Chapter 25

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“I’m sorry; I’m just in shock right now!” I said still staring at Logan. “Well, I’m really here right now. I came here to take you to prom.” He answered me. “How’d you know? Who told you?” I asked him, giving him a big hug. “A little birdy, or birdies shall I say, told me.” He answered. “Oh my gosh! Wow. I can’t believe you’re actually here.” I said smiling. I was actually really glad to see Logan. He’s saving me from a night of boredom.

“Well, you should believe it. Let me put your corsage on.” He said, holding out the corsage box. Smiling, I gave him my hand. He opened the box and pulled out the white flowers and slid it onto my hand. “I’m sorry, I don’t have the one I put on your suit. I wasn’t expecting to have a date.” I apologized. “You mean this?” he said, pulling out another box. “Wow, yes! You came prepared! Thank you so much!” I said, taking the box and putting his flower on.

During this whole process of exchanging flowers, my parents were snapping all kinds of pictures of us. “Enough talking, poise! I need more pictures.” My mom demanded. “You stand in front of him and you wrap your hands around her.” She instructed us. We willingly obeyed and they snapped more pictures. “The rest of the group is outside. Let’s go.” Logan said to me after several more pictures. We all headed outside and I saw everyone in our group waiting in our driveway.

“Ya’ll are getting better at being sneaky!” I said when I approached them. I saw Beth in her purple dress and Clark in his black suit with his purple tie. Then there was Sierra in her red dress and Zach in his suit, followed by Megan in her blue dress with Kevin. I went up to everyone and gave them all hugs. After we greeted each other, my parents began lining us up for more pictures.

Several clicks and flashes later, we finally loaded into the limo and begun our prom night. In the limo, we were seated with us girls on one side and the boys on the other. “I can’t believe ya’ll convinced Logan to be my date! How’d ya’ll even get his number?” I asked them. “We didn’t want you to feel all sad and stuff so we looked for a date for you and we thought of him as a second option to he who shall not be named.” Sierra answered. “Yeah, and plus, just cause you and he who shall not be named don’t talk anymore doesn’t mean we don’t talk to him, on occasion.” Beth continued. “And it didn’t hurt that I already had Logan’s number in my phone.” Megan added. “So, we called him up and told him almost everything and he said he’d be happy to take you.” Sierra finished. I couldn’t help but smile at all the trouble my friends went through just to make sure I’d have a good time at prom. “Have I ever told ya’ll how much I loved ya’ll?” I said, my eyes beginning to tear up. “Nah, but its okay, cause we already know.” Sierra answered. “Don’t start tearing up now girl! Ain’t nobody got time to be messing up their makeup.” Megan said, noticing my watery eyes. “I know, but it’s just I imagined this night so differently, but you’re right. Ain’t nobody got time to be messing up their makeup.” I laughed. Maybe tonight would be a good night.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

“So Elena, how are you feeling right now?” Logan asked me after our waiter took our orders and everyone began chatting. “Honestly, I’m alright. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m really grateful that you’re here with me but I imagined this night to be different.” I replied honestly. “Did you imagine this night with James?” he asked me bluntly. “Yeah. I shouldn’t be thinking about him but I can’t help it.” I answered. “So what exactly happened? Your friends told me most of the story but what exactly happened. He asked me. “A lot of stuff. I just got tired of waiting around for him to realize how I felt about him. I know I’ve made some mistakes too but I don’t know what to do. I should have told him straight up that I like him but I was just……I don’t even know.” I answered, sighing. “So, you still like him?” he asked me. I just simply nodded.

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