long. Little did I know what was about to blow up. Well not literally.


Manly Dino in the video... 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 

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