Chapter 7: Gone

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*Jean's POV*

Blood. The crimson liquid, the color I was only used to seeing in wine. Something I wouldn't expect to see in such a cruel situation. Now, its all over the corpses that lie helplessly at my feet. I stared with utter grief at the unbearable sight. The worst part was...that this wasn't the worst part.

One second, we were the average teenagers and the biggest problem in our lives was math and the trouble of getting a date at prom. Next thing we know we had to kill the three people we trusted in the past. They were responsible for all this. All this destruction. All this death. All this misery. I felt stupid that I used to see them as my friends.

Most of my friends were here, too. Probably thinking the same thing. Faces filled with fear and regret. A lot of our other friends were killed during the explosion, or maybe assassinated. Other escaped or deported.

I still remember everything that happened. Those terrifying memories. Filled with death, as if I was living as a soldier. Only I wasn't used to all this death. Blood, fire, the sound of a gunshot. Its not the things a normal teenager would normally see out on the streets, but things were anything but normal here in shiganshina. Everything's destroyed, the place we call home is in ruins. What's worse is what happened.

*time lapse*

"Miss Zoë, where are we going?" Mikasa asked while we were all being dragged to our teacher's office.

"You'll find out when we get there alright?" she a serious tone. That's weird. Its not like her to act so serious all of a sudden. Something must've happened.

"Hey Hange, are you alright?" Petra tried calling her down a bit.

"I'm fine." Hange sighed in response, "There's just a few things we need to talk to you about."

"Why am I being dragged in to this...?" Armin worriedly sighed as his blonde hair covered his blue eyes.

We finally arrived at Hange's office. Hange let us go and left by slamming the door shut. We were only confused at what just happened. We were having math class when Hange told me, Marco, Mikasa, Armin and Petra to come with her to her office.

"You're probably wondering why Hange called you to come here." said a familiar voice. I snapped out of my thoughts to realize it was Erwin. But wait...Connie's here too?

"Connie? What're you doing here?" Armin raised an eyebrow.

"Erwin has something to talk about." was his response.

"Its about your friends. Braun, Hoover and Leonhardt."

Mikasa's eyes widened, "Wh-What do they have to with this, sir?"

"I've been observing those three lately. They've been skipping school for the past two weeks. And when they are at school, they ditch classes."

"And they haven't been caught yet...?" I asked.

"That's not the problem. Like I said, I've been observing them. They would always meet in Reiner's house along with other unknown associates. Sometimes they come to school to balance their attendance, but they still ditch classes to have those meetings. I wasn't able to hear much from them, all I heard was Reiner complaining to Ms. Leonhardt to why they're still attending school. He also said there isn't much time before this place blows up anyways...."

My lips parted to what Erwin has just explained. That's impossible. Sure, it would be legit if that new girl Annie would be up to this, considering the fact she's pretty dark and mysterious. But we've known Reiner and Bertholdt for years, there's no way they would even think of doing such a thing.

What is love? (Jean x Marco and Levi x Petra)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora