Hunting Hunter [Boy x Man] (Chapter 24)

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Okay, so my computer is broke n_n" I know, "WAY TO GO RICHIE D:< THIS IS LIKE THE FIFTH LAPTOP YOU'VE OWNED JUST IN STARTING THIS STORY!". Yep. I know.... xD But the good news is that I have a new one (again) :D So writing shall continue forth!


Chapter Twenty-Four

My name is Ethan Stein. Well, actually it's Sean Ethan Stein the fourth.... But I hate that name for reasons that I'll explain later. 

To start my story, you need to understand my parents relationship... Because I think that's the main reason I'm in this mess to begin with.

You know that old man that owns this mansion? Grandfather? That's my mother's father... Yeah, I'm actually born into this life. 

My mother travelled to America when she was thirteen, because Grandfather wasn't ready to give her up yet for marriage, but the man who was arranged to marry her was getting impatient. Grandfather thought she was too young for a man, so he sent her there, claiming she was in a foreign exchange student program. Really though it was just a cover up, so even if her future husband wanted her, he would have to go through the trouble of locating her there, and causing a big riot before he could take her. To America she was sent.

To me, it's weird to think of my mother as a normal girl, just as it's probably difficult for any child to think that way. A girl who was so excited to learn, to make friends, to have a future with kids that'll be her own.... It's just so weird to me after everything our family had been through... It's weird to think that a girl like that could end up with someone who you'd would call my father...

Sean, the man who helped create me, was the complete opposite. He was fifteen, and already had a kid of his own. He was such a terrible father... He never went to school, didn't have a job... Hell, he was homeless. He just bounced from house to house every night. 

It was ironic how they met... They were just happening to be in the same class room one day, and Sean had overheard my mother speaking with her German accent... Well the reason why it's ironic, is because Sean was German as well. He struck up a conversation with her in German, and they instantly began talking, then dating.

Everyone warned her that he was such a bad person, that she shouldn't get caught up in him, but I guess when you meet a bad boy, you just can't resist him. 

I don't know how long they were dating, but I don't think it was that long before Sean had knocked my mom up... With twins. Shakira and I, if I really need to get specific. 

This time, I guess he was excited to be a father... I don't know, everyone makes it sound like he had been so prepared, but if he really had been, I don't think things would have happened the way they had.

Well my mom kept it a secret from my Grandfather. She knew the minute she told him, she'd be forced to hop back onto a plane, and probably get an abortion. So badly she wanted to stay in America to give birth to her kids with the man who created them...

I was told it was a normal pregnancy, and Shakira and I were born without any serious difficulties.

Well..... There was one....

I was a sickly child. I actually spent about the first year of my birth being constantly in the hospital. Finally, the hospital had determined I had Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome... Which, simply put, meant I didn't have an immune system. I needed a transplant, but the doctors weren't sure if it would actually do anything....

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